Pentagon releases UFO footage

Got to laugh that even using military tech all we get is blurry unidentifiable blobs, they must have some more recent better quality footage that they can show surely

To be honest, the targeting pod on most military aircraft or something like an MQ9 reaper drone, has a lens with a focal length of around 5000-6000mm, they can track an object the size of a small plane from 10-20 miles away.

A lot of times the problem is the air, there's so much air between the object and the lens, that things like water vapour, haze, pollution and dust in the air - make it so the thing being tracked just looks like a vague blob, because the light from the object has degraded so much over that distance.
Perspective is a weird thing, looking at some of the return footage of the recent asteroid sample return spacecraft reminded me of some of the UAP videos that go around here.

This thing was basically falling to earth really quickly and slowing down in the atmosphere, the camera taking the footage was at 40,000 feet, so at first it's looking up, then it's looking down, and it's doing that for a long while.

Is there a chance some of the videos that claim to see UAP 'moving at incredible speeds' is just something falling to earth?

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Is there a chance some of the videos that claim to see UAP 'moving at incredible speeds' is just something falling to earth?
100% some UAPs are things like Ice or other objects dropping at fast speeds. How often this happens is up for debate but it does happen. UAP's are not one thing that can be explained by a single source. UAP's are made up of a great many things. Some UAPs will be technological and some of them none technological.
I think the Ariel school in Zimbabwe case which happened in 1994 really needs looking at. I have been interested in this subject for 23 years and it is one of the most amazing case I have ever seen. It is in the documentary The Phenomenon by James Fox free to watch on ytube. Also the new Netflix Documentary Encounters will cover it which is out next week. It is vastly more interesting than the mexico mummy case.

Episode two of the new Netflix documentary Encounters discusses this.
They have a bloke on who swears he started it by pointing at a rock and shouting Aliens/UFO and it then got out of hand.
JMG does an episode talking about K2-18b, really interesting. The next year or so will shed more light on further observations. What a cool thing if the study finds more than one signature, which essentially confirms intelligent life lives (or lived since it's 124 light years away):

Dark5s has done a pretty cool compilation of astronaut experiences video a month ago, well worth checking out. I was fascinated by the US one, Cooper, he advocated for full disclosure for years after retirement as he claimed the USB were keeping secret tech that could advance human civilisation based on what he experienced in his long career.

Cooper died in 2004 taking whatever he knew with him. Shame that recording the Pentagon had requested will never be seen.

And on another note, Dr Kipping has a new video today on alien existence.

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For those that don’t like my long posts the short version is. Congress hold the first of two classified SKIF briefings to talk to some people Grusch named and go over some of the data Grusch handed over. Conclusion is somebody is using some form of advanced propulsion.

Furthermore, the Director of ARRO has confirmed they have investigated and spoken to people Grusch named. Investigated bits of information they are receiving which turned out are real and events really happened. (He doesn’t go into detail which events or information is real only that they have looked into the data Grusch and so far it checks out and the people Grusch named are real having been interviewed)

Now for the much longer version which is just the same as above but with quotes for contex.

Kirkpatrick has been saying some rather interesting things lately although annoying vague in detail. The first is that UFOs are real and in cases, not balloons, parallax and other mundane explanations that some posters on here like to falsely believe. In past Kirkpatrick said the unknown objects are being recorded on military data doing interesting manoeuvres and more recently the objects are either UFOs or foreign powers invading the USA backyard.

Kirkpatrick said “If we don’t prove it’s aliens, then what we’re finding is evidence of other people doing stuff in our backyard,” he said. “And that’s not good.

The more interesting bit that is annoying vague.

Q: So, you said you think you've all talked to the same people David Grusch did. Are you able to expand on that? What did they share with you all?

DR. KIRKPATRICK: “we are obligated to protect all these people's identities for – for all kinds of reasons. What they are reporting, we are documenting. They are reviewing and then revalidating that this is what they want to say. We then research all of that collectively. “

“We're investigating each and every one of them. We're cross-referencing those. There are some bits of information that are turning out to be things and events that really happened. A lot of it is still under review, and we're putting all that together into our historical report.”

Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the U.S. Government's UAP/UFO office with full access to the classified military data.

Congress have also held the first classified SCIF to talk to the people Grush named as having further information.

Representative Eric Burlison came out the classified SCIF and said These pilots are truly indeed seeing these things, they're videoing them and they're following them, right? And you can't deny that,” Burlison continues. “And so: What you have to come to the conclusion of is somebody is using some form of advanced propulsion, whether it's aliens from another planet or it's us, somebody's using something—some kind of new technology—and I want to know what it is.”

There is an audio recording for this but the quality is appealing bad due to background echo.

Not balloons, parallax and other mundane explanations but some sort of advanced propulsion technology. As Kirkpatrick said at the NASA briefing 'We see these all over the world,' 'making very interesting apparent maneuvers.'
Strange coincidence that these things are suddenly being caught on film when we are just edging in to a new generation of fighter aircraft that are potentially pilotless and consequently are far more manoeuvrable. It strikes me that the most obvious answer is these vehicles already exist.
How many years did it take the US to own up to the F-117?
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Kirkpatrick has said bits of their testimonies have been fact checked and confirmed, not at all what your tl;dr section reads as @Pottsey

You then post a house representative putting words in Kirkpatrick’s mouth.
Make of it what you will, but george Knapp's archives were always quite fascinating given his historical experience in reporting on these "issues" over many decades:

Kirkpatrick has said bits of their testimonies have been fact checked and confirmed, not at all what your tl;dr section reads as @Pottsey

You then post a house representative putting words in Kirkpatrick’s mouth.
You seem to be misreading my post. I don't get how you can get anything else from my tl;dr section other then bits that are vague have been confirmed as true. You seem to be reading it as something else?

How is the house representative putting words in kirkpatricks mouth? kirkpatricks comments about advance technology doing interesting manoeuvres is completely separate from a different source then the house representatives talking about "it appears...somebody has discovered something—some advanced form of propulsion"
Reps. Eric Burlison and Tim Burchett (10-26-2023)

The house representatives comments are from a classified SCIF meeting that as far I can tell had nothing to do with Kirkpatrick. The SCIF meeting was to look into Grusch claims. The data, names and places certain forum members on here insisted was not real and not handed over despite it now being clear they did. Don't you think its an important part of the puzzle that two different investigations from two different angles ARRO and Congress SCIF meetings are coming back and saying parts of the story they have checked out as real and there is evidence of advanced forms of propulsion. Anyone who still insists its all balloons, parallax and other mundane things are clearly wrong.

Some of it is mundane explanations but there is clearly something else going off. There is 100% something technology based and unknown flying around out there causing all theses UFO sighting. Could be a foreign power flying though and/or spying in US military air space, could be as a suspect a deep off the records skunkworks style project with experimental craft or the least likely option Aliens. But something unknown based on technology is flying around.
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