Took a trip out to Flamborough at the weekend, I definitely need a longer lens.
What lens do you currently use?
Kestrel 1 by Matt Hirst, on Flickr
Kestrel - What are you looking at! by Matt Hirst, on Flickr
Kestrel - Leap of Faith by Matt Hirst, on Flickr
Boat trip out to Skomer lsland last week, although annoyingly our landing tour was cancelled due to heigh seas, so jumped on a rib tour instead
it'll be on the cusp from the sounds of it, but should still be some around - what i didn't know was you can go Snorkelling with them, and you even get a lure hat to encourage them to come say hi: the Puffins. I'm there in 2 weeks. Hope they stick around.
My trip To Skomer Island was cancelled. Have to wait nearly a year now to goit'll be on the cusp from the sounds of it, but should still be some around - what i didn't know was you can go Snorkelling with them, and you even get a lure hat to encourage them to come say hi: