Pentagon releases UFO footage

The absolute hypocrisy is comical!

What hypocrisy, I have always believed there is something out there, I don't believe they have ever come to Earth.
You find one post where I have said I do not believe in Aliens.

Good grief, the times I have quoted the Fermi Paradox proves I believe.

I want an apology for that please.
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What hypocrisy
You've literally spent the last few pages attacking skipper's beliefs.

Exactly, you don't believe in Aliens but I do, they are somewhere out there.
If you don't believe then that is fine because just like God none of us can prove one way or the other.

Oh you've changed your words what I was replying to.

I've been asking Skipper what his beliefs are but he won't tell us, please go back and read.
I can't attack his beliefs because he won't tell us.
It isn't that hard to follow a thread.
I haven't even attacked his belief in Project Blue Beam because ..............
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I read it as:

"...I accept your belief" (as valid, for you).

Certainly, it seemed implied. In which case, no hypocrisy occurred.
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Yes but none of us can prove one way or another, I believe, he doesn't, you can't even argue about it.

Iirc correctly it was Stephen Hawking who first said it would be shocking if no other life existed in the Universe. I agree with that. And sure, usual scientific rules of evidence apply.
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Who says I don't believe in aliens? I was just posting a funny gif until Mr dimple made his inference that I didn't believe yet instantly accepted it as my belief... ironic after all the previous posts bullying skipper.

Edit: maybe 'hypocrisy' was the wrong word, my bad.
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Man, I never thought a thread on flying saucers, would result in somebody having some sort of visible stroke through their keyboard.

I think @skipper847 has triggered some sort of volatile critical mass of skeptic vs lunatic, and we're all gonna get sucked into the whirlpool.
Who says I don't believe in aliens? I was just posting a funny gif until Mr dimple made his inference that I didn't believe yet instantly accepted it as my belief... ironic after all the previous posts bullying skipper.

Edit: maybe 'hypocrisy' was the wrong word, my bad.

I was taking the pee. You made it look like I was an hypocrite and I didn't believe in Aliens when I 100% believe there has got to be something out there.

I also at no time in this thread attacked Skipper's beliefs because I haven't got a clue what they are, he won't tell us.
I have bullied him into telling us but he won't.
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