It's not the "expose correctly/creatively" as you can use any program you wish to redo that. It is the reading of the camera RAW..Loads of us do not use or do not like DNG files.
If you live in the countryside or Seaside, then internet reception is either LOW or non existant. If You and Wife/Girlfriend/boyfriend both use Photoshop, you can NOT use it at the same time on two PC's, which is TOTTALLY STUPID. Those who pay for CC will be paying far more over the years and will not own it..Sorry, when I buy/pay for something I OWN IT, not lease it. If it was cheaper to lease my car I would go out and lease a better one, but much better to OWN it. People use to lease their TV's off of Granada once, then they got wiser and saved up and bought their own TV and OWNED it..
What adobe and Pros are saying is---PS is for Digitisers/Artists etc. not Photogs. Lightroom is for Photogs. I prefer PS cRAW and PS to Lightroom. So I for one will not be upgrading my Canon. I shall stick to my 50D & 7D till they brakedown, then if poss I'll pay for repair, and use Lightroom and PS6. PS5 for a while as I prefer it.
What they also be saying is--If you be a Pro and use All our programs (3 or more) and you want updates, pay through the nose via Cloud. Majority of us will never use the new updates as we do not need them and Adobe knows that. They'll make their cash off of the pros...Off now to practise a bit in Lightroom. Taa-Raa