Playing Half Life 2 for the first time

2017 is the year of HL3, you heard it here first.

For Left 4 Dead 3 to come out, HL3 needs to come out first. New Source engine needs a showcase title.
A great game but I remember some parts of it gave me motion sickness which rarely happens to me
'Attention! Ground Protection Team'


Still looks great today, especially when FakeFactory modded, i use v11, seems about the best one to me, and it runs bloody great too :cool:
Bought Black Mesa in the christmas sales, didn't realise it was a HL1 remake, it just looked good! been playing through it, currently on chapter 6 and enjoying it so far, having never played the HL games before, I might have to give HL2 a go after.
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am i right in thinking you have to have hl2 and episode 1 and 2 for the cinematic mod?
You can use Cinematic Mods versions 1 and 2 with just HL2.

Versions 3 and 4 need EP1, and 5+ needs EP2 also.

cool thanks, I'm going to go look for version 2 now then :)

EDIT; I cant find version 2 of the mod, it seems its no longer available :( ahh well I guess I can download the half life 2 update from steam still though, is anyone else using the update mod from steam? and would you say its worth downloading?

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Struggling with the controls to move of / jump of ladders - any tips/advice?

Not really, it isn't very user friendly. Also be very careful in lifts, pretty sure you can get stuck my moving/jumping in the wrong way. Or maybe that's the original halflife I'm thinking of.
ummm I'm having a little problem lol I cant get it to work? I have done everything in the readme txt, do I need to install sdk and sdk 2006 plus sdk 2007 for it to work? it dosnt mention it in the readme but I have seen you need them for other versions.

please help!
2017 is the year of HL3, you heard it here first.

For Left 4 Dead 3 to come out, HL3 needs to come out first. New Source engine needs a showcase title.

Can you imagine if Valve announced HL3, L4D3 and Portal 3 all at once......
no amount of pants would be able to contain my man soil..:D
well I downloaded the 3 sdk things from steam and still get an error on launch :( window pops up and says " error cant find background image" with a few other things, doing my nut in lol

EDIT; all sorted now, it was a steampipe issue or something, I did a quick google and found a fix, now to see if it looks any better with this mod :)
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I started a full play through end of last year (I've got Episodes 1/2 to play next) but after completing Half Life 2 for the first time (I never had a PC to play it on before this and even though I was a huge Half Life fan gave up on it on the 360 as it didn't feel right) but man I really do not feel the game lives up to Half Life 1 at all.

It was enjoyable don't get me wrong, but it just didn't seem to me to have the same feel as Half Life, whether that's because I was extremely late to the party with it I will never know, but I didn't really enjoy the overly long vehicle sections at all they were boring and outstayed their welcome, I can appreciate why they are there but they out stayed their welcome for sure.

I guess I am a third of the way through really and now need to enter the world of Episode 1 and 2 (which I have never played before) then I guess I will be on the same page as the rest of humanity and waiting in desperation for that announcement, but maybe I wont have to wait as long as everyone else?

I will.
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