**** Please enable 2FA on your OcUK forum account ****

Too late now - but should I have archived the seed QR code or the text key ?

having just scanned arstechnica article, that seems to be a common thing, otherwise I am consigned to Authy forever, which has encrypted it (irreversibly),
I suppose there is a last resort, recovery process with a new seed code blessed by OC, if it came to it.

Go to https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/account/two-step
Enter your password
Manage backup codes

If you really want, you can store these codes in a secure place (like a password manager) so that if you get locked out you can login with a backup code.

What apps does this 2fa support ?

Most password managers, Google authenticator, Authy.... take your pick really.
Being told you had to to continue using the forums was extreme. Encouraging would have been better if at all necessary, hopefully its not an overreaction to a few accounts being accessed.


People really will complain about anything...
people dont like change. Thats what itis all about.
I think the issue is more at the frequency. If it was say every 3 months, I'm sure many would have no issue with that.

Every month feels excessive. Are ocuk doing every 30 days out of choice or more because that frequency is all that the software allows? If its because that's all the software allows, then it shows that ocuk would rather have longer too, they just accept it as they are the ones that have to deal with the issues so see the immediate benefit, where as most here won't, until they get scammed of course
I think the issue is more at the frequency. If it was say every 3 months, I'm sure many would have no issue with that.

Every month feels excessive. Are ocuk doing every 30 days out of choice or more because that frequency is all that the software allows? If its because that's all the software allows, then it shows that ocuk would rather have longer too, they just accept it as they are the ones that have to deal with the issues so see the immediate benefit, where as most here won't, until they get scammed of course
I already answered this for you yesterday.
I think the issue is more at the frequency. If it was say every 3 months, I'm sure many would have no issue with that.

Every month feels excessive. Are ocuk doing every 30 days out of choice or more because that frequency is all that the software allows? If its because that's all the software allows, then it shows that ocuk would rather have longer too, they just accept it as they are the ones that have to deal with the issues so see the immediate benefit, where as most here won't, until they get scammed of course
The moderating team (and shop staff) have been required to use 2FA since the switch to Xenforo (2016). If there was a way to extend the 30 days I'm sure it would have been explored.
It’s really not hard to do.

Most decent websites / services offer 2FA and it is the easiest way to prevent unauthorised activities in the event that someone gets your password, regardless of how complex it is.

Most password managers (1Password, lastpass etc) can auto fill 2FA/OTP codes directly in the browser, so I’d suggest that if you’re finding it too difficult to grab a phone to generate a number then you’re probably better off looking at installing a password manager with a browser extension.

Hell, the 1Password extension on Edge auto fills the username and password AND then the 2FA code when the browser directs to the second page. It’s one click of a mouse and that’s on my awful work laptop :p

Good to know that, but I prefer to separate devices required to login so if a device is compromised they only have half the key.
I think the issue is more at the frequency. If it was say every 3 months, I'm sure many would have no issue with that.

Every month feels excessive.

Oh noes, we have to do an extra step that takes bare seconds once a month to get onto the forums! However shall we cope? :p:cry:
I don't get the argument why 90 days is better than 30 days. It should be remember me forever to avoid any unnecessary re-authentication.
As I said on my earlier post I opted for email.
Came on this morning and opened up OCUK (I have ticked keep me logged in) and there was a box asking for securty number - Looked at my emails and sure enough there was one from OC - put number in and was on - What did it take 5-10 sec at most - So I am happy with that. - Have to wait till I come on again tomorrow to see if it's a daily job.
2FA for a forum is beyond a joke....
I've already had to use a code twice and I was forced to turn it on less than 24hours ago.

if I keep getting asked for codes when this comp is supposed to be authorised for 30days I will probably just end up not logging in and not coming back.

it's a forum acount not a financial institution it's only a inconvenience if you get hacked....

just disable trust for people who don't want 2fa surely? and don't let them in the members market

why do I get punished for the people who use the same password everywhere? maybe we should put people inside plastic balls in rl to protect the morons from harm

You know when it's so hard to get your cusomers to use a forum in this era why would you do this? it pretty much kills any growth of the forum surely? once all us long timers are gone no one will be here.

the kids of today don't use these places as it is

people dont like change. Thats what itis all about.

it's not positive change.... it's change to protect a few idiots that use the same password everywhere.

why protect people from their own IQ/lazyness? they need a life lesson

should we all live in a padded cell because a minority of the population are a danger to themselves?
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You not read why they implimented 2FA? It's not just because it's a forum. It's because people have access to the MM, which transactions can take place.
yes and I said
" just disable trust for people who don't want 2fa surely? and don't let them in the members market"
Hilariously even a site like Vanguard doesn't have 2FA, and always remembers log in.
Still, I doubt the decision here will change, so like it or lump it. I've only had to log in once here, when I first did it on the app. Once every 30 days isn't too bad, although it means I have to go and turn my phone on to do it.
I'm sure it would soon get wearing though if I had to do it every time I logged on, as seems to be happening to some people.
yes and I said
" just disable trust for people who don't want 2fa surely? and don't let them in the members market"
That was looked in to and it can't be done.

I'll say it again though... if you use a password manager you won't need to muck about with your phone. It'll generate the number every 30s in the browser extension which makes logging in as simple as one click.

It's made me realise how many people must be using memorable passwords.
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