*** Pictures of things we bought in March ***

sounds like elbow. ew.

(no offence)

Yeah alt-j's releases are pretty nice but im a huge TNP fan so whatevs if its hipster.

Hah, I haven't listened to enough Elbow but can see what you are saying. Most reviews of the album compared them to Mumford & Sons (ugh.)

Alt-J is a bit hipster, but I'm willing to look past that if the musics good :D
Matix Domepiece Headphones. Thought i'd treat myself seen as though they were reduced from £55 to £7!
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What? It now follows the same naming system as their other products.

Makes sense to me instead of having the iPad 5, 6, 7 and iPhone 5, 6, 7.

Marginally, but they had to increase the size of the battery (by a lot).

the new ipad ? what will go after that? the newer ipad? :D
The best thing in that picture is the fact that that idiot is quitting. :p

Looks nice, but I can't help but feel it isn't worth the upgrade over the 2. I don't really use mine much though so I guess that's mostly the reason why I'm thinking it'll be a bad idea to get one. :o
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