I know all about if chewing through people - me! Got the drop on some dude, double tapped with my m4 (he must have been nearly dead) he ducked behind a wall. I moved forward for the kill. He popped out and just disintegrated me and my lvl 2 vest and lvl 3 helmet!

Normally I'm the one who gets killed :(.

Did have a bit of fun in apartments two rushed in dropped them both mate starts to run through the door I close it on them to reload :D.
You know you've played too much when you hear a plane go over your house and you instinctively look out the window for the supply drop.

I think they know I'm there... :D
You know you've played too much when you hear a plane go over your house and you instinctively look out the window for the supply drop.

woke up bolt upright in bed this morning cause I thought I heard a door close and someone sneaking up the stairs - think I might need a break from the game!!!
well, i'm finding the thumb stick awkward to use atm, doesn't have must surface area, apart from that its not too bad

well, i've given up using the thumb stick for movement, it just doesn't work as well as i was hoping, freeing up my fingers for everything else, that and 25 years of WASD i don't think can be changed.

changed it to lean left, lean right, jump, crouch. This feels much easier to use, still getting used to it though.
Welp, Ive been playing like an idiot for two days straight, I seem to have uindergone some kind of mental collapse. Im making every noob move possible, shooting over the heads of people ive got dead in my sights, forgetting i have a shotgun in close quarters, jumping off buildings to try and ambush people, jumping out of moving cars, pushing when i didnt have to, giving up the better position to try and flush someone out... I think I may be getting bored!
Welp, Ive been playing like an idiot for two days straight, I seem to have uindergone some kind of mental collapse. Im making every noob move possible, shooting over the heads of people ive got dead in my sights, forgetting i have a shotgun in close quarters, jumping off buildings to try and ambush people, jumping out of moving cars, pushing when i didnt have to, giving up the better position to try and flush someone out... I think I may be getting bored!

Same here. 2 2nd places last night I should have won. First one I hip fired from about 8 foot away and hit absolutely nothing, 2nd one I'm about 4 foot away, the other guy has no idea I'm there, he's even got his back to me. I think to myself, not hip firing this time - I click to ADS and insta fire. It's at that point I realise I've got my kar98 with 8x scope selected and not my scar with holo sight. It did not end well for me.
Well 3rd game of the night in Duo and smashed out a nice little Chicken Dinner for 2. You can just see the last guy dead beneath me, seems when i rushed the corner and sprayed him and won, the game decided to auto fire my entire mag at the end :D

Same here. 2 2nd places last night I should have won. First one I hip fired from about 8 foot away and hit absolutely nothing, 2nd one I'm about 4 foot away, the other guy has no idea I'm there, he's even got his back to me. I think to myself, not hip firing this time - I click to ADS and insta fire. It's at that point I realise I've got my kar98 with 8x scope selected and not my scar with holo sight. It did not end well for me.

Ha! Tell me about it. Classic yesterday, got pinned down outside a hut by number 2, but the way the circle was his tree was outside and the hut was inside. All I had to do was wait. His only chance was that i would be stupid enough to stand up and give him a shot. Of course I did, zoomed in with an 8x scope (not bothering with the reddot on my back) so it took me a couple of seconds to find him at 100 yards by which time...
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