***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

Best PS Vita deal at the moment? struggling to find any decent ones.

Also I guess with Playstation Plus it's not really necessary to buy the games unless there is a title your desperate for?

Seems like they offer very good titles every month.

I presume more titles have been announced too right? I remember seeing something around e3 time about 90 or something being announced.

Rather not spend over 180 for it though unless there is plenty involved.. that mega pack deal is good but too pricey.

Get the mega pack from one online retailer (26 quid!)

Buy the vita separately with Soul Sacrifice for £150 :) (high street store)

£176 all in and 11 games! :)
The games are yours only while you are subbed to PS+

So the main question is boys and girls...

I've got £8 in my PSN wallet. What game should i buy!? It doesn't have to be £8 though, any price. It can be ps1. psp or vita. I'm a little tempted by the Motostorm rc game, that looks alright, i've heard wipeout is good and its already been on ps+ so i dont think it'll be back on.

Save it and buy Hotline Miami tomorrow.


Retro City Rampage.
The games are yours only while you are subbed to PS+

So the main question is boys and girls...

I've got £8 in my PSN wallet. What game should i buy!? It doesn't have to be £8 though, any price. It can be ps1. psp or vita. I'm a little tempted by the Motostorm rc game, that looks alright, i've heard wipeout is good and its already been on ps+ so i dont think it'll be back on.

I got Midnight Club L.A. Remix for £8 on the PSN and it is the best racing game for the psp I've seen. I highly recommend it.
I lost about 10h of my life to this game and I would be losing more too except I. Am super stuck on a boss fight, gah. That is impressive considering how much I dislike j-anything games.

Does anyone know how long the psn will be down for?
What size memory card is everyone using ? I've only got a 4gb at the moment...
I like the idea of playing psone and psp games on the vita I didn't know that these could play these !
How large are these games to download ?
Also are a lot of vita users using ps plus seems good value for money apart from I will need a bigger memory card for sure ?? :p
I might have found a nice trick. I wanted to play tomb raider anniversay on my vita but it isn't available from the vita's ps store. However it seems available on a desktop browser and psp versions of the ps store. So I bought it for my psp and cancelled the download. Fired up my vita, checked recent downloads, Nd there it was :) it's a really good game too!
What size memory card is everyone using ? I've only got a 4gb at the moment...
I like the idea of playing psone and psp games on the vita I didn't know that these could play these !
How large are these games to download ?
Also are a lot of vita users using ps plus seems good value for money apart from I will need a bigger memory card for sure ?? :p

I've got 16gb. It works well for 4 vita games and 4 psp games. I also have a card game in my vita too so I have quite a lot of choice at any one time! Psp games are 500mb to 1.3gb or so. The AAA vita games like uncharted and Assassins Mediocrity are about 3.2GB. 16 is just enough space but I'd go for 32 if it's worth it to you.
What size memory card is everyone using ? I've only got a 4gb at the moment...
I like the idea of playing psone and psp games on the vita I didn't know that these could play these !
How large are these games to download ?
Also are a lot of vita users using ps plus seems good value for money apart from I will need a bigger memory card for sure ?? :p

32gb and thats full with about 5 or 6 games aside that i've had to delete.

Thats almost all filled up with PS+ Stuff thats came out since it started on vita, other than about 4 or 5 games I have bought.
Having never gone through the jak and daxter series, I'm enjoying that on my vita atm. Completed the first game (nearly platinum'd too, just didnt do some silly touchscreen trophies which I now have to play through again to do >.>), second one is pretty cool so far, just dislike travelling through the city. It's a pretty terrible design.
Still waiting for Sony to release bigger memory cards, maxed my 32GB (Went a bit gung-ho on digital downloads) a few months after launch day, been juggling games ever since but getting fed up of it! ;p
Still waiting for Sony to release bigger memory cards, maxed my 32GB (Went a bit gung-ho on digital downloads) a few months after launch day, been juggling games ever since but getting fed up of it! ;p

I found the 32GB so pointless that I've sold it for £50 (same as what I paid a year ago) and I'm just picking up a 4GB card for <£10.

End of the day, I only need 1-2 games at any one time and @ 32GB I can only put on 50% of my games so I figured it's a waste of time.

It takes about 15 minutes to download a 3GB game due to the terribly slow connection on the Vita (although still miles better than PS3 thankfully) but even so 15 minutes is not too bad.

So I'm now just having 1 card game at any time, plus a PS1 game and 1 PSN Vita game. My last 6 months of Vita gaming has brought me to this conclusion.

Disgaea 3 (50 hours), Persona 4 (80 hours), Soul Sacrifice (60 hours). I prefer to invest all my time in 1 game then move on.

Nothing in sight for my next game though....
Its hardly pointless though is it? I want bigger than 32 but its enough to keep me entertained on a two week holiday and saves hassle of switching around even if i cant have everything.
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