First game last night, managed to kill someone then spent the rest of the round running away from the blue line and airstrikes, then someone shot me while I was sprinting into the safe zone - came 14th. Think I need to drop in a more central location or try and find a vehicle.

Don't run from red zones, i've died once in 180 hours of gameplay in a red zone, they're very little threat. Use the noise to your advantage and get better positions while everyone else is cowering.
Don't run from red zones, i've died once in 180 hours of gameplay in a red zone, they're very little threat. Use the noise to your advantage and get better positions while everyone else is cowering.

They are a great way to get into a building undetected that you know someone is in and getting the drop on them. (Though it can happen the other way round!)
Had a fun round of solo's last night, the circle ended up at the radio tower at the top of the hill/mountain between Military and Novo. Was fun working my way up the hill to the top. That is until I ran into some guy who was camped out up there at the top shooting down on everyone though...I finished in 7th.
Don't run from red zones, i've died once in 180 hours of gameplay in a red zone, they're very little threat. Use the noise to your advantage and get better positions while everyone else is cowering.

Now that's a useful tip, I always run from them and/or take cover away from them :p
The only time I've ever been bombed in the red zone was the exact moment I said out loud to my squad "I've never been bombed in one these so far". Literally to the second.
The only time I've ever been bombed in the red zone was the exact moment I said out loud to my squad "I've never been bombed in one these so far". Literally to the second.

I fear similar might happen to me if I mention this to the people I normally play with :D
The only time I've ever been bombed in the red zone was the exact moment I said out loud to my squad "I've never been bombed in one these so far". Literally to the second.

Funnily enough, my single death was last weekend as i'm telling a squad mate not to worry as i've never been killed during a bombing run. Literally 5 seconds later, it exploded right on me :D
It can kill you inside buildings too. I saw a guy get hit on Stonemountain64's stream whilst sheltering indoors. However i think he was on the second floor and not ground so that may have been why??
Two of my team were killed by a red zone and we were indoors! The door was open and we were maybe 3 feet in the building.
Funnily enough, my single death was last weekend as i'm telling a squad mate not to worry as i've never been killed during a bombing run. Literally 5 seconds later, it exploded right on me :D
only time it happened to me, I was moving from building to building. Opened the door to leave, literally had just stepped outside and boooommmm - scared the absolute bejesus out of me! I was ******* raging too, geared to the hilt, 4 kills, in a great spot (depending on the next shrink) and getting quite low on players - can't remember the total left but I swore a lot. a whole lot!

It can kill you inside buildings too. I saw a guy get hit on Stonemountain64's stream whilst sheltering indoors. However i think he was on the second floor and not ground so that may have been why??
was he sat near a window?
only time it happened to me, I was moving from building to building. Opened the door to leave, literally had just stepped outside and boooommmm - scared the absolute bejesus out of me! I was ******* raging too, geared to the hilt, 4 kills, in a great spot (depending on the next shrink) and getting quite low on players - can't remember the total left but I swore a lot. a whole lot!

was he sat near a window?

I'm not sure as the stream was centered on SM64 and the guy was in another room. I have been in one of those barn type buildings with the large open top floors and saw the sparks of the explosion inside though. But they were far enough away not to damage me. Personally i've ran through a few and never been hit. :)

"Well look at our second monthly update early next week on the dev blog, but for now we're excited to reveal our next new weapon... the VSS!"

My understanding of VSS from other games is it's a semi automatic sniper rifle with built in silencer, if so, it's going to be an absolute game changer.
The only time I've ever been bombed in the red zone was the exact moment I said out loud to my squad "I've never been bombed in one these so far". Literally to the second.
The only time I have been killed by one was whilst in a zone and a bomb landed fairly close to me. I remembered hearing somebody say once that bombs do not hit the same spot twice, good I think and sit happy where that previous bomb hit. Yep. Boom!
My understanding of VSS from other games is it's a semi automatic sniper rifle with built in silencer, if so, it's going to be an absolute game changer.

I just hope they do it right. Specific ammo only sort of thing perhaps, same idea as the AWM.

It's difficult getting a sniper rifle and a suppressor for one, so there does need to be a substantial drawback for using the VSS.
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