No, I waited until they were in a darkened area of the enclosure under some overhanging bushes, set the camera to spot for the exposure and exposed on the bird thus everything else tends to come out dark, then tweaked the odd bits to remove any foliage that was showing and played around with the levels lifting light, dropping blacks and shadows etc in photoshop / lightroom to get the look I wanted. Its a more hit and miss process, but you can get some decent ones, the top pelican was more over to the right so I cloned the left side flipped it and merged on the right to centralise the bird.
Similar when I processed the Flamingo I pushed the colours to bring out the pinky orange and that brought out the muted colours you don't normally see in their legs.. I thought it sort of made the colours pop.
I had the top pelican printed and framed at the highest (about 3 1/2 foot high) they could do, even I couldn't believe I had taken it when I saw it in a frame...
Merlin to do it justice look at it in flickr at full size..