[PIC_THREAD] Wildlife, Animals, Birds, Zoo

Yeah, the one there is a younger female and she was quite energetic and friendly with the staff. The fox was jumping up begging for snacks a lot but I prefer the shots that look more natural so I didn't process any of those!

My Flickr stream page is looking quite Foxtastic right now since I've just processed a bunch more and that's not even the end of the Fox stuff lol :|

Here's another shot of the female/Vixen being cute to the keeper for snacks


Playful Fox by Phal44, on Flickr

The older male was a bit more serious and standoffish


More Serious Fox by Phal44, on Flickr

He did a bit of scouting around their enclosure


Sneaky Fox by Phal44, on Flickr

Reminds me a bit of a Wolf here I think because of the shape of the head... But a bit smaller and a lot more ginger :D


Sulky Fox by Phal44, on Flickr
first proper BIF photos

taken with my only semi appropriate lens, canon 100mm L macro with 60D
no adjustments, just a bit of crop

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C&C most welcome :)
Heaviest crops are still around 1800x2600 resolution from my 70d 20MP sensor

The bird was just very friendly! I was sat down on a bench which is quite secluded by a lake and he/she (the bird) was busy hunting insects. He kept stopping to munch insects before going to get more.
Light wasn't great as the area was a bit in the shade and it was a bit overcast too but I think I made the most of it! A few shots are ISO800 but the rest are 100/200 so not too bad.

The little guy/girl even hopped around my feet a few times. I sat with my legs out stretched and hoped he would sit on the end of my toes for a while but no such luck :(
That's a cracking red kite shot. I've had a pretty lean year until yesterday, when fate put these fellas in my sights. Shame my dodgy back meant the 40D/100-400L was at home. All I had was my SX50 in my hands and Johnny Morris's voice in my head.

You lookin' at me?


'Ere, Charlie, some bloke's starin' at me!


What's he want? Better tell Sid.


Squirrel Squad assemble! Time to gather some nuts!


Shame the sun went in again for the last one. If it had the light and sharpness of the threesome I'd be happy. But in some ways I wish I'd been shooting video rather than stills. It was rather funny the way I started seeing just one, then the second, then the third barges in between the first two to see what's going on. Then the fourth appeared to the right. I couldn't believe it. :-)

Sadly a couple walking their dog came along then and the squirrels disappeared. For all I know there were dozens of them up there, about five meters up on the broken tree stump.
A bit of a savage crop, I need a longer lens :(


Still a great pic

Having spent the last hour going through this thread, I'm embarressed by my pictures.
Can I just ask how may of these pictures are post processing & how many are straight off the camera?
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