[PIC_THREAD] Wildlife, Animals, Birds, Zoo

Went to the park to try out my brothers 85mm 1.8, the colour fringing is awful :(
Focal length and sharpness are great though! All three are pretty heavily cropped.



ManCuBus, I was looking through your Flickr, and I love Golden Grass and Gold under the bridge. They are both really beautiful pictures. Sorry to use this thread to say this but I got there through the squirrel picture...... ;)
Friendly Marmot. These guys normally aren't hard to photograph in the wil once you hve found them. The sad thing is the easiest ones are next to car parks and trail heads, in the wilderness they tend to be very shy. This was one I found 10miles out from the nearest trailhead while having lunch and sunbathing over the course of an hour he became sufficiently friendly to let me come close, which is always nice to get that extra connection with the animal.
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