Probably because it's unoptimised, the developers themselves acknowledge this.

Despite it being a '2017 game' let's be honest it's hardly a fantastic looking game, even at ultra everything @ 1440p it doesn't look great.
Other than the melting buildings at distance I think the game looks beautiful personally.
Obviously beauty is subjective, looks pretty average to me.

Perhaps my settings are borked.... reading up online seems post processing can make it look gash? I'll have to play with it.
Obviously beauty is subjective, looks pretty average to me.

Perhaps my settings are borked.... reading up online seems post processing can make it look gash? I'll have to play with it.
You don't have a choice on post processing at the moment it's high by default you can only set it higher. You can remove dof which makes it look a lot nicer but it has to be done via editing the INIs. Still no clear answer on whether it's bannable or not.

Reshade makes a hell of a difference(or nvidia vibrance setting).
I'll check all that out, cheers.

Graphics aside, great game though, I can't recall a game that builds the suspense and pressure like this does!
You don't have a choice on post processing at the moment it's high by default you can only set it higher. You can remove dof which makes it look a lot nicer but it has to be done via editing the INIs. Still no clear answer on whether it's bannable or not.

Reshade makes a hell of a difference(or nvidia vibrance setting).

I'm a computer/gpu pleb but could you expand on the nvidia vibrance thing please?
I'm a computer/gpu pleb but could you expand on the nvidia vibrance thing please?

Open nvidia control panel(right click desktop) then "Adjust desktop colour settings" There's a "Digital vibrance" setting at the bottom. It's not as adjustable as reshade by far and will force the same profile on desktop usage(there is a hotkey for it somewhere but can't find it at the moment).

Basically it just over saturates the default colours, looks much nicer but is a pain for desktop usage in my opinion.

Edit: Looks like this does it automatically for you when you quit the game.

Never used it so can't vouch for it.
Sounds similar to the mods you could make to the colour filters in Red Orchestra/Rising Storm...sweet FX was it? Made the colours more vibrant and whilst you might not see enemies or "stuff" any clearer, it did...look clearer...if that makes any sense?
Looks like a half life 2 mod on the source engine to me, nothing special at all, mind you, like others say, its not about the graphics always, and it shines in the gameplay.
Sounds similar to the mods you could make to the colour filters in Red Orchestra/Rising Storm...sweet FX was it? Made the colours more vibrant and whilst you might not see enemies or "stuff" any clearer, it did...look clearer...if that makes any sense?

It is the same thing. Reshade is just another version of sweetfx afaik. Digital Vibrance is just doing it at the driver level.

It does make the game much clearer. Colours aren't washed out it's actually much better looking in my opinion.

I'll dig through my history see if I can find the YouTube video I used for setting it up/settings if you want to give it a go. Reshade that is.
Fwiw I get decent performance on a 1080ti 5930k @4.6 1440p. My cpu has similar ipc to a 2600k just more cores and threads. I don't think you need a 2017 cpu to run the game well but it hasnt been fully optimised yet and is still early access.
I was just in final circle last ten and heard shots so skirted circle in that direction, came to a buggy and stopped myself from shooting an obviously bugged out dead driver who's head was flapping about like they do, so as not to draw attention. So start heading inner circle and hunting the killer. After a few steps, something makes me turn to see buggy guy, now crouched by the front wheel of his buggy and take me out. Sneaky *******, that is a good one if he had the balls to feign that.
I need to stop being so trigger happy in the later circles.

Down to 14 left, on the little island north of the ruins looking North. See a guy to my south east but can't get a shot, then knowing shoot at guy on the shooting range side of the map in front of me and get mowed down by the guy to my south with an AKM
The game hardly looks beautiful but it's not bad.

The game is absolutely not optimised in anyway shape or form but they've obviously nailing the gameplay first I'm sure more eye candy and optimisation to come

That's part of the fun and excitement of this game for me... it's so early and been so sucessful there will be so much more to come.

I honestly can't stop thinking how player unknown etc must be absoloutely rolling in it. 10 million copies or whatever sold at 20 quid a pop. For what is essentially a very simple format and a game with only one map so far. Genius

They've genuinely tapped into some seriously fun gameplay that everyone can relate to and love.

The thought of being alone and doing whatever to survive :D
Anyone else really struggle to jump over seemingly low walls and fences? Usually takes me a couple of goes or I give up and run around it :/. Or am I just a ****?
Anyone else really struggle to jump over seemingly low walls and fences? Usually takes me a couple of goes or I give up and run around it :/. Or am I just a ****?
Yep, it can be annoying. I believe that they are bringing in wall-vaulting at some point in the future, so that should make it better.
Yea the walls things is super irritating, I've stopped even trying cause I know I'll just get caught out and shot whilst I'm continuously failing to jump over a 2 foot wall.
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