How does everyone aim? I move my wrist to aim, I have my DPI at 2750 with in game sensitivity of 6 for most things. Shroud and most of the people I play with all move their arm to aim, play with 400DPI and 50-55 sens in game... All those people are far better than me which makes me think I'm doing something wrong...
How does everyone aim? I move my wrist to aim, I have my DPI at 2750 with in game sensitivity of 6 for most things. Shroud and most of the people I play with all move their arm to aim, play with 400DPI and 50-55 sens in game... All those people are far better than me which makes me think I'm doing something wrong...

DPI 2750??? jesus why so high, all the top 10 players I see streaming in PUBG mostly have their DPI on 800.
DPI 2750??? jesus why so high, all the top 10 players I see streaming in PUBG mostly have their DPI on 800.
It's how I have it to move around windows, 35" is a lot of real estate to move my mouse, well I find it that way any way. Also I can click drag very quick which can help loads. Guess I will try lowering my sensitivity and giving it a bash.
It's how I have it to move around windows, 35" is a lot of real estate to move my mouse, well I find it that way any way. Also I can click drag very quick which can help loads. Guess I will try lowering my sensitivity and giving it a bash.
I find 800 myself a little too low but they seem to like it on that when they are scoped in, I personally have mine set to 1k DPI to counter my ageing reactions..
I find 800 myself a little too low but they seem to like it on that when they are scoped in, I personally have mine set to 1k DPI to counter my ageing reactions..

Ok mate cool thanks for that, I think I can set 5 presets on my mouse so I think I'll set a few up 400,600,800 and 1,000 and give it a whirl :D
I use 800dpi for pretty much everything.

Although for COD4 I drop to 400DPI when I sniping.

I haven't felt the need to adjust in game sensitivity in PUBG
Don't worry about DPI. Just set it to what's most comfortable in Windows then adjust your in game sensitivity. I use a reasonably low sensitivity, 1600 DPI and 32 in game which is about 40cm/360. Lowering your sens is the first thing you should do if you want to improve your aim.
How does everyone aim? I move my wrist to aim, I have my DPI at 2750 with in game sensitivity of 6 for most things. Shroud and most of the people I play with all move their arm to aim, play with 400DPI and 50-55 sens in game... All those people are far better than me which makes me think I'm doing something wrong...

400 dpi sensitivity i move up to 51 thats it. very easy to aim hipfire also great for long range shots.only issue can be if you get caught from behind and need to spin fast but your mouse control should be natural and no overshooting.
Got my second solo chicken dinner. Was an absolute cakewalk! Landed on military, went to the houses in the north east and looted my way round, the circle was brilliant for me and meant I could keep walking round the edge of it for safety. Let everybody kill each other and got perfect position on the last circle. The last person was utterly stupid and just ran right over a brow where I had perfect protection, short burst with the UMP and he went down. Only saw one player the whole game and he was the one I killed for the win!
no i disagree. why ? because its a 2017 game. you need a 2016/2017 gpu to play it with decent settings.that's why new gpus come out every year. gta 5 came out in 2013. you have to keep upto date. cant say un-optimized when you run on older gear.

1070 gtx is the modern 1080 with all ultra gpu.thats what its for and it does it fine in pubg. so the game for what it does actually is fine. my settings at 1080 with a 1070gtx in one rig is lowest 80 fps , avg 120 fps , max 144 fps. thats more than fine for a new game.of this year.

sorry but that is complete rubbish. GTA 5 still doesn't run well on a 2017 GPU it's a poorly optimised game. this game runs like crap and your forced to use BRUTE FORCE to get decent FPS.

i switched from a 2500K @ 4.4 ghz to a 7600K @ stock (8 years newer CPU) and tbh it made very little difference.

if you have a decent 4 thread cpu then your okay. GPU matters most. using a 1080 with a 2500k vs a 7700k will maybe hinder you a bit but not a lot. this game is just bad when it comes to performance simple as that. even if you have a £10K pc it still won't run @ 144hz all the time
So basically I have a I7 7700K 16 gig of DDR 4 Ram a 1080 and a M2 drive that blows my socks off and I have to expect only 70fps from a game because it's new not because it's poorly optimised but I can run a much more graphically intensive game from last year at at ultra settings and get 120fps plus.... Feel sorry for people with normal machines.

It's not common sense when your talking complete nonsense.

this is spot on. you have similar system to me also. 7600k, 1080, nvme m2 ssd, 24GB of DDR4. game still runs like poo
The optimisation will come ladies and gents.. if you played the game about 2 months ago they have come on leaps and bounds. Give them time - it's still early access ;)
people dont read.. they come on here and whine.. game developers have already said they are redoing all the gun mechanics and making the game a lot more responsive + vaulting + optimization. game is still early access yet people demand it to be a triple A game.

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