Pentagon releases UFO footage

jesus wept......this is someone in US Governement?!

"I'm a Christian," she explained, "and I believe the Bible. I think that, to me, honestly, I've looked into it, and I think we have to question if it's more of the spiritual. Angels or fallen angels."
i'm a christian too but i'm not for 1 minute thinking angels, fallen or otherwise. utter crackpot of a woman.
@mrk @Thekwango

That site is just your standard web multi-chanel marketing funnel network which serves to generate traffic to advertisers. Like most of them they are generated articles from keywords and / or stories and / or made up.

I'm not commenting on the detail in the article or person involved, just @mrk your link and run to spurious conjecture articles and sites hosting them.

Listening to the @MookJong linked press briefing, the hearing next week will set the direction of travel for disclosure on UAP.
@mrk @Thekwango

That site is just your standard web multi-chanel marketing funnel network which serves to generate traffic to advertisers. Like most of them they are generated articles from keywords and / or stories and / or made up.

I'm not commenting on the detail in the article or person involved, just @mrk your link and run to spurious conjecture articles and sites hosting them.

Listening to the @MookJong linked press briefing, the hearing next week will set the direction of travel for disclosure on UAP.
It wasn't a link and run, Marjorie is a well known far right loony who has more recently been under fire for sharing her views on various things (US politics) - It just so happens she chimed in about this subject, hence why I posted the article covering what she said. I wasn't interested in the website hosting it, I don't really care, the context of MJT's view was what mattered as it was both amusing and troubling since these are the people running one half of the country. Clearly you have glossed right past this and somehow feel affected by some other supposed meaning.

It's not my problem either if all you see is black and white though.
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You're not being taken for a ride are you?

The contents of that article is basically a summary of most of what I've been screaming my head off about in this thread since 2021 :D

The whole thing is just a massive vehicle to make a bucket load of cash, nothing more...

It's also nice to see this:

Now the Securities and Exchange Commission is apparently poised to initiate a fraud investigation of the company they helped launch in 2017, following its multimillion-dollar pleas for investment.
It wasn't a link and run,

It was exactly that, you only posted the link to a spurious article and unweighted site with no input or thoughts on how it impacts on the UAP Disclosure or discussion.

Your approach parallels to the wholly inadequate quality of witness and conjecture many in this thread either call out against or use to substantiate UAP.

Does MTG's personal & public view shape the UAP Disclosure Bill ammendments to the S.2226 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024?

For someone of your caliber @mrk, this thread could rightly have expected a more considered and nuanced input from you here.

Did you have any views on the press briefing or the ammendments bill?
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At this point we are all just waiting for the 26th hearing to take place and then see what's what, anything before then is just filler and the fun and games happening as things happen over there behind the scenes.

If you have been paying attention to this thread then you would have seen I have contributed a great level detail on the majority of these topics in recent months if not longer, and just this once found this particular MJT outburst funny enough to share here. Whether that came with a paragraph of words or not should not matter, her views do not deserve nuanced words because nobody takes her seriously outside of the crazy loon MAGA crowd. Just take the context of the article as something to be entertained by and ask how such people get into power in the first place.

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill, a single article posting about a publicised view from a member of the GOP, you make it sound like the whole world has been flipped upside down. Stop that.

And no, I didn't have any views on the short press briefing. Ultimately it doesn't matter as all I am interested in is the primary hearing details and outcome. If I cared about the press briefing I'd have commented on it after watching it. There is no new information of much use from the briefing.

Comments and discussion about the bill have already been posted/had ages ago, perhaps you missed it, I don't care to repeat the same comments as it's not necessary.
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“I disagree it's some advanced never before seen tech. There, I just debunked the videos.”
That’s not what debunk means. You cannot just say I disagree there its debunked. You can disagree all you like, but that in itself is not a debunk. You have not provided any explanation on what the multiple navy ships, fighter jets and military personal reported.

“Want more? oh ok. Here's summary of those 3 UFOs video from 3 years ago:”
For the video I am going out soon so I only had time to watch the FILR section, I will watch the rest later. That video doesn’t debunk anything. It doesn’t explain away anything that was reported for that event. The guy speaking is talking a lot of made-up nonsense that doesn’t match the testimony from all the people involved. There is zero debunk in that section, just some made up facts that don’t match the what was reported. In fact some of what he said is directly opposite to what happened.
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However Ancient Alien theory has always said that people mistook Aliens for Angels so if you believe in fairy stories it does actually fit the bill.
It doesn’t though. I believe in ‘fairies’ or god or whatever name you want to use and sure as **** don’t believe these are angels. Only an utter imbecile or liar would say they think these could be angels!
She doesn't actually believe they are angels, this is my point, she isn't even a Christian. She and the MAGA lot in power say whatever the majority of their voter base want to hear and "cheer" for. None of them could recite a single verse from the bible if you asked them, and there is proof of this on the record as TV hosts have asked people like Trump to just name one verse, to which the reply was "I like them all" and other trivial answers that try to mince away from the questions.
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...... And no, I didn't have any views on the short press briefing. Ultimately it doesn't matter as all I am interested in is the primary hearing details and outcome.

I was being complimentary when I said 'of your caliber'.

However Ancient Alien theory has always said that people mistook Aliens for Angels so if you believe in fairy stories it does actually fit the bill.

The major religions imply principle that humans are not alone in the universe. That is foundational to each, other 'non human intelligences' interacting with humans.

The form, understanding and interpretation of 'non human intelligence' has been debated but the principle is established.
They are untouchable until they are under oath in a court sadly :/

I was being complimentary when I said 'of your caliber'.

The major religions imply principle that humans are not alone in the universe. That is foundational to each, other 'non human intelligences' interacting with humans.

The form, understanding and interpretation of 'non human intelligence' has been debated but the principle is established.
I do apologise in advance but I read it as strict scrutiny of the comment!
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It doesn’t though. I believe in ‘fairies’ or god or whatever name you want to use and sure as **** don’t believe these are angels. Only an utter imbecile or liar would say they think these could be angels!

If you believe in God he must have made the Aliens who then come down to help us make pyramids & Machu Pichu etc.
Or is God only for humans?
If you believe in God he must have made the Aliens who then come down to help us make pyramids & Machu Pichu etc.
Or is God only for humans?
If there is aliens I’d fully expect god to have made them. Whether you believe they came down to make the pyramids etc is up to you.

Edit: and when I say ‘make’ I don’t literally mean make. I don’t believe the world was only created 2000 years ago or whatever the half wit zealots would claim.
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