Pentagon releases UFO footage

No it really isn't, you watch too much Star Trek.
To go the vast distances would take too long and don't give me rubbish about wormholes that can get you to the other side of our Galaxy in two seconds.
We are governed by the speed of light and that's if intelligent life could be capable of going that speed, humans would turn to mush.
I'm a huge Star Trek fan but I know Roddenberry had to make a lot of stuff up to make his Universe work but a lot of people think it's fact.

150 years ago manned flight was unbelievable,
150 years ago manned flight was unbelievable,

This is a very poor argument and always will be, you really think we will be able to travel at the speed of light :)
In the Star Trek Universe they go way faster than the Speed of Light to explain how they get to places, it's not real.
They also have 'Dampening' technology to stop all the Humans & Aliens turning to mush and the spaceship technology so it wouldn't fall apart would have to be awesome.
This is a very poor argument and always will be, you really think we will be able to travel at the speed of light :)
In the Star Trek Universe they go way faster than the Speed of Light to explain how they get to places, it's not real.
They also have 'Dampening' technology to stop all the Humans & Aliens turning to mush and the spaceship technology so it wouldn't fall apart would have to be awesome.
For 1000's of years people wrote crazy stories of men being able to fly, and then it happened. Things change, and new science and technologies are made.
Flying is easy - just copy nature, millions of species of animals can fly, simply replicate that using a machine, or hand glider - and we fly.

Using that as an argument that eventually, because we can create technology that enables us to fly - also means that there are essentially no limits to how far we can go, and will ultimately fly off to other stars and galaxies, is a tad naive.
For 1000's of years people wrote crazy stories of men being able to fly, and then it happened. Things change, and new science and technologies are made.

You really can't use that as an argument.
That's like saying there's no reason why humans can't run a mile in 10 seconds because over the years we've knocked a second off here and there.
What you're suggesting is impossible.
Yes we will get faster in space but not Star Trek faster.
As we go faster our mass increases. When we get to 99.9% of the speed of light it would take all the energy in the universe to accelerate to C. However we would need to be travelling at speeds very close to C in order to reach the next solar system Proxima Centauri within human lifespans. Physics simply prevents us visiting other solar systems and aliens visiting us (unfortunately).

The only way around this would be a generation ship (where multiple generations of humans/aliens travel over thousands of years) or by androids travelling, again over thousands of years.
I strongly believe there is something going on that is not of this world and has been for years. I know its hard to grasp but we do not know everything and we live in a vast universe full of galaxies, many much older than ours.
Yes there are potential explanations/counters to the Fermi paradox (where are all the aliens?), one of them I only just heard about myself in this podcast.

It's goes; maybe we're not the only life in the universe, in fact it's unlikely that we are, so where are they, what would an alien civilization look like and what are it's purpose and goals. Resources.

Maybe they have already been and gone from this sector of the galaxy/ies. Maybe we're living in a quiet zone and they will one day return. Apparently, if we had been visited a billion years ago there wouldn't be any evidence left to confirm this by now, it would have decayed/eroded away. I suppose that's the non-scienific argument of supposed 'ancient aliens' being dug up, but I'm sorry if that was the case Indiana Jones would tell the world and not keep it to himself. You know, like scientists.

Maybe we have the data already and just need the computing power to find evidence of star dimming due to Dyson spheres. Nobel Peace Prize pending.

If we're alone in the universe I hope we start behaving as such soon. Probably stop killing each other and animals etc, just stop oil, peace love yada yada.
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For 1000's of years people wrote crazy stories of men being able to fly, and then it happened. Things change, and new science and technologies are made.
There is zero evidence that anything can go faster than light, even information - it appears to be a universal hard limit.

Things like wormholes and warp drives etc. have no evidence supporting them.
Some people who believe that the science in Star Trek can actually happen need to read this and the explanation why they could travel around our Galaxy -

They defined Warp 1 originally in Roddenberry’s "Star Trek Guide," which was created to help help writers of the 1960’s TV series as the speed of light: 186,282 miles per second or 670,616,629 mph.
Warp 2 was not double the speed of light, but 2 to the 3rd power, or 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 times the speed of light.
Warp 5 was 125 times the speed of light, etc.
For the later series like STNG they redefined the speeds so that Warp 5 is 200 times the speed of light with a more complicated formula for calculating it.
Warp 10 could not be reached because even Rodenberry thought that was ridiculous :)
There is zero evidence that anything can go faster than light, even information - it appears to be a universal hard limit.

Things like wormholes and warp drives etc. have no evidence supporting them.

Maybe not quite right:
1) Quantum Entanglement
2) The universe itself is expanding faster than light
No it really isn't, you watch too much Star Trek.
To go the vast distances would take too long and don't give me rubbish about wormholes that can get you to the other side of our Galaxy in two seconds.
We are governed by the speed of light and that's if intelligent life could be capable of going that speed, humans would turn to mush.
I'm a huge Star Trek fan but I know Roddenberry had to make a lot of stuff up to make his Universe work but a lot of people think it's fact.
I don't watch Star Trek. You make it sound like we know everything about science and whats out there. The fact is we don't and humanity is really quite primitive we have a very long way to go yet. Maybe extraterrestrials don't go at light speed or use worm holes but another way of travel we don't know about or understand. If we were to one day build a star ship that could go at light speed or faster then there would be other technology inside the ships to prevent people from turning into mush.
As we go faster our mass increases. When we get to 99.9% of the speed of light it would take all the energy in the universe to accelerate to C. However we would need to be travelling at speeds very close to C in order to reach the next solar system Proxima Centauri within human lifespans. Physics simply prevents us visiting other solar systems and aliens visiting us (unfortunately).

The only way around this would be a generation ship (where multiple generations of humans/aliens travel over thousands of years) or by androids travelling, again over thousands of years.
Speaking of Proxima Centauri which is a little over 4 light years away. Australian astronomers recently detected which was said to be an artificial radio signal that lasted for 3 hours in 2019 coming from the direction of the Alpha Centauri star system, although many have there theory's. Scientists at this point can't say for certain as its still being investigated. I am skeptical as to whether there are any habitable planets or moons within the Alpha Centauri star system after scientist made more discoveries about the planets in the Alpha Centauri system. One of the planets which lays within the habitable zone of its star which was originally thought to be another Earth, or Earths twin was discovered to be tidal locked and highly likely to be hostile to life. I think at best we'll just find planets that are similar to Venus and Mars within that star system.

There have been many "Earth like" planets that have been discovered but from research into those worlds, it would appear that none of them are "Earth like" at all due to many factors. There is a very delicate balance of natural occurrences that must take place in order for a planet to become Earths twin. Just because a planet lays within the habitable zone of its star, there are many factors like for example... the planet needs a good magnetic field, it will need to have a tilt, and have a day and night cycle with seasons and a Moon to make things stable. Any slightest adjustment could mean the difference between life and no life. There could be planets out there which are better than Earth.
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There is zero evidence that anything can go faster than light, even information - it appears to be a universal hard limit.

Things like wormholes and warp drives etc. have no evidence supporting them.
Radio signals travel at the speed of light but then again radio waves are an invisible wavelength of the light spectrum.
Coming to think about it humans modulate radio waves to speak, send data which go at light speed so technically in a way we are already at the beginning of making things travel at the speed of light. We just haven't mastered how to use those waves to send objects.
Coming to think about it humans modulate radio waves to speak, send data which go at light speed so technically in a way we are already at the beginning of making things travel at the speed of light. We just haven't mastered how to use those waves to send objects.

Nowhere near the same thing.
Radio waves already do that and is normal but getting a spaceship to go at the speed of light or faster is not normal.
Nowhere near the same thing.
Radio waves already do that and is normal but getting a spaceship to go at the speed of light or faster is not normal.
NASA are working on a new propulsion system to get a probe to Alpha Centauri although its a very small probe, it will be driven by a light sail and powerful lasers to blast it out into the direction of Alpha Centauri close to the speed of light.
NASA are working on a new propulsion system to get a probe to Alpha Centauri although its a very small probe, it will be driven by a light sail and powerful lasers to blast it out into the direction of Alpha Centauri close to the speed of light.

Which is 4 light years away and will take 20 years to get there which is nowhere near the speed of light.
It also won't be happening until at least 2069 if it happens.
Our current Shuttle would take 148,000 years :)
Things are only impossible until they're not, I'm sure a Quantum Computer would have been unthinkable 500 years ago as Quantum physics wasn't even a thing until around 1900.

Maybe the next Quantum physics type of discovery is just around the corner.
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