Getting a bit tired of the scramble for weapons at the start now - a case of who's fastest and its getting old.
And stop putting me in the ****ing AS servers ffs grrr.
Long chute somewhere quiet or get down to a car spawn asap, works for me.
Getting a bit tired of the scramble for weapons at the start now - a case of who's fastest and its getting old.
And stop putting me in the ****ing AS servers ffs grrr.
your overclock was probably unstable. maybe try 4.4 again with different settings.
I shouldn't be punished for landing first. 50/50 chance the weapons are still spawning so I land and there is nothing. Run to the next corner, nothing. Turn back and now there is a shotgun where I just landed. That **** gets me killed sometimes.
Long chute somewhere quiet or get down to a car spawn asap, works for me.
I shouldn't be punished for landing first. 50/50 chance the weapons are still spawning so I land and there is nothing. Run to the next corner, nothing. Turn back and now there is a shotgun where I just landed. That **** gets me killed sometimes.
Cheers. Will give it a blast. Any recommended settings?
- What do you think about replacing the red zones with gas zones that gradually drains your life thus forcing players out of the zone (and make gas masks useful)?
- Regarding the blue/electric field what about making it harder to see when in it and making it slower but deal more damage (right now there is no disadvantages to camping it)?
- Can you shed some light on what you intend to do, going forward, about the optimizations on this game and especially the server performance? I'm talking about 10hz servers, massive desync and crazy frame drops even on high-end computers.
- What is the plan regarding bullet penetration? You said it's been talked about and I think it's a pretty big issue that's effecting game play in a big way. Shooting out buildings currently puts you at a MASSIVE disadvantage because of the indestructable wood beams. Same goes for chainlink fences. Why not just make these penetrable (even at 100% dmg as a quickfix)?
- Same goes for water. What are your current ideas for how to "fix" the water as to not making players immortal when below? I saw you partnered with a studio with great water psysics at Microsoft, will you adopt their technology?
- Why did you force post-processing and shadows and will we be able to toggle it off again? Even on my 1080Ti/7700k I can feel how big of a strain this puts on the game. Not to mention it looks pretty terrible with all the blurring.
- Do you have any plans to integrate ReShade-like options to increase vibrance/saturation in the game? A lot of people, including myself, enjoy using ReShare as it makes the game much more colorful and vibrant (not to mention sharper!) so why not add an (optional) toggle for these features?
- Why did you remove the jump-crouch keybind before introducing vaulting? The way I see it, that's just a major inconvenience for players and the double keybind "feature" had a lot of other useful uses - since a lot of actions are only available in certain situations (in car, under water, on foot, etc.)
His Reply:
- Not a bad idea, but right now we want to focus on getting the current system polished and complete!
- We just finished a meeting internally where we discussed changes to the Blue Zone system to make it fairer. We hope to start testing changes soon, but we have no ETA on when that might be just yet.
- We'll discuss this further in a dev blog post in the future. We are always aiming to improve performance across both client and server, but this takes time. This is a marathon for us, not a sprint, and even when we move to full release, we won't just stop development. We have a plan to continue to improve the game over the coming months, and years!
- The gunplay team has started work on penetration systems and while I don't have specific information on this just yet, we will reveal more about the system over the coming months.
- See above!
- We implemented a new shadow system that costs very little in terms of performance which is why it is now forced. The main issue is that our game is still somewhat CPU limited, and this effects higher spec systems more than low spec ones. We still have much work to do when it comes to optimisation, but as I said, we are commited to this task, even if it takes us some time to complete. And regarding PP, please remember that nothing we add is final, and we are using the Early Access period to test and get feedback on anything we add to the game.
- I'll discuss this with the Art Director and see if it is possible.
- We didn't remove the action itself. You can still jump-crouch, but now it requires a mechanical skill rather than a simple keybind. In our opinion, having a keybind for this action gave players who were aware of it a distinct advantage over those that did not.
We are working on rebalancing audio levels at the moment. We also will improve the way players spawn in so you don't have bleeding ears by the time you get onto the plane, but we just have more important issues to focus on right now. For now, you can use CTRL+M to mute the game audio.
We have new vehicles planned for the new map! As to what they are, you'll just have to wait and see!
- We are constantly working to improve our server performance.
- We are working to open more servers in new regions so this should become less of an issue in the future.
- I can tell you with certainty that all of the public cheats are detected. Those that claim otherwise are more than likely scam sites. We are also building systems that will catch even the ones that bypass any clientside anti-cheat solutions. It's an ongoing battle, but we know how important it is to provide a fair playing field for all players, and are working hard to get the game to that state!
- The current recoil system is designed to reward those with quicker reaction times. We don't want to go down the road of recoil patterns as these can be easily beaten with mouse macros.
- Like the rest of the game, custom matches are still under development and will improve going forward.
- I have no new info on this just yet.
We are currently rebalancing the audio levels and hope to push these to live servers soon. It is not just as simple as turning down certain sounds as we have to ensure all sounds are balanced. We have heard your feedback loud and clear and changes are coming!
We have been discussing the Blue Zone mechanics internally over the past few weeks and hope to start testing changes soon. No ETA as to when this might happen, but we are aware of your feedback in this regard.
This is not true ! loot is generated before the server goes live ! This is a rendering graphics issue on yourside.
Don't think I've ever seen loot spawn inlol it's not dude. Items are not spawned pre flight. I've seen streamers wait for loot to spawn when entering a new area. Considering the spec of their rigs, it's not a gfx problem.
Don't think I've ever seen loot spawn in