Thats why I rolled it back as I thought it was driver problem. It is very odd, cleaned everything, uninstalled PUBG and no more problems. I ran furmark for 2 mins and the temps reached 89c but the card never revved up, played BF1 for 15 mins and no problem at all. Seems to be something PUBG is installing that is sending my card nuts.
I take all you people playing on the Asian server are aware that you will face much worse players due to a ranking in the 100,000s?

Maybe it's a mental thing but I'm ranked in the 500,000's on solo on EU and 100,000's in Asia but still find the latter easier.

As I say it might just be a perception thing or I've got unlucky on EU :p

Edit: Just got another chicken dinner, all my solo wins have been on US or AS servers lol :p
I'm enjoying this a lot as I get to play with my brother, which is nice as we live quite a distance apart. I'm useless like, but getting better each game :)
Killed a guy who was coming at me in a car and then the car ran me over :(

I one of only 2 survivors. I drove round the circle and saw my nemesis.. Drove at him and He killed me when I was about 1 meter from running him over.

Worst second place ever. If the game didn't end the second I died the car would have killed him. It's a draw damn it! Haha
Yeah playing in a different region is effectively smurfing as you are unranked, just played 1 solo in AS, won with 11 kills quite easily.
Seen a few videos here... it seems everyone's gameplay is silky smooth with nice visuals and high frames!

What's the secret?

I have a GTX 1080 with an i5 4670k @ 4.3ghz. I play the game on the lowest settings and barely hit 120 frames.

Seen a few videos here... it seems everyone's gameplay is silky smooth with nice visuals and high frames!

What's the secret?

I have a GTX 1080 with an i5 4670k @ 4.3ghz. I play the game on the lowest settings and barely hit 120 frames.


It is indeed very CPU intensive, however, don't aim for mega frames, enjoy the prettiness :)

I have a i7 4790k 4.6GHz and a 1080, average around 85fps maxed out with up to 120 in the open areas.

RAM speed helps dramatically too.

You want view distance on High or Very High to ensure the load is pushed from CPU to GPU though. Common mistake people make is having it lower than High and getting worse performance.
Yup highest graphics settings in 99% of games these days, gives you the highest fps, i only have a 780ti but play on ultra everything no problem.
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