Pentagon releases UFO footage

All so blurred but yet that so called Chinese weather balloon at 60,000ft and fighter jet at 58,000ft can be seen as clear as day from a camera. Another one that dont sound right.
All so blurred but yet that so called Chinese weather balloon at 60,000ft and fighter jet at 58,000ft can be seen as clear as day from a camera. Another one that dont sound right.
What do you mean? All the videos I have seen of the weather balloon are just like the UFO videos. I hardly call this clear as day from a mobile phone camera. If anything its just like the many UFO videos and photos that video is just like the UFO videos and this is a very slow moving object compared to a UFO/Jet Fighter.

If phones take this poor quality video of a slow weather balloon how do you expect them to capture faster flying jet fighters and/or UFO's.

EDIT: Another one as an example.
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It’s a bit odd that the BBC website states it was travelling at 20-40 mph. The wind at the altitude it was reported at is generally much higher than that.
Whats interesting is that the US has been quick to shoot down these objects once they are over water but not attempt to shoot down UAPS as identified in the released in last years UAP video footage, which suggests the Government really believes the UAPS are in fact alien technology
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