Pentagon releases UFO footage

You only want to hear one thing.
Like all your other statements we have no clue what you are talking about. What is it you think we want to hear?

Its not our fault you got fooled into thinking a TV script was real life and what you predicted seems to be based off a TV script for a Sci Fi Show. This is a thread about UFO's so either share what you are trying to say about UFO's or please leave. You have been given ample chance to explain your self and be heard and the failing at that falls 100% with you. So don't try to blame other people for your fault.
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Like all your other statements we have no clue what you are talking about. What is it you think we want to hear?

Its not our fault you got fooled into thinking a TV script was real life and what you predicted seems to be based off a TV script for a Sci Fi Show. This is a thread about UFO's so either share what you are trying to say about UFO's or please leave. You have been given ample chance to explain your self and be heard and the failing at that falls 100% with you. So don't try to blame other people for your fault.

I think its a TV script and its real?. I think you got it wrong way round. Amazing that i said ages on here that UFO be next. Its not my fault you missed that post but im not the fool thinking everything is real what the gov and media are saying far from it. The media are showing what the gov whats us to no that it. I dont no where you got that from to be honest. Yes i said project blue beam or what ever its called be next but not with all religious mumbo Jumbo that comes with it and look what happening this is just the start with releasing UFO documents and balloons as said all tied together and the people will believe every word.

What i mean is you only want to here or see what you want and your views been voiced back any other view you try and twist like you been doing. Again i think you are digging too deep into my comments to be honest. Dont no if you are trolling or trying to wind me up.
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I think its a TV script and its real
You seem to be following the Project blue beam handbook and your predictions of what is coming seems to be based off the lists in Project bluebeam. The problem is that is based of a TV script for a Sci Fri show. So yes you seem to be looking at a TV script and acting like the TV script is real.

You clearly talked about Project blue beam and acted like Project Blue beam is real and acted like your predictions of what is coming next are correct. So how do you explain that if project Bluebeam is a TV script for a sci fi show?

“Its not my fault you missed that post but im not the fool thinking everything is real what the gov and media are saying far from it.”
It is your fault as I explained to you that I was not around for your posts. Instead of explaining what I missed you told me I had memory problems. Also I looked back and cannot find the posts so I have doubts you are telling the truth based on your recent actions. Of course, not everything the media and governments say is real. The problem is you seem to think a lot of what is real is made up and things that are made up you are thinking are real. What you are doing is just as bad if not worse than the people who blindly believe everything is real.

“What i mean is you only want to here or see what you want and your views been voiced back any other view you try and twist like you been doing. Again i think you are digging too deep into my comments to be honest. Dont no if you are trolling or trying to wind me up.”
Why do you keep spreading that lie? You know that is not true from the other threads we talked in. You seem to have a batch of one liners like this that you use over and over again to avoid looking at what you got wrong. Stop blaming everyone else and do some self-reflection. Have you stopped to think that perhaps the reason so many people disagree with you is because you have it wrong and they have it right?

You know I don’t only want to here or see what I want and I never twisted any views. You are the one that has twisted views time and time again. When I was unclear on what you meant I didn’t twist what you said. I asked you to clarify and you refused. So the blame is clearly with you.

“What “Again i think you are digging too deep into my comments to be honest" You are just making up a fake narrative.”
This is a good example. Every time someone says something you don’t like you create a fake narrative to write off what they are saying. I think you are only saying this as a deflection to avoid self-refection. Have you stopped to consider you are digging to deep into everyone else comments and all these things you are seeing and complaining about are made up in you head and not real? That’s the real reason no one else can see them and only you can. What is it that is just the start and what is going to happen next as you are acting like you know.

“Look what happening this is just the start with releasing UFO documents and balloons as said all tied together and the people will believe every word.”
What is happening, how is it all tried together and what is it that people are believing ever word? You are acting like you know something but you have never said what it is.
You never once explained and then as soon as anyone asks you the response is. Either we are digging to much into your comments, or we are making something of nothing, or we have memory problems or we are trolling or winding you up. Do you not see what you are doing? Sounds familiar?
You keep telling me to look and I am not seeing anything. Then I ask you to explain what I am not seeing and you twist my words. How about for a change you explain what it is I missed?
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As said im done with you.
You do realize you just proved what I was saying about you is right? I guess you did not like the fact the project you think is real turned out to be a TV script for a Sci Fi show. All your real life predictions seem to be based off a TV script for a Sci Fi Show. I bet you still think Project bluebeam is real life!
Jesus wept what is happening in this thread? :confused:
Skipper847 has been posting over multiple threads and well the short version as far as I can put it together goes something like Skipper847 reads a UFO report on Project Blue Beam and made a bunch of predictions on what is happening in the world based on this report and acted like he has some special knowledge boasting about how he got it all right and its all happening as he said it would.

All without realizing that project Bluebeam was based on a TV script written by Gene Roddenberry for Star Trek. Then SKipper847 dug a deeper and deeper hole blaming everyone around him because you know COVID isn't real, UFOs are all theatre that all the world governments are secretly working together to pretend are real as per Project Bluebeam task lists ( Step 4 in Project Blue Beam is for the Governments to put out fake UFO documents and fake world wide UFO sightings) This is including the Russians and North Korans who are part of this world government. The current wars are a smoke screen and fake along with COVID is more theatre and not real all to achieve project Bluebeams goals. I believe that is just about what SKipper847 has been saying over the multiple threads. EDIT: I forgot, SKipper847 also thinks I am not real and when I talk to SexyGreyFox I am talking to myself or something.
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Skipper847 has been posting over multiple threads and well the short version as far as I can put it together goes something like Skipper847 reads a UFO report on Project Blue Beam and made a bunch of predictions on what is happening in the world based on this report and acted like he has some special knowledge boasting about how he got it all right and its all happening as he said it would.

All without realizing that project Bluebeam was based on a TV script written by Gene Roddenberry for Star Trek. Then SKipper847 dug a deeper and deeper hole blaming everyone around him because you know COVID isn't real, UFOs are all theatre that all the world governments are secretly working together to pretend are real as per Project Bluebeam task lists ( Step 4 in Project Blue Beam is for the Governments to put out fake UFO documents and fake world wide UFO sightings) This is including the Russians and North Korans who are part of this world government. The current wars are a smoke screen and fake along with COVID is more theatre and not real all to achieve project Bluebeams goals. I believe that is just about what SKipper847 has been saying over the multiple threads. EDIT: I forgot, SKipper847 also thinks I am not real and when I talk to SexyGreyFox I am talking to myself or something.
Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that I knew he believed in Project Blue Beam - I almost feel bad for him now. :(
Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that I knew he believed in Project Blue Beam - I almost feel bad for him now. :(
Its the same person as in other topics trying to make something out of nothing and now someone else is joining in with similar comments as him. Just look at @SexyGreyFox other topics he done the same. They are trying to cause trouble only wanting to hear same comments what they post if you have different they try and make out you are not making sense. Again same person blowing things up its not me. No i dont think Project Bluebeam, blue book what ever it is called is real i just use those names as i no most no the idea what it is.

I never even knew it came with religious beliefs all i no is that it comes with fake UFO sightings reports which is happening now. Then the public will start seeing strange shapes and lights in the sky. Call it the 21st century Orson wells but on a much bigger scale and better tech to fool the mass.
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Its the same person as in other topics trying to make something out of nothing and now someone else is joining in with similar comments as him. Just look at @SexyGreyFox other topics he done the same. They are trying to cause trouble only wanting to hear same comments what they post if you have different they try and make out you are not making sense. Again same person blowing things up its not me.

I'm going to bite here. My advice is to ignore Dimple SGF when it comes to discussions on aliens. He is a hardened believer of the idea that they don't exist, have never visited Earth etc etc, in spite of the fact that he's watched more alien documentaries than you've had hot dinners. So I'd just leave it, if I were you. Knowing when not to reply to someone is a good skill in this place.
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Yeh, it gets to a point where continuing to press someone to explain their stance borders on intellectual bullying - it's quite obvious this particular discussion should have ended many posts ago. Let people be.
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Its the same person as in other topics trying to make something out of nothing and now someone else is joining in with similar comments as him. Just look at @SexyGreyFox other topics he done the same.

I have only ever asked you to explain your views because I really can't get to the bottom of what you actually believe but you post and run.
Many have asked you to verify but you then become a victim.

I'm going to bite here. My advice is to ignore Dimple SGF when it comes to discussions on aliens. He is a hardened believer of the idea that they don't exist,

Aliens must exist, the Universe is too big for some other life not to exist.
It is probably abundant and where life can find a way it probably will.
Do I believe there have ever been other intelligent Aliens? - Probably but they existed at a completely different time than us (Fermi Paradox) and too far away to ever make contact.
Do I believe they have ever been to Earth? - No but Panspermia might have bought unintelligent life here.
I might even have 1% of me wanting to believe that one Alien race may have visited us in the far past but not on the scale of the underground headquarters in Men In Black where there are 1000s of different Alien Races.

Hope that clears it up.
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