Is it worth picking up a Vita? the only game I'd want for it so far is FFX/X2 and MGS HD collection.
I would say definitely, they are fantastic.
I have more games than I can remember (thanks to ps+), but other games I would recommend include:
Persona4 golden (jrpg)
Rayman (looks amazing on the vita and is arguably the definitive version along with wii u as the game was designed with some touch control elements)
Hotline miami (for some reason the game seems even better on the vita)
Killzone (i have not played yet but it supposed to be great)
I think I am correct in saying the vita plays all the psp games as well, so there is quite a library to work through.
To summarise the vita strengths are it has decent controls and a fantastic screen. Software strengths:
Great for jrpgs
Some decent exclusives (Uncharted, Tearaway, gravity rush. wipout 2048, killzone mercenary, soul sacrifice)
Great for indie games: Hotline miami, spelunky, limbo, fez, guacamalee etc. Many of these just seem more suited to playing on a handheld
Some decent cross platform games; walking dead, sonic all star racing transformed, metal gear hd, borderlands 2 is coming soon
i am sure others in this thread could fill it in more, i have just gone through the games i own for the above