[PIC_THREAD] Wildlife, Animals, Birds, Zoo

Surely getting more pixels on a subject by using the TC will give more detail [in the subject] than cropping.
I’ve tested with a sigma sports 150-600, Sony 100-400 and canon 100-400 all with the matching 1.4tc’s and I had sharper images with a lot more detail from the ones shot at the same distance then cropped to match. The TC’s makes images too soft for my liking. I guess it depends what body you’re shooting with and how large you wish to print.
Not a bad shot, just looks a bit soft on my screen.
It probably is on your screen, for some inexplicable reason everything I shot that morning was at 1/200th instead of my usual 1/800th.
It looks OK on my 5K iMac which is one of the problems of using a Mac for PP.
Just returned from the first of three trips this year to Mull. Most of the week was spent tracking and photographing otters though both eagle species were seen most days.

Otter by Andy Davis, on Flickr
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