Is it worth picking up a Vita? the only game I'd want for it so far is FFX/X2 and MGS HD collection.
Does anyone know anywhere in the UK that sells the PDP Trigger grips?
My downloads keep pausing when the console goes to sleep. I think it goes to sleep maybe 15 mins after the display turns off. Is there a way I can keep downloads downloading without having to wake it up every 15 mins or so?
My downloads keep pausing when the console goes to sleep. I think it goes to sleep maybe 15 mins after the display turns off. Is there a way I can keep downloads downloading without having to wake it up every 15 mins or so?
Whats the game everyone goes back to on the vita then?
been picking mine up for quick bursts lately, really want something to sink my teeth into! did have P4G, was amazing but burned out on it
also the MGS collection is on sale on the store, kind of tempted by this
also whats Terraria like? i have it on pc as it was dirt cheap once but never gave it much time. seems like a decent handheld game? is there an actual aim or is it just a building game?
I didn't quite get the point of Terraria.
I'd suggest getting Fez and Hotline Miami. The later you can pick p and play in bursts, if you can bring yourself to put it down after a while and not just 'one more go' lol
MGS collection is a very good port imo
Thanks, looks like its virtually impossible to find that in stock anywhere now. Looks like the 'assist' grip is the most similar to that.
Just got one of them and it's very comfortable. I had a hori grip before which was OK, but the clip snapped off in my bag and the grips weren't as comfy as the assist.
Where from mate?
Where from mate?
I have the above and it feels really comfortable in the hands.
There's a fair few on eBay from Japan, it cost me a bit under £18 I think - just search for vita assist grip.
Dead Nation is being released for this tomorrow , cross buy with the PS3 version. Hopefully that means that anyone who claimed this as their free game after the PSN hacking fiasco get this for free as well.
Hope this works
Ah yeah, seen them on there, can't find a black one though. How long did the delivery take and did you get hit with customs charges? Any chance you can link me to the seller?