Uri getting in on the act, surprised he's not claimed to have been probed by aliens yet..
It is unidentified because you can't tell WTF that blurry, pixellated mess is.Dozens of TikTok, Reddit, and YouTube users reported a Mars Attacks-like onslaught against the Las Vegas Strip over the Christmas weekend.
Dozens of TikTok, Reddit, and YouTube users reported a Mars Attacks-like onslaught against the Las Vegas Strip over the Christmas weekend.
The US National Intelligence office is now aware of 510 reported sightings, an increase over the 144 compiled in the spy agency's first 2021 assessment.
Nearly half of the new sightings were deemed "unremarkable" and attributed to human origins, according to the report.
However, more than 100 of the encounters remain unexplained.
The report says that encounters with UFOs - which the government calls Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) - continue "to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety" and national security.
Of the 366 new reports, 26 were determined to be drones, 163 were balloons and six aerial objects were attributed to clutter.
Some of those reports could have predated wide spread drone usage and I believe some of the 171 remaining unidentified (UFO's) could be drones but without enough data to identify them as such.UFO reports by US troops skyrocket to over 500
The number of encounters has climbed from the 144 compiled by a top US spy agency in its 2021 report.www.bbc.co.uk
I'm surprised only 26 were drones
It's not fake, not CGI... However it was debunked pretty quickly as lights from buildings below reflecting off the clouds iirc.The sapphire hotel footage.
The lights do not light up the craft itself. Totally fake.
Also the same footage over and and over, no footage from a block away or two blocks, no extra footage from clearly thousands who would see this?
Utterly fake.
A new solution to the Fermi Paradox is presented: probes or visits from putative alien civilizations have a very low probability until a civilization reaches a certain age (called the "Contact Era") after the onset of radio communications. If biotic planets are common, putative advanced civilizations may send probes not to any planet showing biosignatures, but rather to planets with technosignatures, such as radio broadcasts. The contact probability is defined as the chance to find a nearby civilization located close enough so that it could have detected the earliest radio emissions (the "radiosphere") and sent a probe that would reach the solar system at present. It is found that the current contact probability for Earth is very low unless civilizations are extremely abundant. Since the radiosphere expands with time, so does the contact probability. The Contact Era is defined as the time (since the onset of radio transmissions) at which the contact probability becomes of order unity. At that time alien probes (or messages) become more likely. Unless civilizations are highly abundant, the Contact Era is shown to be of the order of a few hundred to a few thousand years and may be applied not only to physical probes but also to transmissions (i.e., search for extraterrestrial intelligence). Consequently, it is shown that civilizations are unlikely to be able to intercommunicate unless their communicative lifetime is at least a few thousand years.
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TLDR we're too young, we've basically been communicative for barely a second in the grand scale of the universe
Man, this Chinese tech is pretty impressive.
Pentagon says it is monitoring Chinese spy balloon spotted flying over US
Officials say balloon has been watched for a few days but decided not to shoot it down for safety reasonswww.theguardian.com
I guess we can add 'it was a spy balloon' to the list of things it might be.