The only reason i said buy 6th crate for 7200, was i thought DG said your points got reset each monday, if they dont, obviously keep them, if points did get reset, obviously you would buy the last 6th crate each week.

nah crate prices get keep your play through week get 4 crates then save rest till reset on mondays.
Yeh but doing that you loose the 6th crate each week, you might as well get it every week regardless if it costs you 7200, as long as you have enough credit that is.
which will be worth more in value.than the normal crates.the last event they were £2-£3 quid each at some point.i think i got about i paid for my game twice over just with them.more events will surely come.a great game that gives you money ! :D
Came back on Friday from 3 weeks holiday, finally got FPP leaderboards :D

I've been keening it the last couple days, played 14 and got 3 wins, current rank #841. Loving the new patch so far.
Not been on in over a week (thanks colitis!) but hope they have increased the player height in fpp. I'm convinced that's why was making me feel 'weird' playing that mode.
I guess I'll have to play with shadowplay a bit more. It looked ***** when I tried it, kept dropping frames :confused:.
was that streaming or recording? I agree it can be a bit odd to set up with it now being part of "Geforce Share" but it works really well.
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