This the same guy?
Yeah it is, if you watch the other video he linked - he basically backtracks on most of the stuff they released previously, as being a load of nonsense.
my stance is to keep an open mind and dont get drawn in to the obvious rubbish,
That's fine, but with regards to keeping an open mind - with the sorts of claims being made in this thread, it only takes 60 seconds of googling and some very basic logic and reasoning to conclude that it almost certainly is load of nonsense, or that there's a simple more reasonable and boring solution which is thrown by the wayside, with each and every case.
He cannot say what he likes it doesn’t work like that. Plus, if he went in into Congress and started speaking rubbish without any evidence, they would have kicked him out long before reported 7 to 11 hours that it took and he risked jail time.
You don't understand, let me explain:
If I appear in court, swear an oath to tell the truth, I then give evidence claiming I saw Joe Bloggs murder somebody right in front of me, at 1pm on Wednesday. If it later turns out that Joe Bloggs was on holiday 3000 miles away, ergo disproving my story revealing that I'm actually lying - I could be found guilty of perjury and sent to jail, because there would be direct evidence that I lied in court.
If I appear in court, swear an oath to tell the truth, I then give evidence claiming I saw a crashed flying saucer - but the pieces of flying saucer were never found, and alien bodies were never found, and there was no evidence that backed up that claim (because I was lying). Then I could say whatever I wanted to say with impunity, because there's no way anybody can prove I'm lying, regardless of whether they believe my account or not - you can't just convict someone of perjury because you don't believe them, it has to be proven that they're lying under oath.
As for the rest of your post, you're just repeating the same thing over and over again, but it's actually just white noise:
"So many high ranking people are saying the same thing, blah blah, so many, so many of these people have massive mega huge next-level credentials, 5 star generals everywhere are backing them up, how can you deny, blah blah"
It's just the same nonsense over and over.
The vast majority of it, is a small number of people telling what I think are lies - (like this David Grusch) and it's just being amplified out of all proportions by people like you, with huge imaginations and absolutely no ability to think clearly or take any time to consider the claims being made.
Like this utter balls to do with the minuteman nuclear silos.
You've gone on about it a whole load of times, but you've clearly not even done the basic research into the cases, it's a load of utter balls, complete and utter balls - but you keep going on about it, without looking at the actual facts.