its a decent cpu but not recent .there is your came out in 2011.

think of it pairing a 2017 gpu with a 2011 cpu.get a more modern cpu watch your performance fly.
Dg you're rather oversimplifying things! It's not just a case of not 2017 hardware = crap performance! By that logic, or lack thereof, I could by a POS 2017 GPU and CPU and expect that to out perform premium 2016 and prior hardware.
The game isn't particularly well optimised, make sure shadows are as low as possible (very low?) they seem to have a massive impact on the frame rate.

Ryzen1600 and a 1070 and shadows even on low make a big difference to my fps. Neither GPU or CPU remotely close to 100% usage.
you have to balance a system.what i said is true.have one of the best gpus with a older cpu.there is your lies.would the gpu not work better with a more modern cpu ? yes !

you dont have to agree.its just the blunt truth. you will get nice boost in performance with a newer cpu. cant complain about optimization of a new item when you on older gear. see it so often. people rocking 2011/12 pc gear yet expect to max out play floor less on brand new games.we have to be need modern gear to play modern games.

if you not going to run modern gear for modern games expect performance drops or less than stellar performance.

you want a modern i7 and a 1070 gtx or above to play this well and good performance all the time.

Mcbain low shadow to ultra = 20 percent performance difference.
As far as performance goes, I never record my fps, don't care. I just tweak it a bit until its smooth, I have a modern i7 at 4.5 GHz and 1070 and I only turn down a couple of things from Ultra to High and it plays absolutely fine. Sure it might not be the most efficient, but I really don't care when I'm having fun playing a game.
I'm coping just fine with with a 660ti and ryzen 1700.

Only medium across the board on graphics settings at 1080p but I'm really not that bothered
I'm interested in seeing your performance etc. DG so I went on your linked YouTube channel dgeesiogaming, but it goes to someone called ronMctube TheHunter - is that you?

ive told you my performance from actual timed benchmarks. 80 min 120 avg 144 max. thats at 1080 all low texture ultra view distance ultra.

yes im ronMctube.i have two channels :p
i don't video point. its covered more than enough by bigger streamers youtubers.i have recorded whole games though.

i dont get why you getting salty about true performance and what ive said. the most common thing you see in pubg is " its un-optimized " then you ask " what spec pc you got ? " oh its from 2011. it should be good enough. the simple truth.

the thing is so many people cant just see the common sense in what i just put so debate about a 2017 game because their old pc doesn't perform like a new one. it baffles me.really does.its not hard to work out.pubg wont be super optimized for old gear because its a new game. so that means buy newer gear. its not rocket science.
So basically I have a I7 7700K 16 gig of DDR 4 Ram a 1080 and a M2 drive that blows my socks off and I have to expect only 70fps from a game because it's new not because it's poorly optimised but I can run a much more graphically intensive game from last year at at ultra settings and get 120fps plus.... Feel sorry for people with normal machines.

It's not common sense when your talking complete nonsense.
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So basically I have a I7 7700K 16 gig of DDR 4 Ram a 1080 and a M2 drive that blows my socks off and I have to expect only 70fps from a game because it's new not because it's poorly optimised but I can run a much more graphically intensive game from last year at at ultra settings and get 120fps plus.... Feel sorry for people with normal machines.

It's not common sense when your talking complete nonsense.
Ahh but yours is only 7th gen you need an 8th gen to run it properly... I don't get why people don't understand this. Unless you're willing to pay £1k per year for a new cpu you may as well buy a console pleb.
just for you . this is the problem when people spout nonsense.the video shows 1080 res ultra settings. people may think im a **** but when you gunna come with a argument state truth not bs. 1080 and decent cpu mostly gets close to 100 -120 fps on ultra.with a decent cpu.

so for solid 60 fps or above you want a 1070 gtx at 1080 and a modern cpu.thats at ultra knock a few settings down and youll have 100 fps solid.thats with a 1070gtx which isnt a top end card.

i dont get why you getting salty about true performance and what ive said. the most common thing you see in pubg is " its un-optimized ".

Probably because it's unoptimised, the developers themselves acknowledge this.

Despite it being a '2017 game' let's be honest it's hardly a fantastic looking game, even at ultra everything @ 1440p it doesn't look great.
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