Worst thing for me is the desync. Some matches are ridiculous as you try to shoot a warping player, especially in the first 5 minutes or so before it settles down. Devs are looking at it, but a fix wont be coming soon. Quite frankly I cant wait until they sort out custom servers and I can play on some in the UK, im sure im looking at some players with 300ms + as well. To be expected I suppose.

Game is still enormous fun, probably the most addicted ive been since the original CS and WoW. Absolutely loving it but despite a number of 2nd places where i constantly die outside the circle - and one where I was the only one in the circle, go figure - still no chicken dinner. I have far too much fun running the periphery than getting to the center and waiting till the final 15.
Played Solo for the first time in a while as I only play Squads/Duos with friends. Came away winning with 13 kills and just under 1300 points. I'll retire my solo career on that :D
GG's to all I played with today. Don't think I pulled off a single kill in a team game, several in solo where my performance matters to nobody :rolleyes:

Never mind, onwards and upwards. I'll probably be on most of tomorrow and Monday if anyone wants some dead weight to lug around?
GG's to all I played with today. Don't think I pulled off a single kill in a team game, several in solo where my performance matters to nobody :rolleyes:

Never mind, onwards and upwards. I'll probably be on most of tomorrow and Monday if anyone wants some dead weight to lug around?

Wouldn't worry about not getting kills. It's to have fun after all :).

Besides they're used to carrying me around :D.

I think I peaked with an 11 AFK kill streak, I was legitimately AFK though so I think I can be let off for capitalising on the moment :D.
Im on a massive run of bad luck in the game at the moment, luck is everything in this game. More about luck than anything else. Last half dozen games I'm on a run of landing near someone else, not finding a gun and them finding a M16 or shotgun straight away, or being in 2 buildings near the end and the circle going to the building they are in rather than my building. Run of bad luck has got to end soon but its a rough frustrating ride while its running :)
Well i often hear people in games across all genres shouting aloud "Allahu Akbar". However today someone in PUBG has taken the bacon for effort.

He held that for a good 15 seconds.
The hit registration in this game is awful.. it's a shame because the mechanics and potential are there. Anyone else feel it takes like 4-5 rounds to kill someone but it feels like you are getting one banged?
The hit registration in this game is awful.. it's a shame because the mechanics and potential are there. Anyone else feel it takes like 4-5 rounds to kill someone but it feels like you are getting one banged?

A lot of that depends on gear people have picked up. Start of game it's super easy to 1 shot folk especially with a big boomer like a shotty. Although it really does frustrate me when you headshot someone 6 times with a pistol and they turn around and 1 hit you with something else. Certainly needs some balancing.
The hit registration in this game is awful.. it's a shame because the mechanics and potential are there. Anyone else feel it takes like 4-5 rounds to kill someone but it feels like you are getting one banged?

I record a lot of my deaths in game to see what I could have done better and I noticed this a lot - its the ******* desync IMHO. In some cases when you receive a lot of shots (generally fired as a burst or in quick succession) the server delivers them to you in one super quick series of bangs, so it sounds like you died to one or two shots. That isnt taking anything away from the gear you are wearing, obviously that makes a difference, but in tight up close quarters stuff that sometimes happens.

Having said all that, they do have to work on netcode and hit reg, theres some silly moments where people warp behind you - I think in some cases people are connecting with massive pings which is a bugger in tight cqb like Pochinski but to your advantage once youre out in the open.
I always figured the AFKs were farming points to get boxes and sell them on steam, must be a low IRR but whatever.

Hit detection has gone to into the toilet over the last week or so, the amount of games where I have 0 points for damage even though I see clouds of blood coming off the guy ive been fighting is very high now and just now I shot gunned a guy 3 times and did 0 points of damage.

Starting to get annoying actually.
yeah the EU servers are struggling to hit 33 tick, with 100 player servers im not sure if thats good or what they should even be aiming for? The hit registration is poor, got multiple blood clouds from a Kar98k at medium range but apparently a quick 180 spin and a burst of UMPcan kill me faster.
Had a great game should have won earlier.

Duo game - landed and snagged M4 and 30 rounds, some guy nicked the buggy we were going for. Found a car and chased after them as we knew they had no guns. Poor sods missed the bridge, crashed into the river and easy pickings for us to start.

Anyway - ended up with silenced M4 x 4 scope plus SKs x8. Down to last 7 people, lovely position on the high ground when loads of time passed and someone was camping inside the blue and got us both. Now the blue must have been covering him for at least 35/40 seconds and he must have been popping painkillers/redbulls to stay in there the whole time. 4 kills each for me and my teammate but alas - no chicken dinner.
Yea they should disable your weapon when you're in the blue zone. Too many ******* with no interest in winning just trying to get kills from the BZ especially when down to last 15 or so players.

Edit: swear filter fail!
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