Its not a matter of think at this point. Its a matter of fact that UAPs swarmed some navy ships over of period of weeks. There was a high-level investigating by the navy and they are saying the same thing as me that the UAP swarm was not planes. The logical and rational explanation is the UAP swam happened and are unmanned drones which are not of a commercial public type. Anyone saying the swarm event are planes are the ones not following logic or rational explanations.It won’t matter how much logic and rational explanations you post, Pottsey thinks they are UAPs that “swarmed” a US Navy fleet and did strange things no human made aircraft can do. I mean that video clearly shows a craft sedately flying along in a straight line and it has weird jutty out bits at the front. Nobody can tell me that’s human made.
Posting a video that isn’t part of the UAP swarm doesn’t disprove the UAP swarm event.
Sometimes I think you guys are as bad as the Ufologists. It doesn’t matter how many facts logic and rational explanations you get. You ignore it all and stick to planes, dust, birds nonsense. Saying the swarm UAPs are planes is as bad as saying they are aliens. Based on current data the UFOs from this event are 100% not planes or aliens.