[PIC_THREAD] Wildlife, Animals, Birds, Zoo

You're very lucky there with Maple Lodge. A quick read of the species list shows the site is very well surveyed with a large variety of flora and fauna recorded. I'd spend a lot of time there if that was over the road from me (without the dog though).

Sorry for the late reply :p

I'm a member here - http://www.maplelodge.org/ and this place is just over the road from me so I take the dog and my camera there for a few hours now & then - http://www.wildlondon.org.uk/reserves/ten-acre-wood
There's far more wildlife going on in Ten Acre Wood than is listed on that site :)
You're very lucky there with Maple Lodge. A quick read of the species list shows the site is very well surveyed with a large variety of flora and fauna recorded. I'd spend a lot of time there if that was over the road from me (without the dog though).

They also have a Facebook group which is quite active with members posting photos everyday and recording new sightings and species.
We now have Green Sandpipers, Greenshanks & Little Egrets visiting and a couple of Barn Owls were seen leaving an owl box last night apparently. :)
"so I take the dog and my camera" i'd leave the dog at home might get to see more, my friend takes his dog with us and it goes mental at all the red squirrels up in the dales pita I just avoid any reserves where dogs are permitted. ( and dads with 3, 5 year olds in tow )
Been working on kingfishers the last week or so with varying success. Seems 5am starts to get in situ and set up work best after learning some of this particular bird's habits and playing the waiting game. Next steps will be trying to get some different angles on this spot and putting out a post in the water near the bank.

Kingfisher by Andy Davis, on Flickr
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