Your lying again. Other users provided links directly to the Congress Briefing. A 2nd video link was provided that was directly to the precise section where jamming was brought up for the 2nd time. To be fair we didn't provide a direct link to the first time jamming was brought up but its in the full briefing. What you call spam was me providing direct text quotes more then once of what was said at the hearing. Which clearly you just ignored. It was around about the time the mods removed you spam/trolling posts if you need a ball park area to start searching from. If you are really interested go look back as I am not wasting time posting the same data over and over for you to just ignore and then throw childish insults as me. The search bar is there for everyone to see I am telling the truth. Just how many times do you have to be provided with the quotes and links? I am sure you can use search opton and type jamming or ECM to find the multiple links and quotes.Ok, all you've done is just provide a load of spam, my question was specific for a reason,
Where is the evidence that these people:
Senior Chief Kavin Day, Patrick Hugues Petty Officer (Technician), Petty Officer Gary Voorhis, Senior Chief Kavin Day and Aex Dietrich.
Saw this craft ECM jamming the fighter jet, when did they say it and what exactly did they say?
"Senior Chief Kavin Day, Patrick Hugues Petty Officer (Technician), Petty Officer Gary Voorhis, Senior Chief Kavin Day and Aex Dietrich."
There testimony was posted ages ago long before the hearing. There where not at the hearing but was directly involved in the event as first hand witnesses from the navy ships. They have been brought up multiple times in this thread, how have you not read about them or seen the links?