Pentagon releases UFO footage

22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
If you have knowledge and data of how to "dematerialize and then rematerialize" why not post some of it?

You talk about cavemen trying to understand a jet engine, after claiming you are "quite confident" (of knowing) how space travel is achieved (dematerialized and rematerialized). You do not see the irony in this?

"The information has been coming out for decades" and time and again it gets shown to be utter nonsense made up by charlatans after their 15 minutes or a quick buck.

"There are many more witnesses like David Grusch yet to come forward, many with first hand information" Oh really? Do tell, you obviously have a list compiled...

None of your word salad backs up a single bit of the nonsense claims you make.

For real now.. are you actually a person or just some deranged ChatGPT plugin?

LOL.. it's proper UFOlogist level stuff isn't it.

Mind you, we all know there are aliens amongst us with next level tech allowing spacetime traversal at a whim.. Nanci Pelosi has this impossible trading record that absolutely is not insider trading she is just able to predict the future because she regularly visits it..

It's always plausible there is a new branch of hitherto unknown physics, which is convenient to keep this alive, but it's at odds with having captured a crashed craft that exists within our localised physics frame of reference and we can operate it and yet they are letting the entire global physics effort waste their time just trying to complete the standard model and look for the next quantum field or dark matter..

What is being described would surely require devices far in advance of the LHC to be able to truly understand the principle of operation of these alleged craft operate, but some rando forumite has figured it all out?? I mean all the star trek buzzwords are there.. it simply 'switches to another dimension'.. great.. so how does it do this? Does it maintain it's own localised physics bubble? where does this new branch of physics sit in relation to everything else/quantum physics? Or did Dr Who leave his sonic screwdriver lying around?

Hmm.. forgive a bit of scepticism here..
29 Dec 2014
It's always plausible there is a new branch of hitherto unknown physics, which is convenient to keep this alive, but it's at odds with having captured a crashed craft that exists within our localised physics frame of reference and we can operate it and yet they are letting the entire global physics effort waste their time just trying to complete the standard model and look for the next quantum field or dark matter..

I think one thing contributing a lot to this problem, which is the absolute epidemic of garbage science spam on things like Youtube.

There are a lot of people who aren't able to differentiate between legitimate scientific content, designed to educate - vs fake ai-generated nonsense designed for monetisation.

This guy gives a good overview of this problem:

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13 Jun 2013
I believe Einstein, that nothing can travel faster than light, which means a space craft that can travel between stars within a reasonable time frame is impossible to build. Meaning little green men visiting us are just science fiction (unfortunately). I mean, there is something that can travel faster than light in quantum physics - "spooky action at a distance" iirc Einstein called it, iirc it's known as quantum entanglement.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Understanding Consciousness seems to be the secret to how everything works. Physical reality is a product of consciousness. I Would really recommend reading the Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. It is a fantastic read no matter what you believe.
Advanced Civilizations seem to be able to turn their reality and technology into non local technology or consciousness. Consciousness is non local. Time, Space and Matter are an illusion. Area 51 was once called Dreamland.
This is not something I cant present to you on a table, but it may intrigue you to look into this yourself.
The part or distinction between life and death. The civilizations who visit us don't see it so black and white.
The technology studied on Earth from non human objects, very few have biological life.
Most are captured probes.
It is the most classified subject in the USA. It is a worldwide phenomenon. If disclosed for a peaceful civilization it could completely transform our world.
A fantastic film for anyone who is new to this is a film by James fox Film called The Phenomenon. Free on Ytube

Every now and then somebody comes along on these forums that goes the extra bit into crazy territory, thank you :)



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
wonder who GEOMAN is, I asked Bing AI to draw GEOMAN, this was what it came up with.


Curiouser and curiouser...
29 May 2006

Do you have alien tech ?
Well alrighty then you're free to go

Just came across another good one

"Aerospace Companies Denied Involvement in Recovering Extraterrestrial Craft AARO met with high-ranking officials, including executives and chief technology officers, of the named companies. All denied the existence of these programs, and attested to the truthfulness of their statements on the record."
AARO investigative technique really does seem to be. Please sit down for an interview, are you breaking the law? No. Is that truthful? Yes. Ok all clear.

Even though large parts of this AARO report agree with my theory. Its still a joke off a report if that's there investigative technique.
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25 Oct 2013
Every time I see this thread pop back up I click on it thinking there might finally be some of this aledged evidence shown - but of course there isnt.
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