People who go and sit in their car to eat their luncheon at work

I've always done this and thought nothing of it, after this thread I'm paranoid Haha. I just go out so I can vape and listen to my own music/radio plus it's a break from the office
There's nothing weird about it. The people who find it weird are the weirdos.
Some people don't have the blessing of being surrounded by the likes of @mrk at their workplace!
I've never really understood people who eat in McDonalds carpark either.

It could be worse, at a previous place of work someone wrapped a turd in cling film and then microwaved it. There are some smells that you never forget, you could actually taste it.

Clingfilm, nice touch. Did he get the raise?
Talking of luncheon, whatever happened to luncheon vouchers?

Still a thing, pain in the butt to deal with as each voucher has to be scanned through the till seperatly. Usually a book is to the value of £20 split into £5/£2/£1/50p vouchers. Ugh. Healthy Start vouchers aren't much better as people don't follow the rules and try to spend them on cake (yes that happened last week...)

As for lunch in the car/carpark/outside/forever alone? I don't like my co-workers and want some peace and quiet. I also find I share little in common with most of them (hate football/prefer metal/hate 'lads banter') so I just go and enjoy myself people watching outside.
We have one who does this, complete oddball. Thought he does rock hearing aids in both ears so I suspect it's more that he can escape and turn them off for an hour over anything else.

Still a total oddball the rest of the time though.
I always did this when I was working in the ward, it was a combination of needing to breathe fresh air, see the outside world for 30 mins and more importantly I don't like talking when I eat and there is always one gabbermouth in the lunch room. I loved getting into the car, sticking on youtube for 30 mins and just having a bit of alone time.

I've always found it odd why people would choose to stay inside the building to eat lunch, when there is an opportunity to get a change of scenery for a bit.
I'll do it sometimes. I usually go for a walk now but I have to get out of the office. I never stay in office for my lunch break
Done it a few times at a job I really hated before. Just a little piece and quiet.

To be fair I would also normally drive to get my lunch nearby so just made more sense to eat in the car rather than walk through the building with my already getting cold food.
I used to do this.

It was many years ago when I was doing an apprenticeship. It was just me, another apprentice (who I didnt work with often as our college times were different), and the boss. It was in IT, and at the bosses house (was definitely taking advntage of the cheap labour). It sounds dodgey, and I absolutetey hated working there, but it was only for a short while I got my qualification.

I used to go to Sainsburies, get some chicken wings from the hot-counter and then eat them in my car with some music. The only alternative was eating with my boss in his house, and that felt weirder than the original situation.
I do this at contracts which i have not liked, and therefore wanted to be out of the office away from the people as much as is possible.

I'd imagine most are probably similar in that it is a way to feel as though you are not there for a short time.
I did it for a while at a place where I didn't really get on with my co-workers (not that they were bad people or anything). I only ended up staying in the job for a few months though before moving on. That's the only time.

edit: It was the sort of place where they wouldn't allow you to eat at your desk and the designated dining area was a very small room with nothing to do or watch in it other than talk to the other people in there. The seats were those tall stools that you would use to eat at a counter.
I would say it's perfectly normal to want to go and get some peace and quiet away from work environment. Just a middle of the day reboot from daily grind of putting up with people who are just colleagues who you wouldnt choose to spend one minute extra with if you didnt have to. There will always be someone who likes everyone else to listen to their amazing stories and insightful outlook on life. Perhaps theyre introverts and just need to recharge their tolerance levels for the afternoons social trials amongst a lot of people

Eating hot food at your desk should be banned too in a place where other people have to work. Who needs the smell of Mcdonalds/KFC/Kebabs or whatever garlic concoction someone brought in poisoning the air for the rest of the day ?
I won't do it at work, lunch is almost always with work colleagues. However when I'm at client sites I will take my full hour lunch, which usually entails eating a sainsburys meal deal in the car watching YouTube.

However I don't understand how people do this where they work unless the odd day they want a change of scenery
Given the table manners I witnessed from others when dining out the other evening I was tempted to take my meal to the car to consume :)

One Chinese family had three under 9 year old children who sat silently whilst their parents ate a starter and a desert that the kids did not partake of before resuming a calm chat after they had finished contrasted sharply with 2 English kids with their slob parents. The English kids roamed the dining area shouting and screaming, and knocked a house plant over before kicking the pot and its soil across the floor. When the parents were asked to control them by the manager the father started to get uppity, but a couple of farmers at the bar intervened and explained forcibly that if their quiet enjoyment of their whiskies was interrupted again they would personally chuck the whole family out. They suggested the kids had some "palm sauce" next which went over the parents' heads but gave me a chuckle. Things changed dramatically for the better, although it was obvious they still had no real authority over their brats.
Who refers to lunch as luncheon?

Jacob Rees-Mogg perhaps, and other cultured people? ;) Lunch is often but a dream to me at this time of year. A big breakfast has to last me through until dinner as a rule. Eating in the car is often the norm in the day, (if I'm lucky)!
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