JohnnyG, it's pointless arguing, you're not going to convince anyone that they should wait (potentially a very long time) and risk spoilers (from a quick Google GoT airs at
exactly the same time on Sky as it does in the US, so saying you've managed to avoid spoilers for that is pretty meaningless).
It also means that you can't really talk to anyone you know (or on forums etc) about it, because they're probably watching stuff well ahead of you if it's a show with different air dates between countries.
Then there's the fact that streaming/watching TV is very inconvenient, to the point where if I couldn't download I probably wouldn't watch anything at all.
So, yes, I'll continue to download all my TV shows until someone actually releases the content I want to watch in a way that I find watchable (the same way I've stopped pirating games and music now that those industries have caught up with technology).
Lol @ Get with the times.