Pictures of my car accident

That'll T-Cu.....

Damn! Good job getting out of that one, all 3 of you. That is some nasty cabin intrusion but considering the crash it's not surprising.
Wow, glad to hear you were all ok - I can't imagine the feeling it must be to have a crash with a baby in the back. I'm amazed at the short sentence as well especially considering how lucky it was there were no fatalities.

Just as an aside, if the insurance case is still going on it might be prudent to remove the close up pic of the tyre and the speed you were doing?
Been there done that, same thing in 1992, on a country road at 9pm a drunk driver came round the road on my side!

Head on collision. I was in an Escort mk3 he a Audi, he was fine, i suffered broken clevical, wrist, smashed knees, torn ligaments in one ankle broken ankle on other foot and big cuts to hands.
Imagine both feet, bending up at touching your shin! yes mine were beacuse the pedals pushed them up that far.

I was pulled out of my car by a vehicle coming behind me whilst mine started to catch fire.

The guy in the audi? well he got out and had a cigarette, I remember is so clearly.

Normally I gave a staff member a lift home, that night I had not, for the passanger seat was crushed to the roof! Thank god for little mercies.

I spent 9 weeks in hospital, had my 21st in there and had 3 months off of work.

I feel for you and your family, it could have been a lot lot worse.

I am really glad you came out of it alive. I still suffer with bad knees and ankles now, some 18 years later.

Your car reminded me so much of how mine looked!

Glad you are getting better all of you.

Eventually it all went to court, I got compensation about 24 months later, he was banned and fined. Nothing more!
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Yes it is? Two objects travelling towards each other at 80 close in at 160. If they are identical objects it is like hitting an immovable object (not generally a wall) at 80.

KE of each vehicle is proportional to v^2

Two 80mph vehicles
80^2 + 80^2 = 6400 + 6400 = 12800

One 150mph vehicle, one 10mph
150^2 + 10^2 = 22500 + 100 = 22600

There's a significant difference in the amount of energy involved in a 80mph vs 80 mph and 150mph versus 10 mph crash. Dissipating energy is the name of the game and there's a lot more energy to dissipate with the latter example.

To the OP: Glad you're up and about. No doubt you'll cherish every moment with your family forever now. :)
Its going through the insurance's still.
They drag their feet every time they can so my solicitor has to keep giving them 14 days to reply to every letter she sends. Then on the 14th day in the afternoon she receives a faxed reply :rolleyes:

I had a very similar accident and injuries in 2006 and our claim only just finished after just over 3 years to complete. That included hospital appointments on behalf of the "other sides insurance" as our hospital records were not good enough.

My SWMBO is still having psychological problems and hates driving down the road the accident happened on. Even though we were both given ketamine and don't remember any of the accident.

Hope your claim goes through quicker as it was hell but it sounds like the same tactics the insurers were playing with our case.
Just as an aside, if the insurance case is still going on it might be prudent to remove the close up pic of the tyre and the speed you were doing?

theres always one isnt there :rolleyes:

Your about 6 months too late. Do you really think the insurance company havent already inspected the car in great detail ?
As a new driver this sort of thing worries me and these pictures are pretty frightening ... So glad you and your family are alive and relatively well after a crash of that scale.

I was pulled out of my car by a vehicle coming behind me whilst mine started to catch fire.

The guy in the audi? well he got out and had a cigarette, I remember it so clearly.

Unbelievable ! :eek:
I think the point is actually that the crash damage is not the same as one car travelling 100mph into a wall, the closing speed might be the same as two cars at 50, but the damage is so much worse.
If you watch the whole clip, the car that hits the wall at 100 is practically pancaked, the two cars at 50 have the same damage and g forces as one car and a wall at 50, and is much more intact.
I never said the crash damage was like one travelling at 100mph in to a wall. I said the speed with which the distance between them is being reduced (the closing speed) is like driving towards a wall at 100 mph. I even went so far as to say it's only useful when thinking about reaction speeds.
There's a significant difference in the amount of energy involved in a 80mph vs 80 mph and 150mph versus 10 mph crash. Dissipating energy is the name of the game and there's a lot more energy to dissipate with the latter example.
Isn't that what I said? I.e. two vehicles at 80 with a closing speed of 160 is very different to one large vehicle at 155 and another small vehicle at 5, even though that too has a closing speed of 160.

Here's exactly what I said:
The "combined speed" of a crash doesn't really mean anything. There's a closing speed that's useful when thinking about reaction times - two objects heading towards each other at 80 mph a piece is like one object moving towards a stationary object at 160 mph. However, it doesn't mean much in terms of what happens when they collide - that is all down to the mass, shape and respective speeds of the colliding objects. If I am driving at 155 mph in a Mercedes S-Class and hit a Mini travelling at 5 mph, it's still a combined speed of 160 mph, but the S-Class will more or less drive through the Mini.
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theres always one isnt there :rolleyes:

Your about 6 months too late. Do you really think the insurance company havent already inspected the car in great detail ?

Take your rolleyes elsewhere - I was just trying to be helpful. I don't know any of the details of why the other guy's insurance company haven't paid out yet but I was saying to just be careful with certain details until they have. Did you get out of the wrong side of bed or something?
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