how about a tighter crop ? Stick the bird on the bottom 3rd cornerDSCF4631 by Phil watson, on Flickr
DSCF4678 by Phil watson, on Flickr
DSCF4571 by Phil watson, on Flickr
how about a tighter crop ? Stick the bird on the bottom 3rd cornerDSCF4631 by Phil watson, on Flickr
DSCF4678 by Phil watson, on Flickr
DSCF4571 by Phil watson, on Flickr
how about a tighter crop ? Stick the bird on the bottom 3rd corner
That's a great picture. I think it would be even better cropped to just the head and upper neck. The body looks unusual with the current crop to me
Like so?That's a great picture. I think it would be even better cropped to just the head and upper neck. The body looks unusual with the current crop to me