Plusnet Discussion Thread

Argh - was just considering Plusnet as a potential move (please don't ask how the Vodafone taking on my connection on November 1st went).
Now it's looking like going back to BT with their crazy prices :(
They do seem to be going through a bad patch at the minute for whatever reason. Sky and Virgin don't offer fibre yet so I'm stuck with these or BT either way.

Will give them the benefit of the doubt for now and will see if I get my estimated speeds. If not I'll be looking to activate my cooling off period which I've been told I can.

Mine's a new build property which may explain part of the hold up but still 3 weeks is a long time for me to have waited so far.

Generally, although there are a few exceptions, if plus net and BT can offer Fibre I'd expect other providers to be able to offer it too?
Generally, although there are a few exceptions, if plus net and BT can offer Fibre I'd expect other providers to be able to offer it too?

They can, just not same speed. Sky are 'best' of the rest at 40mb max. Virgin speeds were pretty rubbish from what I remember.
Well had BT guy out this morning and had fibre connected and line tested etc. Looks like I'll be getting 80/20 which is great. Slight stumbling block in that I still haven't received my router through the post so off I go to sit in a queue again to get it sorted.

Well router arrived in post this morning and above is the speed test. Slightly lower than the estimated 80/20 but guess it will take a day or so to settle down. Either way I'm quite happy with the speed.

Put in spolier in case image is huge as couldn't find a resize option on the imggur app.

Well router arrived in post this morning and above is the speed test. Slightly lower than the estimated 80/20 but guess it will take a day or so to settle down. Either way I'm quite happy with the speed.

Put in spolier in case image is huge as couldn't find a resize option on the imggur app.
lol, that is exactly what I'm 'capped' to on PN. I'm sure their network is not allowing the full 80/20.

Whats your IP profile?

Do the further diagnostics after them speed test. If you know what gateway your on too that would be handy.
I get the full 80/20 with plusnet, I have never seen it drop under 73-75 even during peak times.


I'm on the new network using gateway pcn-ir01, ip profile is 77.35 Mbps (it was 77.40 Mbps before G.INP was enabled on my line)
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Well had BT guy out this morning and had fibre connected and line tested etc. Looks like I'll be getting 80/20 which is great. Slight stumbling block in that I still haven't received my router through the post so off I go to sit in a queue again to get it sorted.

I should be getting the OR engineer visit tomorrow morning and hopefully my problems will be sorted out.

Our house is a combination of "GPO" era boxes and such so it's no wonder the fibre cannot keep up and we had coped with it for so long.

Funny thing was how the connection was actually very stable during the first few months, where it was synced at 50/18. Then it gradually got worse, especially as soon as Plusnet had all it's issues in the past few months.

Will definitely expect some costs, what with needing a new box/line or moving the master socket etc.
lol, that is exactly what I'm 'capped' to on PN. I'm sure their network is not allowing the full 80/20.

Whats your IP profile?

Do the further diagnostics after them speed test. If you know what gateway your on too that would be handy.

I'll need a browser that supports flash to run that speed test. I'll have a look at one ones support flash as chrome mobile doesn't.

How do I check gateway? Will it be in router config?
Had the nice engineer bloke visit earlier in the day and he updated the socket where the router is connected to become the master one, and also removed all the junk from the GPO box that was next to it. That ancient relic was easily cause of a lot of problems on my end.

Whilst still connected to the same old wire, I noticed my max sync speeds on the router's stats page were 92/22 :eek: . Before I could only achieve 50/18 until all the issues from the past few weeks to months causing it to drop to 36/16. :mad:

Tomorrow morning, that line + the rest of it's archaic mess in the attic will be obsolete as the engineer still needs to get more work done fitting the new line to the drop wire. :D

Still, it's amazing what difference a new master socket could do for for the crappy old one, which I'm still on for now. I pray the new should be better. :p
Very happy Plusnet FTTC customer here. Have been with them for over 12 months now, stable and fast with awesome pings.

I use the Openreach modem with an Ubiquiti Edgerouter Lite.
Well the engineer finished up the work today, connecting the new line from the pole, drop line etc, and initial tests and such from the router are showing I am connected at pretty much the full speed. Current Rate is 79987/20000. The Max Rate though is 91213/26896 ...... ahhh if only! :p

Will have to sit through the next 2 days or so for the usual stability phase. BT Wholesale test is showing my real speeds at the moment is still 36/16-ish Mb, but at least the IP Profile is now recognised at 77Mb, so only a matter of time before it all sets in and gets finalised.

Awesome job the OR engineer! He was very determined to get it all running and up to spec in the dank cold and wet weather these past two mornings. ;)
Will have to sit through the next 2 days or so for the usual stability phase. BT Wholesale test is showing my real speeds at the moment is still 36/16-ish Mb, but at least the IP Profile is now recognised at 77Mb, so only a matter of time before it all sets in and gets finalised.

This isn't normal. Run or thinkbroadband's speed test on a wired device (not powerline).
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