[PIC_THREAD] Weddings

Dammit Rhys when I was walking around Oxford I was basically thinking "It would be awesome to get shot there, and there, and there." and now I keep seeing you've done them all...
Thanks :) I think I have the cloudy day colour process sorted with that one! The same preset doesn't give the same feel in sunlight or indoors with natural light coming in, at this rate I'm going to be scrolling through my custom presets!
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Exception, I adore your style, lovely texture.

I'm also from Oxford, and have had this street in mind for a shoot!

Thanks very much :)
Yes Oxford has lot's of lovely places to shoot, as it's pretty photogenic. The only issues I had was people getting in the frame. I either like the frame to be clean, or full of people.
I've covered allot of the obvious spot's now, but there are still lot's of nooks and crannies to explore.

Fingers crossed next year I might have a wedding to shoot here, I think the library also extends all the way under the camera building, but from overhearing a tour guide (I may be wrong), apparently certain parts are not available for public viewing, but students have access.
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It's a trade secrete, but basically you should be able to get somewhere close by clipping the blacks with tone curve. Increase contrast. And add some grain to put texture in, especially the blacks.
Duotone Rojin? I like it! I'm on a vintage high at the moment and that looks nice.
I'm roughly 90% sure I know almost exactly how you do it, An Exception, so I'm going to hold your trade secrets hostage and sell them off to the highest bidder :P
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^^Shot a few a while back so not with the 5D but:

I have no idea how the 40D managed to lock on and track in low light but I was pleased it did:





Duotone Rojin? I like it! I'm on a vintage high at the moment and that looks nice.

Erm, it's split tone? At least that's the settings I've played with in LR. Added a slight tint to highlight and shadows.


Poor old 1Ds2 at ISO 3200:

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