Pentagon releases UFO footage

With a skeptic's hat on, what are the chances that these are Chinese or Russian? The NYT article mentions that they have been experimenting with hypersonic technology, but is it possible these things are from those countries?

I am dubious. Let's say they are Chinese or Russian. Why would they test them in US airspace?

It's of course possible and still exciting because that new battery technology they are using must be pretty good!

Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.

Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who was with the Navy for 10 years, told The New York Times in an interview, “These things would be out there all day.” With the speeds he and other pilots observed, he said, “12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”
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It's of course possible but and still exciting because that new battery technology they are using must be pretty good!

My smartphone lasts 2-3 days on a single charge, so this is promising.

There is another article here in the NYT today:

I would suggest having a look and reading the comments. The comments fall into two categories:

"They are possibly aliens" or "I am a scientist/astronomer and they are not alien".

What I find amusing is how now, after the US military, who have some of the best intelligence in the world, have admitted they don't know what these are and they can't rule out the possibility that they're alien, there are still people on the internet going, "they don't know, but I do".

That is exactly part of the problem with some people in our species [apart from selfishness, blinkeredness and insecurity]: "I am an expert on X and this is not possible." Fast forward many years, "ah, we said X was not possible, it actually is possible, if you look at it this way [Y] or do it this way [Z]". "n is safe [n ends up being unsafe, or the reverse]" "a and b cannot coexist [a and b end up coexisting]" etc etc ad nauseam infinitum.

One of my favourite comments from that article is this, which I agree with:

The honest truth is we are not ready to meet with other intelligence, we are barbaric and should be utterly ashamed to host a greater species. Mankind chases war and technology for more war while letting our own children die of hunger and disease every day. I would be mortified and humiliated to have to explain that to a greater species. It wouldn’t be safe for them if we cant even make our planet safe for ourselves. We are garbage and I don’t blame them for trying to keep distance with humans. If they're here, its out of concern for our planet not our species.

Just look at OCUK GD, and I'm using that as a serious case study - no joke - for how utterly selfish, mean and toxic people can be to each other. If aliens are visiting [and it's looking increasingly likely that they are], why would they involve themselves directly with us? What can we do for them? The answer is, I imagine, very little if anything. We are likely just being monitored - maybe for their science, maybe for their amusement. In which case we would not see a disclosure in our lifetimes, just more of, "there are lots of these things, dunno where they keep coming from".

Hard evidence? A clear photo or video? "It's CGI". So that discounts any clear photo or video. People won't buy it. The only other way we could convince people that these things are alien is if they

a] introduce themselves to us
b] we somehow - by luck more than anything else - manage to shoot one down.

Can you imagine, in the case of the latter, how things would go for us then?
I wouldn't try and second guess what a truly alien intelligence might make of us. You have to be careful not to project our thinking and limited understanding of the universe onto this topic.

All options have to be kept open, declaring these things are visiting alien spacecraft from another star system is a closed minded position. They must be studied further and nothing must be off the table. The Pentagon clearly know it's just not that simple and to declare such a thing would simply be guessing at this point.
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All options have to be kept open, declaring these things are visiting alien spacecraft from another star system is a closed minded position. They must be studied further and nothing must be off the table. The Pentagon clearly know it's just not that simple and to declare such a thing would simply be guessing at this point.

Indeed, though as far as I see it, and tell me if I'm missing something - they are either human or they are alien. The latter is just as likely as the former, if not more likely. How on earth could the Chinese or Russians keep development of such tech secret for so long?

EDIT: I suppose there is always the possibility that they are not craft at all, but something else.
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Indeed, though as far as I see it, and tell me if I'm missing something - they are either human or they are alien. The latter is just as likely as the former, if not more likely. How on earth could the Chinese or Russians keep development of such tech secret for so long?

EDIT: I suppose there is always the possibility that they are not craft at all, but something else.

Yes they are either manmade or something else. If "something else" then it's origin needs to be backed up with hard data. The word "alien" can only be used in it's purest definition until an origin is identified.
What do you mean... like some kind of metallic flying life form? :confused:

Well, I haven't read/seen/heard all the available data. Is there data saying they are metallic in appearance? Did someone get a close-up look? The ones in the videos all appear to be at some distance which would make it hard to determine.

Personally I'm in the "most likely aliens" camp, but I am open to other possibilities.

EDIT: If they are alien, it's possible that aliens would not use metal for such craft, but something else. What, exactly, and why? I have no idea.
Even from this thread, there seems to be a switch from ET's don't exist to they do and are visiting us and it all seems to be becoming normalised rather than some big conspiracy theory, I know there's a few nut jobs in GDso just checking on the posters above before I start believing :D
Personally I dont think they are extra terrestrials, I'm ruling that one out. Are they human made, not sure...maybe, maybe not, I'm undecided on that one.
So we can say with certainty the following:

- Phenomena exist which move at speed and with maneouverability unknown for any Earth creature or any known Earth technology
- The US military do not know what these things are
- These things are regularly in terrestrial airspace, some say daily
- Similar phenomena have been reported by the military for several decades

I think the above are pretty much indisputable.

The candidates for identification are pretty mind-blowing.

Chinese/Russian unknown technology
Extra-terrestrial technology
Some kind of unstudied, unknown sentient being(s)

I wonder what other categories exist but yes, as @MookJong said, nothing should be off the table.

I think we can discount weather balloons or weather formations.

Personally I dont think they are extra terrestrials, I'm ruling that one out.

Even the US military are not ruling that out.
WTF does that even state? lol

Well, how about...non-human but from Earth (ie..NOT Extra-terrestrial which is defined as not from Earth) for example a non-human civilization present on Earth or within Earth or sea-based or human and from Earth, but not from this timeframe or this dimension.
Well, how about...non-human but from Earth (ie..NOT Extra-terrestrial which is defined as not from Earth) for example a non-human civilization present on Earth or within Earth or sea-based or human and from Earth, but not from this timeframe or this dimension.

So basically time-travellers.

I think that it would be more likely that they are extra-terrestrials than human time-travellers. The former is more logical to me.

But I also find it quite interesting how someone would believe in time-travel before they would believe in the existence of intelligent non-Earth life. That's an interesting psychological statement.
So basically time-travellers.

I think that it would be more likely that they are extra-terrestrials than human time-travellers. The former is more logical to me.

But I also find it quite interesting how someone would believe in time-travel before they would believe in the existence of intelligent non-Earth life. That's an interesting psychological statement.

Not necessarily time-travellers, thats one possibility. There is also the possibility of non-human from within Earth, or non-human sea based, or human/non-human alternative dimension/parallel universe. Also you are making an enormous leap by saying that I do not believe in the existence of intelligent non-Earth no point have I said that. Quite the contrary, I believe entirely in the existance of intelligent non-Earth life, I think its impossible not to, but the existence of intelligent non-Earth life does not mean that said intelligent non-Earth life has travelled the reaches of the cosmos and arrived here. For example, for me , its a bigger jump to say that an advanced non-Earth lifeform has developed the tech to travel the distances required and out of the infinite directions and stellar bodies has conveniently located us than the chance that its a lifeform already present somewhere within the sphere of our planet.
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