People stepping in front of you

The number of cyclists hereabouts who ignore traffic lights is stunning.
Must admit I've been guilty of this sometimes only when turning left at a junction and done this despite being a good car driver.
1. You build up a bit of speed, lights turn red, you can see clearly in all directions and there are absolutely no cars coming from any other direction
2. Cars/vans even motorbikes overtake us all the time so keeping to the left is relatively low risk anyway.
It's wrong though, I know. I dunno why lights are still on timers these days, I mean no cars at all yet they turn red. That's a waste of fuel for vehicles (having to stop when really no need to).
I wouldn't go over a pedestrian crossing when the lights are red, or pelican either, but have seen many cyclists do that - that's not good.

As a cyclist, walker(hiker) and car driver, IMO cyclists have the worst deal.
I only do a short commute a day but despite ringing the bell where they'res a wall, someone still steps right out in front of me and they're not always plugged in either. THis happens often
Lorrie driver really don't give a ****. They'll just pull out anyway knowing you're not going to do any damage and don't care about forcing a cyclist to brake hard. I tried to get in front of one a while back so I could give them "the bird" but unfortunately the next set of lights turned green and couldn't catch up
Pedestrians walk in cycle lanes all the time. Often anywhere they wont let you past if you ring the bell once and when they do after a few more rings it sometimes comes with a nasty look. I always make sure I give a "thank you" in appreciation.
Cars/van drivers often hardly give you any room.
I always make sure I'm in high vis when cycling which does help a bit. I know as a car driver, at a busy junction you may not just see a cyclist as a visible object - tend to focus on vehicles. If they're in bright colours then they're more noticeable and this is daytime too.

People often complain about cyclists generally but people should really give it a try for themselves then they'd have a more balanced opinion.
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. . . out in the truck around 1pm and I'm approaching a ped crossing . . . Lights clearly green for me, red for them.
. . .
Now the thing is, if I'd hit either of those women I'd have been blamed.
I assume that it was traffic lights where the pedestrian flow is controlled by lights rather than a zebra crossing?
Why do you imagine that you would be blamed for hitting a jay walking pedestrian?

An increasing number of people, on foot, on a bike or in a vehicle are inconsiderate, impatient, thoughtless and frequently distracted by their mobile phones - it happens, get used to it.
1. You build up a bit of speed, lights turn red, you can see clearly in all directions and there are absolutely no cars coming from any other direction

There are these things called pedestrians who tend to cross when the lights are red. I have had too many encounters with idiot cyclists ignoring red lights.
The mistake is simple. You assume people can see you. Best bet is to assume the complete opposite, that nobody sees you. Then consider that even if they DO see you they may actually want to kill you or throw themselves under you anyway.

This has kept me alive on push bike and motorbike so far.

The car is a bit more difficult, it's large enough that you kind of need people to see and make room for you on the road. I always look for "positive contact", ie, eye contact or some action or maneuver that reveals they are aware of my presence. If it gets critical and I am not sure they are aware of my presence I use the horn.
I assume that it was traffic lights where the pedestrian flow is controlled by lights rather than a zebra crossing?
Why do you imagine that you would be blamed for hitting a jay walking pedestrian?

An increasing number of people, on foot, on a bike or in a vehicle are inconsiderate, impatient, thoughtless and frequently distracted by their mobile phones - it happens, get used to it.

It was, aye. And the reason for the assumption is that I had time (just) to stop as I'd been slowing down to turn left. If I'd have been going straight ahead, no chance.
So...had two incidences today of people stepping out in front of me.

Cycling to work in the morning. Straight, flat road. No traffic. Riding from the west. Woman with two dogs crosses from the opposite side straight in front of my path meaning I have to slam on the anchors.
I politely said "good morning" at which point she looked up and said "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there". At this point sarcasm kicked in and I pointed out that yes, I can understand it must be hard to see a 6ft tall bloke in hi-vis on a bright green bike on a clear morning.
ITT we are thirteen year old girls :cool:
Disagree with this. It's a car park, you should expect people walking to and from their cars. It's not a main road. You should driving according to the conditions.

By thinking you automatically have right of way because you're in a car, you're as bad as the other people being discussed in this thread.
Your obviously a non driver or cyclist:
not when they walk across ( a roadway) without even looking or are gazing at their phone, even supermarket car parks have crossing for pedestrians to use, drivers are a problem as well not thinking they have to indicate
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That brings back memories. Do you remember the milkway advert with the blue and red car?

Yeah, it was a good story. See what happened was, the red car and the blue car had a race. But all Red wants to do is stuff his face - he eats everything he sees, from trucks to prickly trees. But smart old Blue, he took the Milky Way!
Speaking as an observant pedestrian in London, mostly I'm happy to let cyclist carry on through the zebra crossings. They're risking life and limb with the terrible drivers in the west end, the least I can do is save them having to stop completely when I can quite easily pause a second and cross behind them. I find myself waving them through on the crossings on my way to work.
Old dude (70 +) stepped in front of me in B&Q a couple of weeks ago. I must admit, I was REALLY peed off about it, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

To be honest I was more concerned about other people thinking I was too soft to say anything, and before I knew it I over thought the situation and the moment passed.
Stepping in front of you is annoying but people who just stop in front of you really winds me up.

Was in ikea the other day and for no reason a couple just stopped in the isle talking forcing everyone else to squeeze past them or detour round them.
People walking in front of me happens daily and I've fell off at least 4 times avoiding them. Even watching like a hawk still doesn't avoid those that suddenly change direction and step out. I normally say 'it's a good job I wasn't a car' but it won't stop them.
There is no excuse for it. Stop doing it.

From a cyclist.
Okay boss :p
I know, and I have already stopped doing it. I can probably count the number of times I did it on one hand and was only when sure there were no cars/peds etc, hence why I was talking past tense too :D. I realised I was being a lazy git in not wanting to slow down and accelerate again.
I see a lot of cyclists doing stupid things, including going over pedestrian crossings when there's a gap behind people but while people are still on the crossing.Not good. Also some idiot nearly crashed into me recently going too fast and thanked me for ringing my bell as luckily he heard the bell before seeing me so was able to start braking (otherwise we would have crashed). "slow the **** down" was my response.
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