Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW

Well if you want me to be honest..... I contacted the main office just after lunch asking if I should order it from Amazon on expenses and they told me no, they'd get procurement to source it and send it straight to me :D

I like the Microsoft natural keyboard, I've used one at work for a couple of different companies since 2000 when I think I had the Natural Keyboard Pro and I've been through quite a few of them since. I always end up with a nice worn patch where my thumb always hits the spacebar at the same place (although all my keyboards end up with that).
I have to say I am a big fan of MS peripherals.
Got a Bluetooth mouse that's over 10 years old and a couple of desktop sets of a similar age.
Never missed a beat.
I have tried other stuff along the way, and always ended up back with them when others have failed!
Rate my setup bros

That desk brings back memories. I had the same one back in 2001! I shagged many birds over that desk. lol
Hi Guys,
So I am looking to get a new desk setup.
here is my current desk

Now please excuse the mess and the fluffballs! :D
I am looking for a bit of an IKEA alex draws and a worktop set up.
My biggest concern is my current desk is far too high. When I type its like I am a meerkat stood on their hind legs! (yes I am quite short)
So do the Alex range or similar do draws that are fairly low.
My desk chair is at its highest and still doesn't make me feel very high up.
Any help gratefully accepted
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Iam jealous of your drawer labelled documents tbh. With the high desk and chair you need a foot rest also, I think it will feel more comfortable, maybe take the lower shelf away if its in the way at all
I definitely need better cable management, not sure what to do as second monitor is only utilised when the windows PC is on which is never :p Might get rid of it and just whack the laptop on a stand and go back to two screen but not sure...

Hi Guys,
So I am looking to get a new desk setup.
here is my current desk

Now please excuse the mess and the fluffballs! :D
I am looking for a bit of an IKEA alex draws and a worktop set up.
My biggest concern is my current desk is far too high. When I type its like I am a meerkat stood on their hind legs! (yes I am quite short)
So do the Alex range or similar do draws that are fairly low.
My desk chair is at its highest and still doesn't make me feel very high up.
Any help gratefully accepted

I don't think you zoomed the web page in enough
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