Pentagon releases UFO footage

It won’t matter how much logic and rational explanations you post, Pottsey thinks they are UAPs that “swarmed” a US Navy fleet and did strange things no human made aircraft can do. I mean that video clearly shows a craft sedately flying along in a straight line and it has weird jutty out bits at the front. Nobody can tell me that’s human made.
Its not a matter of think at this point. Its a matter of fact that UAPs swarmed some navy ships over of period of weeks. There was a high-level investigating by the navy and they are saying the same thing as me that the UAP swarm was not planes. The logical and rational explanation is the UAP swam happened and are unmanned drones which are not of a commercial public type. Anyone saying the swarm event are planes are the ones not following logic or rational explanations.

Posting a video that isn’t part of the UAP swarm doesn’t disprove the UAP swarm event.

Sometimes I think you guys are as bad as the Ufologists. It doesn’t matter how many facts logic and rational explanations you get. You ignore it all and stick to planes, dust, birds nonsense. Saying the swarm UAPs are planes is as bad as saying they are aliens. Based on current data the UFOs from this event are 100% not planes or aliens.
Sometimes I think you guys are as bad as the Ufologists. It doesn’t matter how many facts logic and rational explanations you get. You ignore it all and stick to planes, dust, birds nonsense. Saying the swarm UAPs are planes is as bad as saying they are aliens. Based on current data the UFOs from this event are 100% not planes or aliens.

Eh lol?

You provided a shedload of stuff, I looked at it, saw a video of a plane, a description matching that of the lights of a plane, and concluded that it was most likely a plane.*

Don't now blame me, for simply coming to a sane, simple explanation for what probably is a simple, unremarkable series of events, hyped up by a bunch of vacuous journalists - who can say pretty much anything they like..

You're the one making all these outlandish claims, the onus is on you to provide the actual evidence, if you can't - then don't blame everybody else for not being fooled so easily.

*Also based on the fact this all occured off the US West coast in close proximity to LAX and SAN, extremely busy areas of aerospace.....
Garry Nolan has spoken to whistle blowers who are about to come out regarding hidden crash retrieval programs. This supports the rumours that Congress has 'found' the crash retrieval program. There are closed session hearings happening, it seems thing are moving at a pace in the background and we're close to some sort of disclosure. Can't quite believe what I'm typing.

This podcast that came out this morning with Ross Coulthart and Jay from 'Project Unity' is quite incredible. Unless this is some CI operation, it seems we're very close to finding out we're not alone.

A couple of articles for those who still don't see the Zeitgeist is about to change.

Congress serious about non-human explanation:

Harvard University launch their hardware to try and capture UAP data

NASA going "full force" on UAP study:

Either there is a mass delusion among our institutions, or we might have to entertain the phenomenon is real. It can't be both...
Hmmm, it does makes you wonder actually. The Roswell crash and all related activity happened after humans first detonated Atomic bombs. Did this draw the attention to us? Are they Among Us?

Is it any coincidence that we have so many people in positions of power, who many doubt are actually human (even their 'human suits' aren't truly convincing to some due to odd colour or hair). Many of them claim to have been born in the years immediately following the Second World War.

All these new revelations about the potential truth of Alien existence are coming out now but will drowned out by the antics of one of the very suspects of the above profile - Donald Trump D.O.B 1946 :p.
I've just read those articles, and it's some spin to put that all together and come up with genuine concern of aliens.

1. NASA are spending 'no more than $100,000' on a study, which considering peoples inability to even interpret the data in the pentagon videos accuratetely might just side with the debunkers on many of the cases.. $100K is not a lot.
2. Congress wanting to make more concrete definitions seems an extension of the UAP hearing where they pushed this narrative of 'concerns of national safety', 'Defying physics', 'Advaned technologies' and seemed disappointed with the answers of 'not much to see'.. It's the same people that think the Pentagon videos are proof of Aliens keep pushing this hoiping for some big reveal, I predict they will continue to be disappointed.
3. The gallileo project is part of the normal SETI/METI and other activites which are looking always for extra terrestiral life and civilisations, this seems a continuation of what they've been doing for year.

i.e. it could be something, it could be business as usual, I'm not getting the 'significant' side of things, other than pandering to the uneducated.
Hmmm, it does makes you wonder actually. The Roswell crash and all related activity happened after humans first detonated Atomic bombs. Did this draw the attention to us? Are they Among Us?

Is it any coincidence that we have so many people in positions of power, who many doubt are actually human (even their 'human suits' aren't truly convincing to some due to odd colour or hair). Many of them claim to have been born in the years immediately following the Second World War.

All these new revelations about the potential truth of Alien existence are coming out now but will drowned out by the antics of one of the very suspects of the above profile - Donald Trump D.O.B 1946 :p.
oh god, please please please let this be a joke post!!
I always get nervous, when I look at these articles and discover that the people at the heart of this "research" or the ones writing the articles seem to all be selling books about flying saucers and/or aliens.

Avi Loeb; (running the Galileo project) article written by Mike Wall;

Of course, the fact that these people write books about flying saucers/aliens doesn't disprove what they're saying, but when they stand to gain financially from talking/writing about these subjects, I can't help but take their claims with a pinch boulder of salt.

1. NASA are spending 'no more than $100,000' on a study, which considering peoples inability to even interpret the data in the pentagon videos accuratetely might just side with the debunkers on many of the cases.. $100K is not a lot.

Yeah I saw that too, $100k is like "no money at all" for companies like NASA lol, I imagine they spend 50x that on hotels and employee expenses each year.
The NASA 100k is kick-off money to get a program started. It is not the long term budget.

Lets think about this realistically...

Lets just suppose that the people writing these articles are correct; there are "UAPs" using some sort of unknown/exotic technology which are able to do things which are frankly no different than magic and they really are there.

Swarming Navy ships, flying in and out of water at impossible speeds, exhibiting anit-gravity technology, teleportation and propulsion systems which can't theoretically exist, but they are there - senior government and defense officials know they're there.

I'm pretty sure, that if I was running the show for the US defense that, I'd be wanting my hands on that tech at absolutely all costs. I'd be signing off budgets for billions and trillions of dollars like it's nothing, in order to get my hands on it and get it going, the cost of Covid would be a drop in the ocean compared to me getting this.

F35 fighter jet program - costs of around $2T over 20 years, would be amateur hour - compared to getting my hands on and understanding the tech that can power a flying saucer, both in terms of research and costs and ultimately to develop a prototype.

The US doesn't **** around with building things, or innovating new technology - if it can give them an edge, they'll exploit the hell out of it as fast as possible - need $10Bn dollars to spin up some extra research? No problem; it's approved - don't even bother asking next time.

It just doesn't add up, people are foaming about the government "finally taking this seriously" and "it's all about to come out" so they spin up a tiny department without even enough money for a single person's full time salary.... I mean it just doesn't add up, other than they're doing it as a symbolic gesture to get them all to shut up and leave them alone, so they can focus on Ukraine and China...
Lets think about this realistically...

Lets just suppose that the people writing these articles are correct; there are "UAPs" using some sort of unknown/exotic technology which are able to do things which are frankly no different than magic and they really are there.

Swarming Navy ships, flying in and out of water at impossible speeds, exhibiting anit-gravity technology, teleportation and propulsion systems which can't theoretically exist, but they are there - senior government and defense officials know they're there.

I'm pretty sure, that if I was running the show for the US defense that, I'd be wanting my hands on that tech at absolutely all costs. I'd be signing off budgets for billions and trillions of dollars like it's nothing, in order to get my hands on it and get it going, the cost of Covid would be a drop in the ocean compared to me getting this.

F35 fighter jet program - costs of around $2T over 20 years, would be amateur hour - compared to getting my hands on and understanding the tech that can power a flying saucer, both in terms of research and costs and ultimately to develop a prototype.

The US doesn't **** around with building things, or innovating new technology - if it can give them an edge, they'll exploit the hell out of it as fast as possible - need $10Bn dollars to spin up some extra research? No problem; it's approved - don't even bother asking next time.

It just doesn't add up, people are foaming about the government "finally taking this seriously" and "it's all about to come out" so they spin up a tiny department without even enough money for a single person's full time salary.... I mean it just doesn't add up, other than they're doing it as a symbolic gesture to get them all to shut up and leave them alone, so they can focus on Ukraine and China...

I'd suggest that $100k for NASA isn't the actual money being spent on this project if they believe there's some advanced technology in the skies. I'd also suggest that the project would be one conducted by the CIA in conjunction with Lockheed Martin/Skunk Works and we would hear absolutely nothing about it.
It just doesn't add up, people are foaming about the government "finally taking this seriously" and "it's all about to come out" so they spin up a tiny department without even enough money for a single person's full time salary....

Is it not NASA stumping up the $100k for research and a study into UAP's, not the US government?

I imagine if the US government (and/or various defence arms of the government) is researching UAP's and/or developing "exotic" technologies, then that budget will vastly exceed what NASA is offering and no doubt be hidden away in the books like past "black" programs.
I'm pretty sure, that if I was running the show for the US defense that, I'd be wanting my hands on that tech at absolutely all costs. I'd be signing off budgets for billions and trillions of dollars like it's nothing, in order to get my hands on it and get it going, the cost of Covid would be a drop in the ocean compared to me getting this.

100%, if they thought there was anything in it billions would be thrown at it.
$100k, is roughly 0.0004% of NASAs annual budget ($22.6Bn)

So I don't think it really matters who's stumping up the money, because it only amounts to "chump change"
But what NASA is throwing in for a single study has little bearing on what the US government, and it's various defence and "black" program arms, is doing or what they're spending on r&d into UAP's, connected technologies etc - the US government could be spending zilch or billions/trillions, we don't know. If the US government is throwing lots of cash at it then it's highly unlikely they'll make it public, no different to any other nation with it's programs, by suddenly throwing NASA a load of cash, rather (as said) it'll be hidden in the books.
If the US government is throwing lots of cash at it then it's highly unlikely they'll make it public


In government spending, it's all public money - every dollar has to be accounted for and it does this in the budget each year. The idea that the government could secretly be spending billions or trillions of dollars and nobody would notice, is just silly - they have a lot of money, but it all has to be accounted for - you can't just hide that amount of money.

It also creates another problem, if you're spending billions of dollars on a secret "exotic technology" involving flying saucers, that implies that thousands and thousands of the worlds cleverest people, universities and tech companies would be working on it (for obvious reasons)... Next you're going to tell me in this day and age - that nobody would talk, nobody would sell their story, or leak a video of it working - every single person's lips remains sealed?

Government officials can't even have an affair, or commit basic tax fraud without it being in the news the next day, how the heck do you expect them to be able to contain this sort of thing?
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