Gotta love the split hdd trays, gives a nice range of options.
You'll have no probs fitting your drives in the top HDD cage.
But you are limited to a 125mm wide rad in the bottom
Hi Combat Fighter, you can fit 480 in the bottom but in my opinion and experience you will lose some of the clean look. Have a look at my project log (click my signature) for the full story. You can go 480 by all means but you have to lose some flexibility in the process.
If i remember correctly the Monster 480 fits nicely, mine doesn't quite line up all the securing holes. Tbh for my build it was maybe a wee bit overkill but I'm very happy with the look, I can still install the upper hdd cage which slides onto a runner under the optical bay.
If you are prepared to cut your case with a dremel then go for it but stick to 125mm width if not willing! If not then just go with a 360 rad, it'll still look the dogs as the case is just simply awesome.
^look forward to seeing the completed article mate.
Looks good mate. Thats a heck of a long graphics card, tri x model? Heard a lot of good things about the TY-147 fans, though i doubt i could fit them on my cooler as theres not a lot of space to the graphics card.
That's a lot of cables, didn't realise it was a sideways mounted PSU, I'm going to buy the Luxe in black and blue now. Well, when I've moved and settled.