*** Pictures of things we bought in March ***

The best thing in that picture is the fact that that idiot is quitting. :p

Looks nice, but I can't help but feel it isn't worth the upgrade over the 2. I don't really use mine much though so I guess that's mostly the reason why I'm thinking it'll be a bad idea to get one. :o
If you don't read a lot, it is not worth it. It's heavier and I really don't like that, but I spend so long reading from the device (1-2 hours a day) it's worth it to me.

Says it all
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Terrible iPhone photo..

My new road bike :D

First time I've ridden on SPDs.. I'm covered in bruises and cuts. But I love it.
You ip3 owners do realize the screen is a samsung :D

You do realise that most people who buy Apple stuff don't actually hate Samsung in the same way a lot of people hate Apple? They don't care :p

I'm so tempted by one, the screen looks amazing but I could do with a laptop :(
A man in a van just dropped these off


Excuse the pic, it was taken on my iSamsung.

Replacement HID bulbs \m/
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