After a few weeks of running in old trainers, I finally managed to get to an independant running shop to sort out a proper pair of shoes, but unfortunatley my experience was far from ideal.
I popped into Up and Running in Liverpool, hoping to get some advice, probably a gait analysis and come out with some cheap, but at least well fitted, shoes. When I mentioned I was a begginner looking for some advice/analysis I was told, rather bluntly, "20quid, unless you commit to buying your shoes today". No initial conversation or advice, just a demand for 20quid before they would do anything. Now I had already noticed their shoes were rather overpriced (my wife's shoes were £40 more expensive in there, but I expected to pay more from a specialist), and had no idea if they even had any shoes in my price range at that point, so I certainly wasn't going to commit to buying something on the day without having any idea of what was available!
I can understand they probably get some people messing them about, and I'm all for supporting the specialist, but to be perfectly honest their attitude stunk, so I walked out and certainly won't be returning. If they had explained the costs with a slightly less blunt approach than "20quid unless you commit to buying today", then I'd have probably stuck around and bought something. I'd explained I was a begginner looking for some advice, but all they seemed to care about was getting some cash out of me. Very disappointing.
I've had a butchers on their website and it looks like Up and Running are quite a large franchised chain, so I think I'll see if I can find an independant place nearby that I can use instead. If the other Up and Running stores have a similar attitude to the Liverpool one, then I'd recommend shopping elsewhere.
So the long and short of it is i'm still running in my ancient old trainers, they'll have to do for now!
Edit: Sorry, forgot to say thanks for the thread, it's very enlightening for running numpties like myself