Pentagon releases UFO footage

Well if we want to wildly conjecture and assume the reports are real from the whistle-blowers. Perhaps NASA do not have classified access and are completely cut out of the loop unware of the SAP projects that contain the UFO's. Or as I have said before UFO doesn't have to mean extra-terrestrial perhaps the crashed UFOs if they are real are not extra-terrestrial but some other object. Or it could well be the whistle-blowers are telling the truth and there are illegal hidden SAP projects with exotic technology but the alien part is wrong. Or it could be NASA are in on it all and know exploring Mars is still useful data and a stepping stone to further space exploration so its still worth going even with a local crashed UFO.

Perhaps if one wants to really go down the conspiracy theory rout, its some sort of long game to get the the public ready for disclosure. Start drip feeding more and more info. Find small traces of none biological organic molecules then move onto biological organic molecules life, then build up from there. When full disclosure happens its less of a shock to the wider public. Or one of of a dozen other reasons.
I find this **** fascinating and have been reading all the recent stuff coming out and I have to admit that I get carried away with it all sometimes, but then thankfully the logical side of my brain kicks in and brings me back to planet earth .

Let's not forget - Grusch claiming we have actual UFO's with ET's inside.
Coulthard claiming we have a have spacecraft to big to move being housed somewhere, this guy is an award winning journalist iirc and apparently very trustworthy.
They all need to show us some evidence or STFU.
At this point the most I can believe is we have military craft that far exceed what we currently know about.
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Congressional hearings at the end of this month or latest early next month have the green light. There will be minimum 6 witnesses that are going to testify to the reality and concealment of The Phenomenon. David Grusch, Lue Elizondo will undoubtably be 2 of those testifying. But the plan is to also have people with direct contact to the crash retrieval program.

If congress then have the stomach for it, things could move fairly quickly after that. Chuck Schumer is already planning a review board to declassify all related documentation:

I'm interested to hear from anyone who is starting to have doubts now that this is all just grifters trying to sell books. It isn't...
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This is the answer. We need to temper our expectations. The government is only going to let the public know the bare minimum they need to, in order to collect all of the material that isn’t in their control. This is what it seems to be boiling down to. The military wants their ufos back, and it seems like the contractors aren’t allowing it, and since things have been so compartmentalized and classified, the military hasn’t had any recourse. Connecting the dots, this is the only explanation I can imagine. As for the reason why? Another world power has possibly made a breakthrough that we haven’t, and the secrecy is making it impossible for us to catch up, and it has become a national security concern. This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum, nor because the public demands it. There is a very real reason, and it’s likely the military is very much holding the reins.

In ref to this from the act:

The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.

What troubles me is the timing, this conversation chain really sums it up, is it potentially because nobody in power listened to the scientists pushing for focus on climage change since the 1970s and now we are at a point of no return due to the damage done to theenvironment, so the use of these "technologies" in the public domain is necessary to save the species?

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I'm interested to hear from anyone who is starting to have doubts now that this is all just grifters trying to sell books. It isn't...

When I actually see some substantive evidence, from somebody other than the same bunch of charlatans over and over, I’ll consider taking it seriously.

Not interested in anymore obviously false testimony, witness accounts or statements, we need proper evidence.
"This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum, nor because the public demands it. There is a very real reason, and it’s likely the military is very much holding the reins."

Incorrect and speculation. Pro 'UFOs are real' camp are and have been pressuring the government for years to make all this formal. This is what that looks like. Formally declared in legal writing.

Now we wait to see what evidence comes from this, my hunch is nothing of any significance because that's what we have had for the past 70 years. Still waiting.
Scrutiny and scepticism is definitely necessary these days, but in light of these most recent events (the draft bill passing through the senate above), it's worth keeping in mind the magnitude of the highly exact wording the draft outlines and what that could mean.

- States credible evidence and testimony has been seen
- Mentions disclosure no less than 70 times
- Mentions the Manhattan Project (the start of the nuclear era)
- Mentions private entities (obviously this can only be referring to outfits like Lockhead Martin, Raytheon etc)
- Specifically labels "non-human intelligence"
- States that the military simply can't say "it's classified" any more, they have to give at the minimum, a summary of what they have etc

So the question people should be asking is why now? What is happening in the wider world now that the USG are suddenly all about full disclosure?

We can speculate many things, but from what we are seeing right now, we have:
- A technologically advanced world in its entirety, information travels the entire planet in seconds, and whistleblowers and leaks are far too common
- Public scrutiny is at al all time high, and anything that goes against public view doesn't sit well
- The quantum computing transition, Google and many other firms have multi-qubit quantum computers now which are growing in complexity every few months. It is said mainstream quantum computing is due within the next few years in one form or other. This gives immense power to much of the wider world
- And with that also comes the power of AI, which is even more so, it has been proven to be better at a lot of things vs humans and current computational systems, it can design better ways of doing things and predict outcomes using existing data much better as well. It's only a matter of time now before it's designing new technologies that /maybe/ compartments of USG have withheld for all this time with the view to reverse engineer and have the military upper hand vs other nations (hence where private entities comes in)
- The whole climate change era, if whatever technology is at play could have or will help humanity address this massive issue, an issue we are far beyond the turning point now since scientists have been pushing for it since the 70s and no government has been taking note until now, when it's too late anyway
- Actual scientists researching, and talking about it in a serious capacity which leads to further government scrutiny

Probs many more but that's just my own thinking.

There's a much bigger picture here at play, and the exact wording of this draft highlights that.
The legislation to me seems more about politicians leveraging the interest in UAPs to strip the military of their ability to conceal information. I don’t think these politicians believe there are alien technologies or beings that have been discovered, but they’re weaponising the public interest in the subject to force the hand of the military to be more transparent with the government.

I can only see this jeopardising the US military’s ability to stay ahead of its competitors, to satisfy the power play of politicians who may not be in power in ten years time.
If it was strictly based around that then the proposal would not mention specifics like "credible evidence and testimony", it would be a much shorter legislation outlining that the military can no longer go around saying classified at every public information request etc. As I said earlier, it feels like there's a much bigger picture at play here, plus, it's uncommon to have nearly unanimous support at a bipartisan level for such a proposal too, usually it's one sided.
You say that with such conviction, but that’s purely just your speculation, right? Or do you have previous evidence how inclusion of certain phrases makes this a very serious intervention and not internal politics between opposing governmental institutions?
If it was strictly based around that then the proposal would not mention specifics like "credible evidence and testimony", it would be a much shorter legislation outlining that the military can no longer go around saying classified at every public information request etc. As I said earlier, it feels like there's a much bigger picture at play here, plus, it's uncommon to have nearly unanimous support at a bipartisan level for such a proposal too, usually it's one sided.
We've reached the peak of fossil fuels, and this big push into green energy is proving to be a major concern in terms of energy security. China has an abundance of the minerals needed for the electric vehicle batteries that much of the world will rely upon, plus more. So if I were the United States, I would want to make sure that I have other technologies that I can rely on without having to be dependent on China.

If there's any technology that's classified and fully operational, now would be a good time to use it.
We've reached the peak of fossil fuels, and this big push into green energy is proving to be a major concern in terms of energy security. China has an abundance of the minerals needed for the electric vehicle batteries that much of the world will rely upon, plus more. So if I were the United States, I would want to make sure that I have other technologies that I can rely on without having to be dependent on China.

If there's any technology that's classified and fully operational, now would be a good time to use it.
I think it also boils down to a whole bunch of other things too. We're at a turning point in our civilisation for a whole hist of things, not just the environment but the overall mental state of society in general.

To the question above about speculation etc, well sure, everything is speculation until the disclosure takes place, and I've been following US politics for many years now, these senators have these bills worded very specifically, and the ones that are geared towards political gains are pretty obvious, and almost always have opposition from the other side. Also this proposal is being headed by the highest person in the senate, Schumer doesn't need to pander to get political gain, he's already at the top....

As a side note, this now has additional information that some insiders have passed to some outlets:

So given the nature of this proposal, the 9 person group that has been assembled to decide what stuff gets declassified and disclosed consists of a sociologist and an economist. What reason is there otherwise for these two people to be part of such a board looking at currently highly classified documents and whatnot before making them public, if not to advise the board on the possible public reaction to the revelations and how to deal with it.

Also in light of all this going on, seems a lot of people have popped up online after talking to their elders and asking what they think about this upcoming disclosure, these are elders who held military ranks or were pilots etc, they all have stories to tell and aren't surprised by what's coming out now.

So yeah, like I said before, there's a much bigger picture at play here and we're soon going to find out I guess.
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So yeah, like I said before, there's a much bigger picture at play here and we're soon going to find out I guess.

I 100% doubt it, I've been waiting since 1971 and nothing.
We'll be given snippets with zero proof like always.

The other thing is how some believe the World will go into mass panic if they give 100% proof, I don't believe it for a second, we'll all go "OK, I knew we weren't alone".
The other thing is how some believe the World will go into mass panic if they give 100% proof, I don't believe it for a second, we'll all go "OK, I knew we weren't alone".
That I can see. For most people it would have zero impact on them and so they either wont care or go that's interesting and move onto the next thing.
I 100% doubt it, I've been waiting since 1971 and nothing.
We'll be given snippets with zero proof like always.

The other thing is how some believe the World will go into mass panic if they give 100% proof, I don't believe it for a second, we'll all go "OK, I knew we weren't alone".
There wasn't a disclosure project on the cards back then, in fact that was an era where everything was classified anyway with no public means to gain info or protest through online means etc though like there is now, there wasn't a legal way for whistleblowers to come out and be protected by law either, hence why we are here today and this is actually happening:p - It's like the people who keep banging on about fusion never happening because it's always "another 20 years away", or solid state batteries never seeing the light of day, yet as of today a specific date roadmap exists for both over the next few years. Things take time, technology advances and these developments speed up exponentially like we are seeing today.

Also, most people just won't care, everyone is too concerned about whether they can afford food and electricity and the last thing people will care about is if aliens have been around for decades - Unless suddenly their technologies help solve our world issues lol. There have been various tiktoks and reels etc from your average everyday people and this seems to be the common theme, at least amongst our generation. The elder generation seem to be "well we knew all this time but nobody listened".
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The other thing is how some believe the World will go into mass panic if they give 100% proof, I don't believe it for a second, we'll all go "OK, I knew we weren't alone".

The scramble by the major religions to try and rewrite/interpret their religious books so that they always meant their god had created more than just us would be something to behold.
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