Piers Morgan with a brilliant quote on the rise and fall of equality

I love how some of them are saying there is no unfair advantage at all and that they are real women like the rest of them. Delusional.

This somewhat relevant tweet made me laugh.


Equality was achieved years ago, now the pendulum has swung too far the other way.

All those activists that fought tooth and nail for it, got it, instead of patting themselves on the back, saying job well done. They had to do something to justify their existence and the result is what we have today.


So basically science says men are on average 30-40% stronger and 10-15% faster than women. Just don't tell the lefties though, they think science is witch craft.

Which means its pretty safe to say that a trans person who was male and now identifies as female, would still have that strength/speed advantage due to their increased muscle mass.
Piers Moron is like the spoilt brat that lies down on the floor of a supermarket floor and screams its head off - everything he says or writes can be summed up as ME, ME, ME!
You should only be allowed to compete in sports as whatever you were born as. or have your own seperate event. like a trans olympics.

lol. You talk so much pants, mine has fallen off and i'm thinking of getting legless. Grow up, you are a clown in the very right manner.
Piers Moron is like the spoilt brat that lies down on the floor of a supermarket floor and screams its head off - everything he says or writes can be summed up as ME, ME, ME!
Yeah, but what about addressing his point here. You don't have to take a binary view just because someone is a **** most of the time.
[..] Why don't people fight for true equality these days? everyone just wants special treatment for their own 'group',

It's always been that way. The idea of true equality has always been a niche thing at best. Now that feminism and the regressive left have infected, usurped and corrupted it into the opposite of itself, it's completely dead as an ideology. They've succeeded where more honest ideologies of irrational prejudice failed. We're back to "they're all the same" being the unchallengeable norm. That's what group identity politics is - the belief that "they're all the same". It's no longer a fashionable way of phrasing the belief, but it's still the same belief.

I think it's an impossible dream because group identity politics is simple and far more easily used to obtain simple answers to everything, power, money, a sense of belonging and a feeling of righteousness regardless of what you do. You can't get any of that from advocating equality, but you can get all of it by advocating for a group identity. It also far more easily lends itself to political activism at all levels. There may well be many people who do favour equality, but they have no power and no simple ideology to devote themselves to promoting. Group identity advocacy is inherently easier to promote. No group advocate has ever advocated for equality, but many of them have lied about it to use it as a weapon against itself. Even the Nazis, the most obviously deranged extremist group identity advocates, did that.

The position of group identities in the dominant hierarchy of group identities (every group identity advocate places different group identities in a hierarchy - what would be the point of group identity advocacy otherwise?) changes, but the basic idea doesn't. Trans group identity advocates are a bit unusual in that they're gone straight in for the top spot in the hierarchy from nowhere and they're winning, but it's not fundamentally different to any other group identity advocacy. Just more ambitious, more politically skilled and benefitting from the extremely strong culture of group identity politics established by feminism and the regressive left.

why not group ourselves as British and fight for each other, rather than against one another? or is that considered far right because it recognises that the biggest and most unifying group of all is our national identity?

Nationalism is just another strain of group identity ideology. Currently an unfashionable one.
Piers Moron is like the spoilt brat that lies down on the floor of a supermarket floor and screams its head off - everything he says or writes can be summed up as ME, ME, ME!

Did you read the thread? Or did you just see the words Piers Morgan and decide to post whatever first came into your head?

I think most people can acknowledge that Piers is a bit of a ****. However the quote in the OP was:

The irony of this debate is that the transgender community has rightly fought for years to win equality and fairness.

Yet now they are fighting equally ferociously for the right to have an unfair and unequal advantage over women in sport who were born biological females.

How you go from that to "Me Me Me" isn't really clear and presumably only makes sense to you alone.

In this instance Piers is pretty much on point IMHO.
Which means its pretty safe to say that a trans person who was male and now identifies as female, would still have that strength/speed advantage due to their increased muscle mass.

They absolutely do.

A New Zealand physiology professor says transgender athletes have advantages over their female competitors and more research needs to be done by sporting regulators before they should compete against each other.

Otago University professor in physiology Alison Heather has researched transgender changes, particularly in top level sport.

She is adamant international sporting regulation bodies such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have rushed a decision to include transgender athletes in male and female categories, as there has not been enough research.


Here's just a few of the advantages men retain after transitioning to women:

* larger internal organs
* explosive power
* larger bones
* greater bone density
* muscle mass
* muscle density
* more fast-twitch muscles
* stamina
* hip structure
* grip strength

A few more:


None of these factors are mitigated by transition. You can reduce testosterone levels, but the physical superiority is still there.

Australia's national women's soccer team can't even beat a bunch of teenage boys, let alone men.

'Matildas lose to team of Newcastle Jets teenagers, prompting backlash from pundits.'

A largely negative reaction proceeded the Matildas' 7-0 loss against a young, male Newcastle Jets team in a training exercise on Wednesday night.

...Football commentator and former national manager Sarah Groube said the whole situation was a bit of a "storm in a teacup", considering it was quite normal for the Matildas to play and lose against male teenage footballers.

This is Hannay Mouncey, an Australian athlete who used to play handball as a man, and now plays football as a woman. Note that Mouncey has never undertaken any form of physical gender reassignment, but is still permitted to compete with women:




It doesn't take a genius to see the problem here.
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I guess this is relevant to the thread:


Rapper and Oxford graduate rapper, Zuby, stoked the flames of a burning debate when he took to Twitter to demonstrate that male athletes shouldn't compete alongside women.

The Southampton native posted a series of videos of himself in a gym apparently 'destroying' various female weight-lifting records.

But he did so whilst 'identifying as a female' as a tongue in cheek response to the issue around biologically male athletes taking part in female competition.

The 32-year-old claimed to have broke the women's dead-lift record of 238kg 'without even trying'.
Hopefully (and assuming there is still humankind and some sort of civilization then) in 50 years time people will look back at the 2010's as a period where humanity truly lost their way and became a bit mad.
This whole "cannot offend anyone" thing is going way too far.
There's nothing like arguing with imaginary view points, isn't? You all agree with Morgan in this case, I agree as well and so does the IOC, more or less (Hannay Mouncey would be not even close to these standards, considering the muscle mass visible in the picture):
  1. Those who transition from female to male are eligible to compete in the male category without restriction.
  2. Those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category under the following conditions:
    • The athlete has declared that her gender identity is female. The declaration cannot be changed, for sporting purposes, for a minimum of four years.
    • The athlete must demonstrate that her total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to her first competition (with the requirement for any longer period to be based on a confidential case-by-case evaluation, considering whether or not 12 months is a sufficient length of time to minimize any advantage in women’s competition).
    • The athlete's total testosterone level in serum must remain below 10nmol/L throughout the period of desired eligibility to compete in the female category.
    • Compliance with these conditions may be monitored by testing. In the event of non-compliance, the athlete’s eligibility for female competition will be suspended for 12 months
So what exactly is the point of this circlejerking?
There's nothing like arguing with imaginary view points, isn't? You all agree with Morgan in this case, I agree as well and so does the IOC, more or less (Hannay Mouncey would be not even close to these standards, considering the muscle mass visible in the picture):
  1. Those who transition from female to male are eligible to compete in the male category without restriction.
  2. Those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category under the following conditions:
    • The athlete has declared that her gender identity is female. The declaration cannot be changed, for sporting purposes, for a minimum of four years.
    • The athlete must demonstrate that her total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to her first competition (with the requirement for any longer period to be based on a confidential case-by-case evaluation, considering whether or not 12 months is a sufficient length of time to minimize any advantage in women’s competition).
    • The athlete's total testosterone level in serum must remain below 10nmol/L throughout the period of desired eligibility to compete in the female category.
    • Compliance with these conditions may be monitored by testing. In the event of non-compliance, the athlete’s eligibility for female competition will be suspended for 12 months
So what exactly is the point of this circlejerking?

Testosterone levels being below 10bmol/L doesn't mean they don't retain a competitive advantage. We've seen research showing people who use anabolic steroids (aka exogenous testosterone) benefit for 10 years from a short cycle, so the benefits for a male who's been through puberty and has had high testosterone for many years will probably be greater, 1 year is a joke. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24730151
There's nothing like arguing with imaginary view points, isn't? You all agree with Morgan in this case, I agree as well and so does the IOC, more or less (Hannay Mouncey would be not even close to these standards, considering the muscle mass visible in the picture):
  1. Those who transition from female to male are eligible to compete in the male category without restriction.
  2. Those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category under the following conditions:
    • The athlete has declared that her gender identity is female. The declaration cannot be changed, for sporting purposes, for a minimum of four years.
    • The athlete must demonstrate that her total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to her first competition (with the requirement for any longer period to be based on a confidential case-by-case evaluation, considering whether or not 12 months is a sufficient length of time to minimize any advantage in women’s competition).
    • The athlete's total testosterone level in serum must remain below 10nmol/L throughout the period of desired eligibility to compete in the female category.
    • Compliance with these conditions may be monitored by testing. In the event of non-compliance, the athlete’s eligibility for female competition will be suspended for 12 months
So what exactly is the point of this circlejerking?

Perhaps you should read a few posts above where even transitioned men retain biological advantages.
So what exactly is the point of this circlejerking?

Are you not aware that there exist more sports and more sporting bodies than just the IOE? Are you unaware that these sorts of rules re: testosterone have been challenged and are still being challenged? Seemingly you're unaware of the various stories/controversies that have already occurred - for example the women's 800meters event in Rio and the intersex athletes. Apparently you're unaware that the court of arbitration for sport are still due to rule on the latest appeal re: the IAAF's latest rules.

Are you also unaware that, for example, height is a big advantage in say basketball - have you noticed perhaps that men are generally taller than women? Seemingly you think that just quoting some rules re: testosterone is all there is to the issue.

Did you consider perhaps trying to read the thread and look at the examples posted by, for example, Evangelion?
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