phoned in sick...went to a caught...can I get sacked ?

Believe it or not there's a huge majority of people who don't call in sick when they're not ill, they have the sense to either book holidays for special events and they tend to have this thing they call a "work ethic".
Yes the two are mutually exclusive. People who may happen to skive a day here or there will never do anything productive in their lives.

I'm sure they'll understand if you go in there with a RATM tee shirt on and just point at it grinning.
I dunno, if I was his boss, I'd fire him just for getting to see RATM when I didn't. :(
lol at the high and mighty moral police patrol in this thread.

Or alternatively, lol at the people who have to manage these sort of idiots on a daily basis and therefore have little time for the time wasting parasites...
Or alternatively, lol at the people who have to manage these sort of idiots on a daily basis and therefore have little time for the time wasting parasites...

As well as the ones that have had to double there work load, as other employees think it's ok to take 6 months of a year(sick pay) and the unions wont let the managers fire them :mad:
Or alternatively, lol at the people who have to manage these sort of idiots on a daily basis and therefore have little time for the time wasting parasites...

Are you reffering to managing the people that post on these forums? You are doing a fine job of getting your point through.

The OP takes 1 day off work and you decide to let rip about how people effect your life and then go on to call them parasites. Quite the hostile attitude you have there.

edit: Also people that do skip work on sick tend to resent there job, there boss and are just there for the money with little or no career prospectives. For the people that are in a job they plan to stick with and work up the ladder I would imagine this does not happen, and by then they are a little more mature (hopfully).
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The OP takes 1 day off work and you decide to let rip about how people effect your life and then go on to call them parasites. Quite the hostile attitude you have there.
How long or how often is completely irrelevant. The problem here is simply the fact that they lied to their employer. A little thought and planning may well have got them the time off anyway without having to pull a sickie.

And yes, I'm not the most attendant when it comes to sick time off. I get 1-2 colds a year routinely, plus hayfever, and when either is particularly bad I can't concentrate. One thing my job requires is concentration, so better I'm honest and tell my boss than sit around all day with my head in the clouds getting nothing done. My memory isn't good enough to say for sure I've never pulled a sickie, but I've more than made up any time lost over the years.
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It's nothing to do with morality - it's to do with money and having good staff working for you.

I agree with you Freefaller. I am trying to say if you want good staff and the OP works in say (for example) ASDA you can't expect the staff to be on time and not skip work.

1. they hate the work
2. poor pay
3. maturity levels, they are normally still going through there teenage/rebellion years and are generally still quite young.

These ain't 30 something people in a well paid job with real career prospects skipping work here.

And for the people that didn't skip work whilst at a rubbish job, I understand where you come from as I am that person right now. I am 25 in a job with no prospects but at the same time I understand why people skip work (for the reasons above). I will work hard and eventually get a job that will reward me for what I give to them.

edit: feel content that you have a good job, house, money etc. People that skip work don't normally. Isn't that enough to keep you happy? Rather than abuse and name call. And then see members post in another thread and say the UK is so violent etc etc
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Are you reffering to managing the people that post on these forums? You are doing a fine job of getting your point through.

The OP takes 1 day off work and you decide to let rip about how people effect your life and then go on to call them parasites. Quite the hostile attitude you have there.

No, he didn't take 1 day off work, that would be holiday. He fraudulently took a day where he told his employer he was sick, when he wasn't. Now he's moaning about the fact he's been caught.

edit: Also people that do skip work on sick tend to resent there job, there boss and are just there for the money with little or no career prospectives. For the people that are in a job they plan to stick with and work up the ladder I would imagine this does not happen, and by then they are a little more mature (hopfully).

I wish you were right, unfortunately experience shows you aren't. People pulling sickies tend to do it because they think they can get away with it, any other reason is secondary. The idea that age, maturity or decent pay prevents this is sadly flawed. I regularly hear people well known for abusing the sickness policy moaning about how they don't get opportunities or promotion, without realising that it's their sickness policy abuse that has caused it. (I'm talking about people who write down the trigger dates in their diary so they know when they can take an extra sick day or who manage to get to the 'next sickness and dismissial is an option' stage in a few months, then manage a whole year sickness free so the process resets, but have repeated this pattern over and over. I laughed like you wouldn't believe when several of them forgot it was a leap year and triggered a dismissial this year).

While there are some bad manager and bad places to work, they aren't the cause of people abusing sickness procedures, that's solely down to the person doing the abusing.
People pulling sickies tend to do it because they think they can get away with it, any other reason is secondary. The idea that age, maturity or decent pay prevents this is sadly flawed. I regularly hear people well known for abusing the sickness policy moaning about how they don't get opportunities or promotion, without realising that it's their sickness policy abuse that has caused it. (I'm talking about people who write down the trigger dates in their diary so they know when they can take an extra sick day or who manage to get to the 'next sickness and dismissial is an option' stage in a few months, then manage a whole year sickness free so the process resets, but have repeated this pattern over and over. I laughed like you wouldn't believe when several of them forgot it was a leap year and triggered a dismissial this year).

While there are some bad manager and bad places to work, they aren't the cause of people abusing sickness procedures, that's solely down to the person doing the abusing.

There are some bad managers but I don't feel people taking time off would be for that sole reason.

As for the planning of sick leave, I have never seen that. I have seen people whine about the fact they get no promotion whilst taking regular sick leave but that normally results in the rest of your peers stating that to them anyway. Those sort of people are the ones that do take sick leave and get no where as I was saying above.

Perhaps I have poorly worded my argument as there is so much discussion going on in this thread.
I think its totally role dependant, as expectations vary.

If you stacked shelves in Tesco, I am not sure anyone would care if you were busted and you might well get away with it.

However, if you were a Surgeon, Doctor, or working for a small business that needs reliable people to function, then I think it's very different.
No, he didn't take 1 day off work, that would be holiday. He fraudulently took a day where he told his employer he was sick, when he wasn't. Now he's moaning about the fact he's been caught.

I wish you were right, unfortunately experience shows you aren't. People pulling sickies tend to do it because they think they can get away with it, any other reason is secondary. The idea that age, maturity or decent pay prevents this is sadly flawed. I regularly hear people well known for abusing the sickness policy moaning about how they don't get opportunities or promotion, without realising that it's their sickness policy abuse that has caused it. (I'm talking about people who write down the trigger dates in their diary so they know when they can take an extra sick day or who manage to get to the 'next sickness and dismissial is an option' stage in a few months, then manage a whole year sickness free so the process resets, but have repeated this pattern over and over. I laughed like you wouldn't believe when several of them forgot it was a leap year and triggered a dismissial this year).

While there are some bad manager and bad places to work, they aren't the cause of people abusing sickness procedures, that's solely down to the person doing the abusing.

Where do you work where people are this rutheless with calculating and abusing their sick leave?
Where do you work where people are this rutheless with calculating and abusing their sick leave?

I've seen it in several places, it's all about what people think they can get away with and how well they read the processes and the way it's defined. Unfortunately it's this sort of behaviour that leads to the policies being tightened up for all staff, not just the ones who are abusing it.

Currently I work for a mobile phone network.
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