Pentagon releases UFO footage

It might be, but it's a perfectly reasonable conclusion. Any highly developed species of great intelligence will have a natural curiosity about the rest of the universe and its inhabitants. Even animals on our own planet are known to explore new areas out of curiosity and need. It would be foolish to assume that aliens are so different to us that they would never behave as we do.

If they were only watching from a distance, they wouldn't be landing here, as people like Bob Lazar claim. So the alien people need to get their story straight. Are the aliens landing, or are they keeping their distance? Why, or why not? What is their motivation?

They might live in a solar system where they've already exhausted all the resources of other planets and moons. Or they might have a shortage of a particular resource that's difficult to find, like water. Or they may be facing environmental catastrophe on their own planet, as we are. Or they might simply be looking to trade with us.

Whatever the case, any suggestion that highly intelligent inter-stellar capable aliens are visiting this planet regularly but refusing to make contact, is utterly absurd and fails logically at every step.
But its not utterly absurd or fails any logical at every step. There are 101 reasons why they might want to watch us but not directly contact us. Great intelligence does not mean natural curiosity. Plenty of humans on the upper end of the intelligence spectrum are shutoff hermits who don't have curiosity and don't want to interact with other people living inside there area of focus. What if Aliens are extremely introverted just one of many examples. I am not saying its impossible for aliens to act like we do but there very nature is alien which means its possible if they are real they wont be like us and wont behave or have desires in the same way as us.
Saving some of these posts for years down the line when contact is made. Whether that contact is artificial or biological who knows, but it will be contact in our lifetimes nonetheless.
Bold claim, and I hope you are right, many people would love confirmed contact with some other lifeform in the universe.. I'd settle for simple detection of a technologically advanced race that are just eminating RF, i.e. not deliberately communiucating, but we at least can see we are not alone..

Sadly I don't think it'll be in our lifetimes, or more over, the probability of this infinitessimal time slice of our existance being the time slice we detect something is only more probably due to advances in technology, but in our lifetime, would it have advanced enough to have detected any form of intelligent life, I sadly suspect not.

I’m not sure what it is but something about him in this interview feels a bit off

Look at the media hysterics over the green triangles and all the hoo-hah around that, and the congress hearings and everything that went along with those UAP video releases, and immediately it was in the public domain, many people immediately proved it was a simple triangular iris causing the triangual visual effect and other plausible explanations for other videos..

The entire UAP program seems administrative with non technical numpties and so I can see how people might 'believe' there is various proof of items of alien origin, but these need releasing to the scientific community to actually do some science on.. I've mentioned Avi Loeb, I like his slant.. he wants to believe but will apply scientific method to things and so far he's been very disappointed..
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But its not utterly absurd or fails any logical at every step. There are 101 reasons why they might want to watch us but not directly contact us.

OK, so list those 101 reasons. Also explain why these incredibly sophisticated aliens are capable of interstellar travel but keep crashing their spaceships on our planet because for some strange reason they don't know how to land. :confused: :rolleyes:

Great intelligence does not mean natural curiosity.

Historically, higher intelligence has always correlated to natural curiosity. It's one of the reasons why humans have accelerated their development so efficiently.

Plenty of humans on the upper end of the intelligence spectrum are shutoff hermits who don't have curiosity and don't want to interact with other people living inside there area of focus.

You're talking about social curiosity, not intellectual curiosity.

What if Aliens are extremely introverted just one of many examples.

If they're so introverted, why do they keep coming here? That doesn't make sense either.

I am not saying its impossible for aliens to act like we do but there very nature is alien which means its possible if they are real they wont be like us and wont behave or have desires in the same way as us.

And yet I am expected to believe that they keep visiting us, which is exactly what we would be doing if we could reach them.
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Imo on aliens/ufos, aliens probably exist but if they're going in the same direction as humans they'll probably have blown themselves up long before they developed the capability to travel to a distant habitable planet.
The Spokesperson Ms Jean-Pierre said she “would refer that question to the Department of Defense and let them answer that”.

So that's the definition of not denying it :)
Steven Greenstreet is on point with this story, makes some good points about many of the red flags with this story.

In particular, what I already mentioned with this David Grusch guy - just because he said some stuff under oath doesn't really matter, because the things he's revealing aren't considered secrets by the government, so he can say what he likes in that regard.

And also, about how many of the people involved with this story, are the same names that are always involved with this BS, every time - the same names cropping up.

Steven Greenstreet is on point with this story, makes some good points about many of the red flags with this story.

In particular, what I already mentioned with this David Grusch guy - just because he said some stuff under oath doesn't really matter, because the things he's revealing aren't considered secrets by the government, so he can say what he likes in that regard.

And also, about how many of the people involved with this story, are the same names that are always involved with this BS, every time - the same names cropping up.

This the same guy? :D

It seems in this thread there are people who have put a complete brick wall in front of themselves regarding this and if an Alien broke into their house one night and bummed them, they would be back on here the next day saying show me the proof!, there are also posters who swing completely the other way and will believe anything. my stance is to keep an open mind and dont get drawn in to the obvious rubbish, after all the fact that there are over a 100 pages discussing this topic shows that there must be something to it IMO/
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Steven Greenstreet is on point with this story, makes some good points about many of the red flags with this story.

In particular, what I already mentioned with this David Grusch guy - just because he said some stuff under oath doesn't really matter, because the things he's revealing aren't considered secrets by the government, so he can say what he likes in that regard.

And also, about how many of the people involved with this story, are the same names that are always involved with this BS, every time - the same names cropping up.

He cannot say what he likes it doesn’t work like that. Plus, if he went in into Congress and started speaking rubbish without any evidence, they would have kicked him out long before reported 7 to 11 hours that it took and he risked jail time. You are also ignoring that he was backed up by other whistle-blowers and backed up by the Intelligence Community Inspector General. Why would the Inspector General attach himself to someone making up a BS story? In fact isn't the red flag person you just posted one of the usual BS names in UFO's?

I would also point out Mr Grusch didn’t want his named disclosed. He confidentially made the reports and his name was leaked out against his wishes before he went public.

“And also, about how many of the people involved with this story, are the same names that are always involved with this BS, every time - the same names cropping up.”
What names? I don’t see any of the usual BS names attached to any of this. Most of the so called red flags in that video are a load of nonsense. That's just a BS video from someone who wants to get clicks and money from this.

We have
  • Ross Coulthart who did the interview not one of the usual BS names.
  • David Grusch UAP Task Force from 2019-2021 and 21 to 22 co-lead UAP analysis who confidentially made the reports and didn’t want his name leaking out. Then when it was leaked out he got permission to do interviews.
  • Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022.
  • Jonathan Grey, the intelligence officer specializing in UAP analysis at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center,
  • Multiple anonymous whistleblowers who work on the program. "Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint."
All backed up by the U.S. Congressman like Tim Burchett and the Intelligence Community Inspector General. Just where are usual BS names you are on about?

As for your video he is clearly wrong. Evidence has been presented just not publicly. It was presented to Congress and confirmed by Congressmen like Tim Burchett. Just because you haven't seen the evidence it doesn't mean there is no evidence. There have been multiple reports that 100 of pages of documents and recording and with times and dates was presented as evidence over a 7 to 11 hour briefing. Hence why Tim Burchett is saying this is genuine. While we cannot speak for the quality of the evidence its clear evidence of some sort was provided and corroborated by multiple people on the UAP task force.

How do you explain so many high ranking staff members from the various UAP programs whistleblowing and getting involved? If they are all making it up why is the Intelligence Community Inspector General backing them up? Why are some Congressman backing them up? Why are other UAP task force members corroborating the information?

Don't you think it matters that we have at least 6 people who worked in the UAP task force all reporting the same thing? Why do you keep acting like this is your typical UAP leak. It clearly is not due to the high rank and amount of people involved.
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This the same guy? :D

Yeah it is, if you watch the other video he linked - he basically backtracks on most of the stuff they released previously, as being a load of nonsense.

my stance is to keep an open mind and dont get drawn in to the obvious rubbish,

That's fine, but with regards to keeping an open mind - with the sorts of claims being made in this thread, it only takes 60 seconds of googling and some very basic logic and reasoning to conclude that it almost certainly is load of nonsense, or that there's a simple more reasonable and boring solution which is thrown by the wayside, with each and every case.

He cannot say what he likes it doesn’t work like that. Plus, if he went in into Congress and started speaking rubbish without any evidence, they would have kicked him out long before reported 7 to 11 hours that it took and he risked jail time.

You don't understand, let me explain:

If I appear in court, swear an oath to tell the truth, I then give evidence claiming I saw Joe Bloggs murder somebody right in front of me, at 1pm on Wednesday. If it later turns out that Joe Bloggs was on holiday 3000 miles away, ergo disproving my story revealing that I'm actually lying - I could be found guilty of perjury and sent to jail, because there would be direct evidence that I lied in court.

If I appear in court, swear an oath to tell the truth, I then give evidence claiming I saw a crashed flying saucer - but the pieces of flying saucer were never found, and alien bodies were never found, and there was no evidence that backed up that claim (because I was lying). Then I could say whatever I wanted to say with impunity, because there's no way anybody can prove I'm lying, regardless of whether they believe my account or not - you can't just convict someone of perjury because you don't believe them, it has to be proven that they're lying under oath.

As for the rest of your post, you're just repeating the same thing over and over again, but it's actually just white noise:

"So many high ranking people are saying the same thing, blah blah, so many, so many of these people have massive mega huge next-level credentials, 5 star generals everywhere are backing them up, how can you deny, blah blah"

It's just the same nonsense over and over.

The vast majority of it, is a small number of people telling what I think are lies - (like this David Grusch) and it's just being amplified out of all proportions by people like you, with huge imaginations and absolutely no ability to think clearly or take any time to consider the claims being made.

Like this utter balls to do with the minuteman nuclear silos.

You've gone on about it a whole load of times, but you've clearly not even done the basic research into the cases, it's a load of utter balls, complete and utter balls - but you keep going on about it, without looking at the actual facts.
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OK, so list those 101 reasons. Also explain why these incredibly sophisticated aliens are capable of interstellar travel but keep crashing their spaceships on our planet because for some strange reason they don't know how to land. :confused: :rolleyes:

Historically, higher intelligence has always correlated to natural curiosity. It's one of the reasons why humans have accelerated their development so efficiently.

You're talking about social curiosity, not intellectual curiosity.

If they're so introverted, why do they keep coming here? That doesn't make sense either.

And yet I am expected to believe that they keep visiting us, which is exactly what we would be doing if we could reach them.
What if they have a fragmented political system like us and 1 party wants full contact, 1 party wants no contact and another party wants no direct contact but wants to study us from an anthropology point of view and that is the party that is in power. I am sure if we spent time on this we could create 101 reasons why they could contact us and 101 reasons why they wouldn't.

As for crashing well what if the objects are unmanned probes that do not have real time communication back, to due to the vast distances involved. What if a tiny fractions of the probes went into unexpected situations they where not programmed for and the onboard program didn't respond correctly? What if the unmanned probes had to spend years in deep space before reaching us and some of them got damaged by micro impacts and radiation bursts. In theory some of the onboard equipment that wasnt needed in space could be damaged and it didn't fail until after arriving here. What if the probes are mass produced and have a 0.5% fail rate. A bit like a tiny fraction of new mass produced cars fail in the first year. There are any number of possible explanations that could explain a crash if they are even alien in the first place.
“If I appear in court, swear an oath to tell the truth, I then give evidence claiming I saw Joe Bloggs murder somebody right in front of me, at 1pm on Wednesday. If it later turns out that Joe Bloggs was on holiday 3000 miles away, ergo disproving my story revealing that I'm actually lying - I could be found guilty of perjury and sent to jail, because there would be direct evidence that I lied in court.”
Accept for in this case it would be more like you appeared in Court and swear an Oath calming you sew Job bloggs murder someone at work. Its reported you handed over 100 pages of documents and recording to back up your statement but you did not publicly release that information only handed it to court. 6 other people come forward and say they also work at the same place and corroborate the story. Then the Intelligence Community Inspector General who does not lightly get involved looks over the evidence you provided, speaks to the other staff members who corroborate the story and is convinced enough to back you up.

“It's just the same nonsense over and over.”
Except for its not and the fact you think it is shows how blinded you are. Even if this doesn't turn out to be what it first appears to be it still not the same as before. This is nothing like what has happened in the past. You have no valid explanation to write those people off. Its like before in the thread when I said you seem to blank out the bits you don’t like. There is a reason this story is interesting due to the people in involved which you seem to think doesn't matter when it clearly does matter.

“As for the rest of your post, you're just repeating the same thing over and over again, but it's actually just white noise:”
No it’s not just white noise that is just a poor excuse from someone who sounds like they are in denial and cannot cope with what they are reading. So you have to make up fake narratives and fake excuses just like you did with the drones, UFO plane video, leaked videos and all other times you created fake narratives to explain away things you didn’t like.

“huge imaginations and absolutely no ability to think clearly or take any time to consider the claims being made.”
That is just how I see your posts. I don’t see much point in continuing this. Its one thing to not want to believe without more evidence which I can understand and get behind, but the way you dismiss everything out of hand and blank out evidence you don’t like is as bad as the conspiracy theorists who decide what they want to see before even look at the data. Lets just dismiss all the below out of hand without considering the claims being made and where they are coming form. When 6 high ranking officers with top level Clarence work on a UAP task force and report that the military is running an illegal operation without oversight lets just dismiss it and not even bother to look into it. You seem to be assuming all of them are lying and all of them made fake reports for no reason even the ones that asked to stay anonymous. If it was one person you might have a point. But at least 6 people have now made reports and that not even including the others from previous years.
  • David Grusch UAP Task Force from 2019-2021 and 21 to 22 co-lead UAP analysis who confidentially made the reports and didn’t want his name leaking out. Then when it was leaked out he got permission to do interviews.
  • Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022.
  • Jonathan Grey, the intelligence officer specializing in UAP analysis at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center,
  • Multiple anonymous whistleblowers who work on the program. "Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint."
This is a real classified complaint at least it was until it was leaked. It has enough backing from enough high ranking people that it should not be dismissed out of hand. Even if it all turns out to be fake you shouldn't dismiss these types of report out of hand. It needs to be looked at seriously not automatically thrown in the bin as BS.

“And also, about how many of the people involved with this story, are the same names that are always involved with this BS, every time - the same names cropping up.”
Is this another fake narrative you made up or are there some names you can give?
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Its reported you handed over 100 pages of documents and recording to back up your statement but you did not publicly release that information only handed it to court.

So where is it? There's literally no way anybody could ever sit on that sort of evidence, it could not be contained.

I bet my nutsack, that nothing, literally nothing of any substance which can be used to back up any of these claims, other than verbal statements, appears.

You have no valid explanation to write those people off.

It's not my job to write people off, it's their job to substantiate their claims - they're the ones telling us that it's there, they're the ones making the claim - not me.

I'm just not falling for a bunch of cheap, half-baked stories cooked up and propagated by the usual suspects, no matter how hard you rant and rave over it.
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So where is it? There's literally no way anybody could ever sit on that sort of evidence, it could not be contained.

I bet my nutsack, that nothing, literally nothing of any substance which can be used to back up any of these claims, other than verbal statements, appears.

It's not my job to write people off, it's their job to substantiate their claims - they're the ones telling us that it's there, they're the ones making the claim - not me.

I'm just not falling for a bunch of cheap, half-baked stories cooked up and propagated by the usual suspects, no matter how hard you rant and rave over it.
Problem is, when this big reveal ends up offering no new evidence to the discussion, you’ll just get the usual “we’re just being inched closer to a big reveal” :p
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