Piers Morgan on TalkTV gets one million subscribers.

Some black people use the N word to address another black person, are they are being racist?

Context dependent, there's no context in which someone being called a gammon isn't being insulted primarily based on their skin colour. It isn't being used colloquially as a term of endearment or while joking around between friends, it is purely an insult based on skin colour. I'd say it's even dehumanising actually.
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Some black people use the N word to address another black person, are they are being racist?

I pondered this for a while and the best description of such a greeting I can come up with is that it's "tribal". They accept it as it's uttered by effectively a tribe member, whilst they would not accept it from the "Whitey Tribe".

Another confirmation that mankind is still strongly tribal in nature.
Context dependent, there's no context in which someone being called a gammon isn't being insulted primarily based on their skin colour. It isn't being used colloquially as a term of endearment or while joking around between friends, it is purely an insult based on skin colour. I'd say it's even dehumanising actually.

Bless, you really are a delicate little flower aren't you :cry:

"It's my right to be offensive!!1!" say knuckle dragging righties

"Waaaa, Waaaa, Waaaa, someone said some mean words to me" crys knuckle dragger in the corner.
Context dependent, there's no context in which someone being called a gammon isn't being insulted primarily based on their skin colour. It isn't being used colloquially as a term of endearment or while joking around between friends, it is purely an insult based on skin colour. I'd say it's even dehumanising actually.

I've seen plenty of videos of black people using it in anger, at other black people as well.

Are they racist?
I've seen plenty of videos of black people using it in anger, at other black people as well.

Are they racist?

I think the victim would feel as though their skin colour was being used against them, so yes, obviously. It isn't okay. I swear it must be actually painful to be so lacking in critical thinking skills.
Well lots of posters apparently feel they are suffering from horrific racism when another white person types the word "Gammon"

I haven't been called a gammon obviously, I'm in decent shape and have mostly a full head of hair so that would likely not be the go to insult for me, I'm just calling it out for what it is.
In true GD fashion, a thread about someone reaching a million subscribers turns to racism.

Nice one guys :rolleyes:
If it truly is offensive and "racist", then i'm surprised it hasn't been put on the blocked word list given 'flake of snow' is/was.

Although, if someone finds the word gammon offensive, doesn't that make that person a 'flake of snow' what with them being a bit oversensitive (the definition of 'flake of snow')? :confused:

I haven't been called a gammon obviously, I'm in decent shape and have mostly a full head of hair so that would likely not be the go to insult for me, I'm just calling it out for what it is.
Not entirely sure what you being in "decent shape and have mostly a full head of hair" has to do with it, as 'gammon' more recently referred to the red hue of someones, typically middle-aged and right-wing, angry face.
Although the word goes way back to 17th century and had a slightly different original meaning anyway.
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If it truly is offensive and "racist", then i'm surprised it hasn't been put on the blocked word list given 'flake of snow' is/was.

Although someone finds the word gammon offensive, doesn't that make that person a 'flake of snow' what with them being a bit oversensitive (the definition of 'flake of snow')? :confused:

Projection is lost on them.
When a racist person makes thread about their idol, what you expect?

Here's the definition of idol:

1: an object of extreme devotion
a movie idol
also : ideal sense 2

2: a representation or symbol of an object of worship
broadly : a false god

3a: a likeness of something
b obsolete : pretender, impostor

4: a false conception : fallacy

5: a form or appearance visible but without substance
an enchanted phantom, a lifeless idol—
P. B. Shelley

Mr. Morgan is none of those to me, merely an amusing interviewer and writer who surprised me by the size of his audience.

I can think of no living person I might idolise and very few who are dead.
Back on topic, considering how Piers Morgan absolutely put the government to the sword every single time a Tory Minister was on GMB, I'm surprised more people on here don't like him. I don't recognise him being biased one way or another on Political issues, he's even notoriously anti-2nd amendment, he ripped Alex Jones to shreds, there's a lot for people on the left to like about him. They're so emotionally driven they just completely lack objectivity so often though so actually I'm not surprised at all.
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Back on topic, considering how Piers Morgan absolutely put the government to the sword every single time a Tory Minister was on GMB, I'm surprised more people on here don't like him. I don't recognise him being biased one way or another on Political issues, he's even notoriously anti-2nd amendment, he ripped Alex Jones to shreds, there's a lot for people on the left to like about him. They're so emotionally driven they just completely lack objectivity so often though so actually I'm not surprised at all.
You have to agree with all the social/political talking points that the left stand for, as soon as you disagree with one that's it, you are out of the religion and ostracised.
There are a large number of often younger Left supporting people who have no nuance with politics, give them the slightest sniff that a person in the media has shown the merest affinity for something they perceive as leaning to the Right and that person has to be demonised, ostracised, mocked and torn asunder by the pack.

One only has to look in any strongly left leaning forum, for example, the general discussion and politics sub forums of AV Forums to see this in action. Hyenas operate in a more cultured manner if the scent of Right leaning blood is on the wind. The Trump and Musk threads here show somewhat similar tendencies.
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