Pentagon releases UFO footage

I'm sure it will have a timed mechanism built into it or something, it would be like making a car that had no breaks, but if it couldn't such as something going wrong when it got there, it would be enough to send images/data back to Earth to give us a better idea of what the star systems planets look like.

Newton told us back in the 17th century that an object will continue in motion unless acted upon by an external force. If you put in energy A to get the spacecraft up to a velocity you will need an energy equal to A to decelerate it back down again.

I think that its, I did O Level physics a long long time ago.

We may even build a more advanced space telescope within the next 20 years or before 2069 to see some of the planets in that system who knows...

I'm sure we will build some incredible space telescopes in the coming couple of decades, the success of the James Webb has hopefully guaranteed that.
To be fair I think its a waste of time exploring that star system from what we have learned about it so far, its just going to be full of lifeless dead worlds. We already have a Mars & Venus in our own solar system to study. We also have Jupiter and Saturn's moons to explore.

Even if we did find another Earth somewhere nobody would believe it and say its all fake because people are too short sighted and ignorant.
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Yeah we won't be visiting other systems anytime soon. The scale of the universe is difficult for us to grasp. It's an amazing achievement just to get something to land on another planet/moon. Landers/rovers have to land autonomously because light takes 20 mins to get from Mars and 67 mins to come from Saturn! Ping?

If we could create a drive that can accelerate something at 1g it would only take about a year to reach the speed of light. Just don't hit anything :) and it would take another year to 'stop'.
As I've said before that I strongly believe in the UFO phenomenon that there are things out there that can't be explained... extraterrestrial craft, alien greys etc etc. We have been visited and are currently being visited and for those narrow minded short sighted people that cant see pass the 21st century that will typically respond with laughing emojis and "little green men" stuff. The fact is there is something going on out there but many people don't want to believe it. Whether they are evolved humans that have traveled back in time to visit the Earth or actual aliens from another star system making contact we will never truly know at this point.

I don't believe that humans will all die out from a war or whatever or kill ourselves off from stupidity. We will evolve and there is some strong evidence for this... I know there is a lot of crap on the internet and fake videos etc etc but there is something going on.

Humans have been evolving for a long time and if you look at the evolutionary stages which science also proves that humans 1000 years from now loose more body hair with larger eyes and heads and slender taller body types. If you go back 500 years people were shorter than they are today. fast forward a million years in human evolution and we start to look like the Greys.
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Science and physics is never ending and we dont know everything there is to know about science and physics, it goes beyond the 21st century.
As I've said before that I strongly believe in the UFO phenomenon that there are things out there that can't be explained... extraterrestrial craft, alien greys etc etc. We have been visited and are currently being visited and for those narrow minded short sighted people that cant see pass the 21st century that will typically respond with laughing emojis and "little green men" stuff. The fact is there is something going on out there but many people don't want to believe it. Whether they are evolved humans that have traveled back in time to visit the Earth or actual aliens from another star system making contact we will never truly know at this point.

I don't believe that humans will all die out from a war or whatever or kill ourselves off from stupidity. We will evolve and there is some strong evidence for this... I know there is a lot of crap on the internet and fake videos etc etc but there is something going on.

Humans have been evolving for a long time and if you look at the evolutionary stages which science also proves that humans 1000 years from now loose more body hair with larger eyes and heads and slender taller body types. If you go back 500 years people were shorter than they are today. fast forward a million years in human evolution and we start to look like the Greys.

i don't believe aliens could have visited us

1) Where is everyone? if there are 2 intelligent life forms there must be loads 100's, 1000's, millions. we should see life signatures
2) they would be millions of years ahead of us if they dont want to be seen they should not be seen (when they visit)
3) how would they know we are here to visit? our signals have not gone that far, if they were that close it would mean every few star systems is inhabited... so where is everyone?

I think there are 2 solutions to the fermi paradox
1) intelligent life is so rare we are alone..
2) life is common(ish) and in the next century we will find out what the last great filter is...
i don't believe aliens could have visited us

1) Where is everyone? if there are 2 intelligent life forms there must be loads 100's, 1000's, millions. we should see life signatures
2) they would be millions of years ahead of us if they dont want to be seen they should not be seen (when they visit)
3) how would they know we are here to visit? our signals have not gone that far, if they were that close it would mean every few star systems is inhabited... so where is everyone?

I think there are 2 solutions to the fermi paradox
1) intelligent life is so rare we are alone..
2) life is common(ish) and in the next century we will find out what the last great filter is...
Its very possible that the alien greys & UFO's could very well be us from another time. When you look at A.I and the evolutionary tree humans start looking like an alien Grey in the next few thousand years
Its very possible that the alien greys & UFO's could very well be us from another time. When you look at A.I and the evolutionary tree humans start looking like an alien Grey in the next few thousand years

Where are you getting this Grey from, it isn't fact?
I'll give you one thing though, back in 1971 when I first got into UFO's & Aliens and believed any nonsense I read, Aliens were all shapes, sizes and colours, there wasn't one Alien type.
There also wasn't a UFO type, they were all different.
Along came Close Encounters and ET and now everybody who has a sighting see's a Grey but the UFOs are all still different for some reason :)

Thats ridiculous.

You were the one who said "Anything is possible in the future including time travel ". I'm just showing that everything isn't possible.
I love Time Travel films but let's face it, it's never going to happen, it's a lovely theory.
To think you could go back in time and kill Hitler makes a great story but is just that.
Where are you getting this Grey from, it isn't fact?
I'll give you one thing though, back in 1971 when I first got into UFO's & Aliens and believed any nonsense I read, Aliens were all shapes, sizes and colours, there wasn't one Alien type.
There also wasn't a UFO type, they were all different.
Along came Close Encounters and ET and now everybody who has a sighting see's a Grey but the UFOs are all still different for some reason :)

You were the one who said "Anything is possible in the future including time travel ". I'm just showing that everything isn't possible.
I love Time Travel films but let's face it, it's never going to happen, it's a lovely theory.
To think you could go back in time and kill Hitler makes a great story but is just that.
There is a lot of nonsense on the internet and a lot of crackpots and fake videos etc that really discredits the entire phenomenon. I am not aware of any other alien species other than the Greys visiting/observing the Earth. Its been a worldwide phenomenon for centuries and I don't believe everything I read or watch but what I do know is that there are things out that are not of this world or maybe of this world but not from this time. Our air planes helicopters etc are not all the same neither but humans fly all kinds of man made craft that don't all look the same. The Greys may have all different kinds of craft as well.

I think its very naive to say that nothing is possible in the future, its got nothing to do with films. Humans progress and new technology is built, more things are invented as I keep saying just because we don't have those things now doesn't mean that we will never have them because its inevitable that we will one day have all kinds of things, new physics, more understandings of science and new discoveries. The world will move pass the 21st century.
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Its very possible that the alien greys & UFO's could very well be us from another time. When you look at A.I and the evolutionary tree humans start looking like an alien Grey in the next few thousand years
time travel cannot be possible, if it was the civilizations at the end of time would keep hopping back and we would be flooded with infinite beings from the end of time, constantly hopping back and reproducing then 10x as many hop back over and over...

if you want head *remove swearing* to think about.. the VISIBLE universe is 13.7ish billion years... its not impossible the actual universe is infinite.. that means there are infinite version of you... some were aborted before birth, some rule the world, some are exactly the same as you but have 1 hair on their head that a micron shorter...
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I am not aware of any other alien species other than the Greys visiting/observing the Earth.

You need to go back and read some of the classic UFO sightings where they are all different, the Greys started to appear after ET and Close Encounters.

Our air planes helicopters etc are not all the same neither but humans fly all kinds of man made craft that don't all look the same.

They basically all do look the same, cylinder with wings.
If an helicopter then cylinder with rotating blades.
In UFO folklore there are all sorts.
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